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Tales of Faerun


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Caladus smiled and clapped Nawen on the shoulder. "Good to have you. Now, keep close, and keep quiet. I have never encountered something like this." He hands her the rock. "What do you make of that? I could use my Sight of course, but that usually leaves me feeling off."


Byron floated over. "Ah can keep an eye oot for yeh, and warn yeh what ah sees." He flies off into the woods.


Saerileth looks at Caladus. "Thou shouldst be careful. I sense something Malevolant nearby." She sees Ravenna walk into the camp. The evil in the woman poured off her, but that wasn't what Saerileth was sensing. "She art evil, but not what I was sensing."

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Rhaine got up with a sigh and began unbuttoning her robes, intent on re-arming herself in case whatever it was overpowered Caladus and Nawen. Then, as she was buckling her breastplate, she remembered what Xallistine had said about Ravenna, and she raised a brow at the witch.


"A journey to Thay, perhaps?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Ianthe smiled at the members of the group, "Thank you, everyone. I count myself as your friend, as well. If you ever need someone to rush headfirst into danger, I'm here." She giggled a bit.




Reona poked at her small fire, the only light in the camp right now, and it was in front of her tent. Unable to sleep, she gazed disdainfully back at the horrid tent, so colorful and regal compared to the soldiers' drab brown ones. Her eyes played over the crest emblazoned on the side. She laughed at all the symbolism so carefully put into its design. A red background, which usually stood for military strength, for her stood for the martyrdom of her free will she was expected to willingly accept. A wreath with a bucking stag standing inside. Triumph and peace, things she would ever lack. Draped across the stag's antlers, wisteria. Spontaneity, as if she and Arva had wanted the union out of nowhere.


She spit into the fire and watched it sizzle and disappear. A voice rang out from behind her, and she jumped, hand on her sword's hilt.


"Hey, calm down," the voice whispered. It was Arva. "I can't get this bloody helmet off and I want to feel the breeze. It's awfully stuffy in here."


Reona smiled as he ducked down, bringing his six foot four height down to her level. She pulled off his helmet and laughed, "Your hair looks positively awful."


He raised an eyebrow, "Yours is only neat because you've cut it off." He popped a piece of fruit into his mouth and sighed, "You know, maybe this won't be so bad..."


Reona hoped so, as there was no way to run from their fates now, surrounded by armed soldiers.

Edited by tokyobleach
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The priestess grinned as she cinched the backplate and breastplate closed. Caught like a mouse in a trap.


"How much do you know about Szass Tam, Ravenna?"

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Ravenna smiled, despite being caught, she still retained her air of dignity and refinement. "Szass Tam? A rather impressive Zurich don't you think? a lich, as i am sure you know... The 'man', and i use that term rather loosely, he can't really be called a man any longer... he has taught me much in the ways of necromancy, filled in the gaps my dear old mother could not... surprised? you shouldn't be... Being born magically gifted in Thaymount to a pair of red wizards is sure to attract his attention... he plots, he schemes, he seeks great artifacts, all unseen of course... i would rather not lay eyes upon him, quite the ugly fellow." She said the last part with an amused smile.


Xallistine looked at the woman... it seems his thoughts were indeed correct... interesting.

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"Keep quiet?" Nawen thought and frowned slightly. She was actually a little bit offended by this. She is a ranger and a stealthy one too. She is always quiet no matter if she was in a forest or in the busy streets of the city. Another fellow ranger she meet some years ago told her that you're either a hunter or a prey. She shook the memories off and glanced at the rock that Caladus handed to her. "It's a rock. The forest's full of rocks like this one." She then sniffed the rock and looked back at Caladus. "It has an unusual scent about it..." She said and turned her attention back to the rock. She could not tell what kind of smell was that but it was faint and unusual for a forest.


"Where were you when someone threw the rock at you?" Nawen asked and looked at the path ahead. If someone or something is out there she'd rather face it now instead of having it to follow them later.

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Rhaine tightened her cuisses and pulled on her boots, " Well...it seems we have reasonable cause to believe that Szass Tam has his eyes set on the Cult of the Dragon...in Cormyr, no less. Heard anything about that, Madame Necromancer?"
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Ravenna smiled "I joined this cult of my own accord... but after Szass heard, he found it the perfect opportunity to use me to keep an eye on them... as for Cormyr, i am not so sure, but that he did mention a few times in his ramblings... but i can't see him resurrecting undead dragons i am afraid, he would do so only if they could serve him... Manipulating this cult has proved easy so far, i don't think he will stop now." Ravenna replied, brushing off her fur coat.
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"This way, and I don't mean to imply you aren't stealthy, just nervous in the light of whatever this is."


Saerileth draws Carsomyr, "I shalt stand guard here. Too many hunters scare of the prey."


Byron saw something hulking and massive. He flies closer and sees a Warforged. One of the greatest of killing machines in existence. He flies to intercept any going into the woods. "STOP! It's A Warforged!"


Shaori flew half the night and then started the ascent. Her parents lived in a city on top of a mountain, where the buildings were open and free. She landed in front of her parent's dwelling and went up to them. "Mother? Father?" Her mother, similar looking to Shaori walked out of a side room. "Ah, there you are." Shaori says "Sorry, I got captured, got away, met someone, but I had to let you know I was all right!: Her father, a tall man with brown eyes and wings walks over and says sternly. "We were not worried. You are 200 years old now, Shaori. It's time you stopped depending on us, and grow up!:

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