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Tales of Faerun


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"Unless..." the priestess paused, an idea forming, "Unless he believes that this resurrection is a threat to his own divinity. Dragons are notoriously competitive. He would not be an ally under normal circumstances, no. But with a mutual enemy in the vicinity...?"
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"Hmm," Rhaine pondered, "if we could somehow find evidence of Szass Tam's expansion into Chessenta, perhaps? Not only would Tchazzar be protective of his own prolonged life, but also his lands. Regardless, Chessenta and Thay are on the other side of the Realms, and as of now we have no way of getting there. We have an obligation first, I believe, to see to Ianthe and Hazel's dilemma - finding out who is cutting down this forest and for what purpose. Cormyr is our next major destination...unless, of course, someone objects?" Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus looks over. "To be honest, I lost track of what was going on after the fight between Saerileth and her mother. Do what you will. I shall follow."


Shaori nods and agrees to that statement.


Saerileth states "So long as thy path follows what is good and true, I shall aid thee in thy endeavors. Thou art a capable leader, Rhaine."


Byron says "Ah haz nae input in this, as ah am nae comin back." He hands a scroll to Rhaine. "This be to contact me on the other side if ye needs some advice. Ah cannae return here, but ah can talk to yeh, Dugmaren says."

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Hazel, who had been sitting quietly until this point, piped up. "Aye, going home sounds quite welcome right now. And there is no better way to figure out who this army works for than by approaching them directly."


Ianthe hopped out of the water, fully clothed, "So we're going home? If we are, I think Hazel can stay if she wishes. She's done what she was supposed to, by finding a way for me to meet my father, and I know it is hard for her to be away from her tree for so long."


Hazel smiled, "I do miss home..."

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Rhaine nodded, putting the necklace, dagger, and scrolls back into her pack and removing her map. After studying it a few moments, she glanced up.


"The closest city to us is Yartar. Judging from where we came out of the Underdark, it's only a few miles to the east. I know that the steward of the city, Waterbaron Belleethe Kheldorna, is a paladin of Tyr, originally from Neverwinter; I may be able to use my own ties with Neverwinter to net us a...discount...on some fresh horses there. We should also inform her of what we have discovered...no doubt she will want to hear about Cult activity so close to her city. She may also be able to send word ahead to Regent Alusair of Cormyr and keep an eye out for anyone who might follow us.


"After we purchase the horses, we can swing along the outskirts of the Kryptgarden and see if we can't find this army, Hazel," Rhaine finished, "Does that sound like a plan?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus sighs. "As I said. I will follow wherever we end up. I honestly have had too much this eve. I am going to bed." He unrolls his sleeping roll, and after disarming, goes to bed.


Shaori yawns. "I should sleep too," She gets her sleep roll out and slyly unrolls it near Caladus. She lays down and goes to bed.


Saerileth unsheathes Carsomiy. "Rhaine, we never finished our sparring session. Wouldst thou like to continue? I have more training to complete before I slumber."


Byron.... hovers, bored out of his mind.

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