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Tales of Faerun


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Shaori deposited Rhaine and Nawen on the ground, and says "Had a talk with my parents, well, more got lectured by my parents. Told to grow up, stop hiding behind people. So here I am."


Caladus let Saerileth get taken by her mother, and keeps running.


Saerileth did not like being manhandled like she was a parcel, and complained about it,

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Nawen usually did not really like being lifted like that, unannounced but this time she was thankful for it. "Thank you, Shaori." She said and smiled slightly. She wondered how long will the dragon delay the Drow hating construct. She was used to the hate but this time it was different and not because he is trying to kill them. They have a very important task to complete and this Warforged and his hatred will slow them down.


"What are we going to do about that angry construct?" Nawen asked. She was half tempted to remain here and try to keep the Warforged busy at least for a time so others could move faster. In a way she felt like another obstacle.

Edited by Naktis
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Rhaine watched as the gold dragon reared on its hind legs, towering over the warforged.


"I am Oraenaritellessar! I do not fear the likes of you!" the dragon boomed, unleashing another gout of flame at the construct.


The Doomguide shook her head at Nawen, "I don't know. But once we get to Yartar, we'll need to inform the guards about it."


Suddenly, as she watched her companions flee from the warforged, she had an idea, "Shaori? Can you cast a Haste spell on Xallistine? That should help him!"

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Rhaine watched as the gold dragon reared on its hind legs, towering over the warforged.


"I am Oraenaritellessar! I do not fear the likes of you!" the dragon boomed, unleashing another gout of flame at the construct.


The Doomguide shook her head at Nawen, "I don't know. But once we get to Yartar, we'll need to inform the guards about it."


Suddenly, as she watched her companions flee from the warforged, she had an idea, "Shaori? Can you cast a Haste spell on Xallistine? That should help him!"


Adamant put his shield in the way, the heat was intense, but he withstood it. After the flames were gone, Adamant moved his shield out of the way "I am Adamant, I shall be your doom. Corpses shift to offer you room, which is a fate you must abide." he said, before grabbing the Dragons head and forcing it with all his strength towards Rhaines spinning blade barrier "Turn your enemies strengths against them"

Edited by Brutii
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Caladus saw the dragon's head being forced towards him, and did a back flip to stay out of range.


Shaori casts two spells in rapid succession, Haste on Xallistine, the other spell was a bigsby's crushing hand on the construct, attempting to break his grip on the gold dragon. "The haste spell is cast. Go!"


Saerileth grumbles, "I art not a parcel to be manhandled! I canst run on mine own legs, mother!"

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Caladus saw the dragon's head being forced towards him, and did a back flip to stay out of range.


Shaori casts two spells in rapid succession, Haste on Xallistine, the other spell was a bigsby's crushing hand on the construct, attempting to break his grip on the gold dragon. "The haste spell is cast. Go!"


Saerileth grumbles, "I art not a parcel to be manhandled! I canst run on mine own legs, mother!"


Adamant knew his grip would be broken soon if it continued like this. Adamant moved closer to the dragon, used all his strength, and his weight, and pushed the dragon into the blades. Adamant decided to shift his attention to the hand, and he began to tear it off. After a short while he managed this, and then looked at the damage it had caused. The damage was not enough to incapacitate him, but he realised he could not catch them now. But the damage caused by the different attacks had damaged his left leg. It wasn't enough to stop him killing, but the damage prevented him moving it properly, thus he would not be able to catch the mortals. Adamant turned his back on them and wandered into the wood, intent on repairing his damaged leg.

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Rhaine watched in horror as she saw the construct suddenly push the poor dragon's head towards her Blade Barrier. But just as his snout reached them, the blades dissipated, the spell having run its length. She breathed a sigh of relief as the warforged seemed to retreat, having been damaged enough that it could no longer follow. The dragon, too, was injured, having taken the bolt to his shoulder and been stabbed in the neck. However, both wounds would likely be easy for the gigantic dragon to heal.


He then flapped his wings, pushing off of the ground with a tremendous roar. He then hovered over to the adventurers, his shimmering wings rippling like golden waves from their tips to his tail.


"I am Oraenaritellessar, but you may call me Oraenar," he said, voice low and rumbling, "Forgive my intrusion, but I could not stand idly by while a warforged slaughtered innocents."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus bows to the dragon. "You have my thanks, as it was after myself and her for being Drow" He indicates Nawen. "It did not care that we were not evil, only that we were Drow."


Shaori flying overhead, flies closer to the dragon, and hugs it around the neck. "Thank you, mighty one for saving my friends."


Saerileth pulled free of her mother's grip, wanting to walk at her own pace now that the danger had passed."

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Adamant was working on several... Additions to himself. He had made many mistakes on separate pieces, but he was sure he had almost perfected it. Adamant didn't see any defeat, for in every defeat stood a small victory. The damage, though at first impeded him, had been easily repaired. As it turned out, part of the leg had simply been bent back into the joint. Easily corrected. The blade barrier had made him realise he had weakness in his joints. Defending the groin was simple. Plate armour overlaps on the chest piece to allow the user to move while protecting them. Using this sort of method, he decided he would add a layer of overlapping plates over the joint in his chest and groin. This wasn't the first time Adamant had improved his design, and he was sure it wouldn't be the last, but he had a luxury others didn't. Wheras humans and elves are left with weak flesh, which is surely a design flaw, to protect them, he had steel and stone and other such materials, but humans and elves could not change their weak flesh. If it suited him, Adamant could change his size, given time and resources, yet humans and elves could not change what they were. The drow would pay, they would find repentance for their horrible crimes, against gods, and mortals, in death. Death... such a strange word. There was another design flaw, mortals grow old, wither and die. Adamant couldn't understand how he could possibly die. He could always be rebuilt or repaired... prehapes the only way he would ever die was if he was smashed into dust. And even then how could he be sure his soul wouldn't still be bound to the dust... wait ... did he even have a soul?... Adamant looked down slightly. Why did he have the feeling that dying would be so much less painful than the shame of living? He looked up again. These thoughts could not deter him... he wouldn't let it. He continued to mold the materials into what he needed them to be. Edited by Brutii
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