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With what power she had left, Rhaine cast a Blade Barrier - her signature ten swords springing to life between Caladus and the warforged. She hoped the rapidly spinning blades would keep the construct at bay, since their height and angle made it easy for them to tear at the weak joints of its knees and groin.
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"I could wait all day, though other tasks supersede this, so lets hurry this along" Adamant said, butting Bloodmourne on the ground and taking redemption from his back, loading a bolt into it. Adamant aimed it at Caladus and shot the bolt at him
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Nawen watched in horror as the Warforged stepped in front of them. The hatred towards the Drow of this being was so intense and yet again her being the Drow was the problem. Sometimes she just wanted to scrub off her dark skin so no one would know that she's a dark elf.


She was touched how the rest of them stood by her and Caladus's side. Did she finally found true friends who will not abandon her in the time of need?


The ranger stepped to the side slightly and looked at Adamant. "Let us walk away peacefully. We did nothing wrong to you nor should we be judged because of something that our parents might have done." She said her hand gripping the hilt of her short sword.

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Shaori throws a Flaming rock to intercept the bolt. "You shall not harm him, or anyone else here!" She starts throwing minute meteors at him


Caladus thought he would die, but when the rock stopped the bolt, he stepped forward, and swung upwards at the thing's groin.


Saerileth sliced at the construct with Carsomyr.

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Gods help us, Rhaine thought as she prepared to launch into an impossible battle.


Whether it was a godsend or just plain luck, the priestess didn't know, but she suddenly heard an earsplitting roar, and a gigantic shadow passed overhead. She glanced up and there, metallic hide shimmering in the light of the moon, was the gold dragon she had seen earlier, when they had first emerged from the Underdark. It swooped down, knocking off tree limbs as it landed with ground-shaking force behind the warforged. Opening its maw, it unleashed a screeching roar of challenge. The dragon was large enough to be an adult, with golden facial tentacles rivaling that of Xallistine. It then raised a paw to strike at the construct - and Rhaine didn't need to be told what it was doing.


"RUN!" she shouted.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Both blows from Caladus and saerileith hit, but, as anyone knows, you can't cut something with something weaker. The meteors that flew into him caused minor damage, but he didn't seem to take much notice of them, aside from raising savior to block the rest. Adamant was then attacked by the monster "Off of me, monster" Adamant shouted, then he looked at the running... and flying... people "Run, cowards, but I will follow, and your sins will stay your feet" Adamant slashed at the... thing. But it was off little importance, it would not delay him, no matter the damage it caused, for he had rebuilt himself time and time again. That was one of the good things about warforged. He could lose his limbs, and be pieced back together again, good as new. Adamant would let the organics run for now, but eventually, they would tire. They would need rest. But Adamant wouldn't. He could follow them to the end of the earth, undettered. These Drow had clearly decieved those around them, but Adamant would stop these vile creatures, whether they managed to muster armies against him. Adamant wondered why the drow ran. It was their fault, if they hadn't betrayed him, none of this wouldn't be happening, they should stand and face their punishment, face what was in store for them.

Adamant turned his back on Caladus and Saeruleith. There'd be another time. For now, he could have to defeat this monstrosity that was attempting to halt his crusade. Swinging Savior round, blocking the dragons paw, his shot a bolt from redemption at the dragon

Edited by Brutii
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Xallistine gazed at the beast as it descended... it had tentacles... but Xallistine was confident he had the most, certainly of the creatures of the surface. Running was not possible in his weakened state, and probably never would be again, but he limped, almost in a run, following Rhaine and the others.


Aricia grabbed Saerileth and dragged her as she ran "Come my daughter, we must move!"


Ravenna stood, the smile still on her face, she walked further away from the battle, standing near the others, intent on watching.

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Rhaine felt herself being lifted up and away, noticing that Shaori had grabbed her and Nawen. She wondered briefly what had made the Avariel return, but then looked back to the battle scene below. She mentally thanked the dragon for giving them an opportunity to get away.


The gold dragon had been struck in the shoulder by the warforged's bolt, but shrugged off the pain, opening his maw and unleashing a gout of white-hot flame. His tail came around and snapped at the construct like a whip while his other paw swiped at its head. The dragon noticed that a few of the tiny mortals were having difficulties, and so he positioned his long and lithe body between the warforged and the adventurers.

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Rhaine felt herself being lifted up and away, noticing that Shaori had grabbed her and Nawen. She wondered briefly what had made the Avariel return, but then looked back to the battle scene below. She mentally thanked the dragon for giving them an opportunity to get away.


The gold dragon had been struck in the shoulder by the warforged's bolt, but shrugged off the pain, opening his maw and unleashing a gout of white-hot flame. His tail came around and snapped at the construct like a whip while his other paw swiped at its head. The dragon noticed that a few of the tiny mortals were having difficulties, and so he positioned his long and lithe body between the warforged and the adventurers.


Adamant jumped down to the ground, rolling under the attacks before coming to his feet again and stabbing at the dragons neck with Bloodmourne "You will learn to fear me!" he shouted

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