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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine shook her head, replacing her map in her pack, "I am sorry, Saerileth, but I must decline. My body and mind are weary after this day's events, and I must rest if I am to recover my spirit's energy."


She returned to the oak, placing her pack under the roots to use as a pillow, laying down, and pulling Byron's cloak over her like a blanket. Only then was she fully aware of the exhaustion that was weighing upon her, and she welcomed the warm darkness that pulled her into a deep sleep.

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Caladus is soon fast asleep. He starts dreaming. He dreams of fires. He dreams of his friends. He dreams of the Army they would face. He dreams of elves for some reason. He starts tossing and turning as his dreams turn foul. Having removed his armor, he is in breeches and loincloth. He jumps to his feet, sleepwalking and grabs his scimitars. He starts using battle stances and fighting moves, He runs forward Shouting "A Greatsword, eh? What I lack in length, I make up for in Speed!" He then runs full speed into Hazel and falls to the ground. "Bloody trees!" then he wakes up wondering what just happened.


Shaori woke when Caladus Jumped to his feet. She winces when he runs into Hazel, then gets up to see if he's hurt.


Saerileth ignores all this as she had gone to meditate.


Byron was rolling on the air over the fire laughing his ass off.

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Hazel blinked twice, pulled out of her trance by Caladus rushing full speed into her. Luckily, she was heavy and wasn't knocked over, but she rubbed her backside and winced a little. He seemed to have poked her a little bit with one of his scimitars. She looked down at him, "You... feeling okay?"


Ianthe had watched the whole thing from her lurking spot in the pond and laughed nearly as hard as Byron.

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Rhaine was in the Basilica of Lost Hope. She had to get to the Voice before Zoab destroyed him - she had to. Her legs felt as if they were weighed down by anchors as she tried to force herself forward. She could not feel her own soul...she was empty, hollow, nothingness. She watched in despair as the solar drew closer, swinging his greatsword at the Voice. She would never make it in time...


She shot straight up, gasping, her scarlet hair damp and matted to her brow with sweat. Rhaine looked around frantically, eyes wide, suddenly realizing it was just a nightmare. Although, Caladus was prostrate on the ground in his underwear, scimitars in hand; Hazel was rubbing her rump as if in pain; Byron and Ianthe were laughing hysterically...what was going on?


And then, the fire turned from orange to pale green, its glow much dimmer, shrinking the illuminated space of the camp. A sudden chill passed through her. Her eyes widened and she stood slowly as she understood what was happening. She felt his presence before he even appeared, mask shimmering on the opposite side of the camp, back to the moonlit waters of the pond.



Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Ianthe rushed out of the water as she saw the figure appear in camp. Spitting out a mouthful of pond water as she talked, she said, "Oh no! A ninja!"


She ran toward her scimitars, but was stopped short as her bare feet somehow tangled themselves up in the brown sand on the bank of the pond. She banged her chin on the ground when she fell, and looked up at the figure before her. He stared deeply into her eyes with his emotionless silver mask, towering at least seven feet high.

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Saerileth had been meditating, when she sensed a presence in the camp. She opens her eyes, and sees Kelemvor appear. She rises, then walks forward and bows to him. She would only Kneel to Tyr. "Lord Kelemvor. Thou honors us with thy presence. I, Chosen of Tyr, greet thee."


Byron was shoved aside by the god Kelemvor appearing. He nods to him, being a dwarf, he really only felt the need to acknowledge him. He sees Saerileth bow to him. "Kelemvor, eh? Ah heard a bit aboot ye,"


Caladus appologized profusely to Hazel for running into her ass.



Shaori giggled, and helped Caladus to his feet.

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Xallistine, who was putting back on his finery, as sleep was not on his agenda, turned around as the light illuminated the camp, and the silver masked one stepped forth. Xallistine matched the god in size, standing also at 7 foot, but Xallistine bowed before the god, in a dignified manner, before putting his weight on his walking cane once more "It is an Honour, Lord Kelemvor."


Aricia was deep in meditations of her own, intense magic of the feywilds circled her body, as she channeled her power, and cleared her mind. But the sudden flash of light disturbed her focus, and she rose from her feet, looking upon the silver mask, and giving a very slight bow.


Ravenna continued along the path, looking back curiously as a huge light illuminated the woods.

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Nawen did not sleep but simply admired the beautiful night sky and listened to the sounds of nature. She loved the wilds and appreciated everything that mother nature has to offer.


Illius tried not to fall asleep as well but he was tired and gave in. He slept beside Nawen, his head resting on her shoulder. The panther had also decided to take a quick nap. She curled up in a ball and slept beside her ranger.


The drow looked at the panther beside her and smiled. She was about to look up at the sky again when suddenly the camp became illuminated by the bright light and a tall masked figure appeared. She quickly got up from her spot, her hand gripping the hilt of her shortsword.


Illius's pleasant rest was disturbed by the ranger's sudden movements. "What?" He mumbled and slowly stood up. All his sleepiness disappeared as he felt a very powerful presence in the camp. The power was overwhelming. He looked where everyone else were looking and noticed the masked figure standing. The sorcerer recognized the mask almost instantly. "Lord Kelemvor... it's an honor." He said and bowed before the Lord of the Dead.


Nawen eyed the masked person suspiciously but when she heard everyone calling him Lord Kelemvor she remembered the statue in the temple of Kelemvor back in Waterdeep where she first met Rhaine and Norgold which looked exactly like the tall figure who now stands before them. She said nothing but bowed down as well.


Sinn had no idea who's this tall masked person was nor did she care. The panther without any fear walked up to Kelemvor, sniffed his hand and looked up curiously. Nawen feared for the safety of her friend and with animal empathy tried to convince the animal to some to her but Sinn wasn't afraid and remained where she was.

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Rhaine watched as Kelemvor entered the camp, his booted feet making not a sound on the forest floor, even though he was both armed and armored. The green light of the campfire danced across the blackened breastplate lazily, the dimness of the fire increasing the shadows around his face and causing the mask to glow eerily. He slowly looked down at the nymph at his feet, and she could only wonder what was running through his mind, as his emotions were, quite literally, masked.


Sinn boldly strode up to him, sniffing at his gauntleted hand. The god was still at her approach, head cocking slightly to look sideways at her - and then he gently rested that hand upon Sinn's head, scratching slightly behind her ears. As he did so, he let his gaze fall upon everyone in the camp, as if taking in their very being by simply looking at them.


"Fine greetings, mortals," he finally spoke, his voice resounding both within their heads and without, "I have watched you, and I am pleased with your efforts thus far."


He glanced to the paladin, "Saerileth Sillarus. Bring Tyr my warm regards when you see him next, young one."


"And you, Byron Thunderbeard," the god added, turning his gaze to the dwarf spirit, "we meet again."

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"Aye, Lord Kelemvor, I shalt take thy message." Saerileth says, bowing.


Byron looks confused. "Ah take it we've met before?"


Caladus puts on a black tunic, trousers and his black cloak. "Well met, Lord Kelemvor! You honor us with your presence."


Shaori timidly hides behind Caladus.

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