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Tales of Faerun


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Olivia twisted and turned the dagger on all angle's, examining it from top to bottom. It was quite an odd way for a dagger to be made, but it was probably made that way for a reason. As she was finished fiddling with dagger, she heard a small... bumping noise. Olivia looked around to find the source of the noise, however, She sighed as she laid the dagger next to Rhanie. Yet again, another bumping noise. Olivia tightly gripped Loyalty's grip, ready for intruders. But again, the sounds stopped.


She looked at the dagger again, she thought that it was a crazy idea, but Olivia tried anyway. She picked up the dagger and held it next to her ear, and shook lightly. The bumping noise was much louder this time, it was definitely the dagger. "What's in the handle?" Olivia asked.

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Byron drifted over. "Wha does ye hear, lass? I keeps seein ye wave the dagger near yer ear."


Caladus had finally gotten Shaori sorted out, and he wandered off to stretch his legs.


Shaori followed as she wanted to apologize again.


Saerileth looked up at her mother, a fierce look in her eye, "All is forgiven, mother. However, thou shouldst not disrupt my training. Focus on real foes. Next time thou intervenes, I slash at you instead." Her eyes were fierce, but she had a mischievous smile on her face.

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Rhaine took the dagger and looked at it, brow furrowed. Experimentally, she twisted the pommel, and it came loose. There, in the hollow hilt, was a tiny scroll casing.
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"That art up to the party leader, Rhaine. She tells where to go and where not to. The one you went after, She art kind and fair, and trying to stop a cult who art sending undead minions to attack." Saerileth says, taking her mother"s hand, and trying to pull her over towards the fire.


Caladus heard someone following, then melted into a tree (OOC not literally, just hid near it) to watch who was coming, He sees Shaori looking for someone, and steps out again. "In the mood for a walk, are we?"


Shaori jumped, and blushed. "I-I wanted to say.." She trails off, and kisses him, and runs off,


Caladus stands there, bemused for a moment.

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After opening the casing and examining the very small scroll that it held, she looked up to Xallistine with concern in her eyes, "Friend, how long ago did you obtain the book that held this dagger?"
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