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Tales of Faerun


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Byron watched this whole outburst shaking his head. He flies back to the camp and says ."Tha' blonde lady from the temple is back in the forest with Olivia. Olivia seems upset, but doesnae seem in danger. Still, Ah would be wary. Ah dinnae reccomend going after the blonde yet, see how things turn out."
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Nawen sat under the tree thinking about what happened tonight. She wondered what Kelemvor meant by 'The turmoil you see here on the Prime is but a reflection of a sickness in the heavens...' and 'Be mindful of the churches you represent when you draw your swords...' does this means that Gods are fighting against each other? She was really curious and others are most likely too. She wasn't as lucky as Rhaine or Saerileth as she is not chosen of The Forest Queen and she was sure that Mielikki will never show herself to her so getting answers for their questions was an impossible task.


The ranger glanced at the other companions. Some of them had wandered off somewhere while others remained in the camp. "I would suggest to get some sleep but I doubt that any of us will fall asleep after what happened." Nawen said and sighed heavily but then Byron returned from somewhere. "Thank you for letting us know, friend." She said and glanced to the direction to which Olivia went.

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"I know I won't," Rhaine remarked, staring into the flames.


She worried for Olivia. By physically separating herself from the group, she endangered herself. The Doomguide remembered what Kelemvor had said about them staying together, and she had half a mind to get up and follow the samurai.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus stood. "I shall find her. Which way did she go, friend?"


Byron points.


Caladus nods thank you, and walks into the woods. He had his weapon just in case, but he wasn't in a fighting mood. "Olivia!" he called out. "You really shouldn't be out here by yourself!" He saw Ravena with her. "Well met, Ravenna." He says, in a polite, but not entirely friendly voice. This was, after all the woman who attacked them in the underdark.

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Ravenna sighed "Olivia, you were a child... children are naive and stupid, even my children are... hell, last time i had to discipline them, they thought it would be funny to see what would happen if the blacksmith tripped into his anvil... of course, they were punished, but they are only children... as you were. Normally, i would offer to bring him back from the dead but... you travel with the chosen of Kelemvor, i don't think Necromancy would help matters, do you?" She then stood as Caladus arrived "Yes drow? may i help you?"
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"My name is Caladus, not Drow. I shall ask you give me the courtesy of at least being polite." Caladus said, annoyed.


Byron looked at Nawen. "Everyone seems a little on edge, eh? If Ah was still alive, Ah wouldnae let this stay depressed! Ah would have made a fireworks display or something,"

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"But you are a Drow... we never had the chance for meet and greet the last time we met now did we Caladus? Anyway, it is a pleasure." She said politely.


Aricia looked uncomfortable as Saerileth hugged her, but reluctantly put her arm rigidly around her daughter.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Adamant stomped through the forest when saw something, he turned his head to regard them. He turned and walked towards them, looking through the bushes, he saw a drow near a tree in a camp, he was about to charge out but he heard voices, he moved towards them, staying out of sight. Once he reached them he saw a drow speaking with someone, now he had a plan. He moved backwards until he was concealed in a bush, then he threw a rock at the two people
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Caladus was talking to Ravenn when a rock landed near him. He picks it up, and turns it over in his hands. He smells it. "There is something near us that isn't normal. I know the smells all animals would make, and a few other races too. Being a Druid, I have to guard nature. This smells of something... different."


Saerileth looked at her uncomfortable mother. "Thou art my mother, aye? Why art thou uncomfortable with thy daughter embracing thee?"

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Caladus was talking to Ravenn when a rock landed near him. He picks it up, and turns it over in his hands. He smells it. "There is something near us that isn't normal. I know the smells all animals would make, and a few other races too. Being a Druid, I have to guard nature. This smells of something... different."


Saerileth looked at her uncomfortable mother. "Thou art my mother, aye? Why art thou uncomfortable with thy daughter hugging thee?"


Adamant slowly loaded a bolt into 'Redemption' and threw another rock at them, making sure it rolled so that they would come towards him.

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