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Tales of Faerun


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Ianthe dizzily tried to take in all the information passing between her friends... Friends. It feels nice to say that, she thought, drifting off to her own world. She swept her toes across the sand a few times, moving her leg in a circle, then began to twirl a little, humming to herself as she danced with an invisible partner.




Arva leaned over Reona and pulled the veil off her head. "That thing really annoys me. It's a mockery of what your hair used to be, and if you ask me, your hair looks beautiful short like this. Our--" He inhaled sharply, correcting himself, "Your parents are too controlling for their own good."


Reona ran a hand through her short-cropped hair, pressing her palm to the pointy tips. "It feels strange. I still can't believe they lied to even you all this time. Telling you your parents from your memories were just old relatives."


"We believed them, and that's worse," Arva replied, knitting his brow even more intensely. His lip curled up in a snarl as he wished he weren't so sensitive to the elements. They'd still be free if he hadn't gotten sick that day...


Suddenly, a commotion on the other side of camp caught their attention. Reona quickly put the veil back over her face and flipped it back, her heart beating at a fierce speed. She stood up, dusting her dress off. A small group of soldiers made their way to Reona and Arva, among them the commander her parents had placed in charge of the whole thing. Her eyes darted over to Arva, who was biting his lip trying not to smile.


Arva watched as silently as he could as the commander approached, his armor gleaming a dull orange in the firelight. He had a serious brow, and a strange set to his mouth that reminded Arva of someone with a constant mouthful of food. The commander's lush grey mustache twitched as he opened his mouth, and Arva bit down harder on his lip, trying not to laugh. He tasted blood as he greeted the man with, "Commander Quack." He smiled and held in a giggle the way a small child might, by placing his hands over his mouth.


The commander raised an eyebrow, "It's Quark, milord."


Arva snickered and said, "I bet it is."


He sighed and replied with a look of boredom on his face, "The missive boy we sent out this morning has returned with the news that there has been no sign of Rhaine Alcinea in Waterdeep for nearly three days."

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Shaori looked stunned. "But.." Her father cut her off. "But me no buts Shaori Winterwing! I raised a strong, intelligent beautiful Avariel, and you quiver and cower behind people? I have had your cousin keep an eye on you. He says unless you are angry, you don't stand up for yourself. You have a backbone child, use it!" Shaori doesn't feel sad, she feels annoyed. "Why would you not even try to help me? I nearly got killed in the Underdark!" Her father smiles grimly. "You didn't that's what is important! The point is you have the skills to be a strong independent woman and you waste it! If all you were going to do was quiver and cower, then you should have stayed in a cage." Shaori unconsciously creates a fireball on her hand, which her mother notices."We are here to guide you. Not hurt you."Shaori storms out, seething.. However, deep down, she knows her parents are right. She shouldn't be so scared. She runs off the edge of a platform, swan dives for a few moments, then opens her wings and heads to return to her friends.


Caladus hears the word Warforged, and runs back towards camp. He calls out, "Warforged in the forest! I can't kill that!"


Saerileth grows pale.

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Rhaine had just finished adjusting her bracers when Caladus ran into the camp yelling something about a Warforged. Her eyes grew wide, and she threw on her pack and cloak, "Neither can I...not with my powers depleted as they are. Since none of us can sleep anyway, now seems like a very good time to head to Yartar; perhaps we can find safe beds there. Someone quench the fire and let's go!"
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"Warforged? What in the nine hells is that?" She thought and watched the treeline. She never heard or saw someone or something called Warforged and she really wanted to see one. Nawen looked around and noticed that Caladus is gone. She sighed heavily and thought for a moment. It would be stupid to remain here and look for it because she did not know how powerful one can be. Instead, she picked up a rock from the ground and threw it from where the Warforged threw rocks at Caladus earlier. With that she returned to the camp. "What exactly is Warforged?" She asked once she was back at the camp.
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Adamant watched the camp and it's inhabitants, "Pathetic drow, soon you will know," he said to himself he tired of waiting, but to reveal himself now would be folly. United they stand... but divided... they would fall. One on two or three he could manage, but seeing that there were more than he could manage, he would have to draw them out. Adamant had no qualms with any others but the drow, but should they get in his way, he would cut them into ribbons. Bloodmourne hungered, but he would wait little longer.
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Rhaine glanced at Nawen, "Long story short, they're some of the most powerful constructs in existence. Unlike most golems, these things have minds of their own - they act like any humanoid, except they have no need for any of the necessities of life."


She gestured to the fire, "Douse it and let's move. I have no desire to be within a mile of something like that...not when it is obviously hostile."

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Saerileth sprang into action, dousing the flames and making it look like they were never there. With a quick prayer to Tyr, she gathered her belongings, and grabbed her mother's hand. "Mother! Come on! Needs must we make haste!"


Caladus was soon repacked and ready to leave, when something came into his head. "Go. It's after Nawen and myself. Maybe I can lure it away from you guys!" (OOC not killing him off)


Byron looked at him strangely. "Ah thought Ah was supposed tae be tha crazy one?"


Shaori was flying to intercept her friends. She came to the realization there was a difference between shy timidness, and cowering behind people. She figured if she stood up for herself more, she could be less of the latter, more of the former.

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Xallistine arose slowly from where he was sitting, leaning on his cane for support, he walked.


Aricia let go of Saerileth's hand, and adjusted her necklace, she drew The Flail Of Ages, each head glowing with the power of each different elemental enchantment. "Very well my daughter.


Ravenna looked around and smiled A war forged? it could make a powerful ally...

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Caladus saw the look in Ravenna's eye. "This isn't something that can be bargained with! It judges, and if it finds you evil, or wanting, it will kill you. It seems to have judged Nawen and Myself unworthy, probably because we are Drow. There is no reason for you to get involved in this! I could try to lure the thing away."


Byron looks around "Did someone slip him some Essence of Insanity or something?"


Saerileth looks at him. "Nay, fair Caladus. Thou art a friend of Lady Rhaine, Thou shalt not be left behind by me!"

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