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Tales of Faerun


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"You would be welcome at my lair in the Sword Mountains," Oraenar continued, "but I sense that you have other plans. I doubt that we will meet again. Fare thee well, little ones, and may Bahamut bless you."


The dragon then flapped his wings fiercely, gaining altitude before turning back towards the west, glittering like a star in the sky before swiftly moving out of sight.


Rhaine sighed, "All right. Let's get moving. If we hurry, we can make it to Yartar before midnight."


With that, she began walking eastwards again, a little slower to allow the others to catch up with her.

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Nawen watched the dragon and listened to his words but said nothing. She was sure that the dragon will attack them but luckily he didn't. Oraenar seemed quite friendly actually.


As soon as Rhaine began walking eastwards, Nawen followed but yet again she didn't speak. The only thing she could think of was the attack of Warforged and what will happen when he find them again. She was sure that he will find them and most likely try to kill them... Nawen felt like a burden. The meeting and fighting with the construct could have been avoided if she wasn't there or at least wasn't a Drow. She was used to insults and attempts at harming her just because of what she was but this time it was different. Now, because of her being a dark elf, others who were so kind and welcoming, her friends were in danger too...

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Caladus walked over to Nawen, whom he considered a close friend, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "This must be very hard on you my friend. You have faced a lot recently. Byron's death, this thing after us, I can't imagine what you must be thinking right now."


Shaori flaps overhead, keeping pace with Rhaine overhead.


Saerileth speeds up to keep pace with Rhaine. "Tonight, thou and I shouldst continue our sparring match. When thou hast slumbered enough, aye?"

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Rhaine smirked, "I'm afraid that won't be until the morning, Saerileth. I need at least eight hours of uninterrupted rest to fully recuperate."


They had reached the edge of the Kryptgarden, now, and could see the lights of Yartar in the distance, across the shining river Surbin. Triboar lay to their right, but Rhaine felt their chances of getting the supplies they needed were greater in the larger city of Yartar. They soon crossed the Long Road and began following the Evermoor Way, the gates of the city looming ever nearer. The Doomguide briefly wondered if there was a city curfew - if there was, they would not be able to get in until dawn...

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Arva looked up at the sky and limply let himself fall onto his back from his seat around the fire, his armor clanking as it met the ground. He stretched his arms out to either side and sighed, bored. He looked over at a young soldier and called over to him.


The young human teenager rubbed the back of his neck nervously as Reona looked over at he and Arva. Her eyes made him uncomfortable, the way they looked white even at this time of night. "Y-yes, milord?" He stammered.


"What's your name?" Arva asked warmly, smiling up at the boy.


"Evan, sir." The boy replied nervously.


"Could you help me out of this armor, Evan? Nice name, by the way." Arva stood as Evan nodded, seemingly afraid of the power that Arva held, which made him a bit uncomfortable himself. The boy helped him out of his armor quite speedily, to Arva's surprise. There was a reason, it seemed, for Reona's parents to send this boy along. What he lacked in confidence, he made up for in skill and speed. The thought intrigued Arva, but also frightened him a little, as a boy of this age should be just starting to realize the ways of the world and trying to find a place in it. He supposed, though, that this was the boy's way of fitting in. Perhaps this was just what he was good at. He shook himself of such thoughts, for surely this boy was not in this army of his own free will.


Evan smiled shyly as he removed the last piece of armor. "You look very different without it, sir."


Arva felt a bit of annoyance at everyone's insistence that he be treated like someone of high rank, "You don't have to call me sir, or lord, or anything like that. I'm not even an adult yet. Treat me like you would treat a friend, Evan. I'm just... Arva."


Reona smiled, and revealed a row of straight, pearl-white teeth, "He's right. We just want to be treated like everyone else." She pulled off her veil and black lace gloves, then unbuttoned the top button on her dress. "We don't like being presented as regal and intimidating any more than you like being under someone like that."


In that moment, Evan stopped seeing the two as being scary. He smiled back at Reona, then sat down next to Arva, and the three began happily swapping stories.




Hazel stopped and looked over at the forest, "I'm sorry, but this is where we must part ways. I can't make myself go any further."


Ianthe smiled at Hazel, "I'll see you when I get home." A promise that she'd be okay without her...

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Caladus looks at Hazel. "Before you go.." He rummages in his pack, and hands her Byron's Hammer. "Keep that for now, to remember Byron by. None of us can use it, and I am certain that you will appreciate it more than us."


Shaori gave the Dryad a brief hug, and enjoys that her skin feels like a tree. "It was nice meeting you!" She says, a smile playing about her lips.


Saerileth looks over, and bows formally to Hazel. "Fare thee well, noble Dryad. Thy path will surely cross ours again, and I look forward to that day."


Shaori spots the town, and a guard protecting the gate, "Shall I take care of him or should Ianthe?"

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As Rhaine drew nearer to the gate, she noticed the tall and burly guardsman who manned it. She sidled close to Ianthe and whispered in her ear, "I think he wants to let us in, doesn't he?" She winked.


"Oy! You there!" the guardsman called, pointing at the group, "What are you lot up to at this time o' night? Gates are closed until dawn...baroness's orders."

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Ianthe stepped over to the guard and smiled, tucking a lock of stray hair behind a pointed ear, "The gates are closed til dawn?"


The guard nodded and frowned, "Baroness's orders, as I said."


She put a hand on his shoulder and pouted, "What a shame. We've been on the road for so long. What I wouldn't give for a nice place to sleep tonight..." She trailed off and winked. Ianthe had never actually used her charms on a man before, and hoped this would be enough to sway the guard.


The man gulped and pulled at his collar a little, blushing, "I suppose we can open the gates for these travelers. They are weary."


Another guard whispered in the first's ear, "Are you crazy?"


He replied with, "Ain't you got eyes, boy? I'm a married man and they got a succubus in their midst. Maryanne would wring my neck like a chicken if something happened between me and one o' them things!"


Ianthe turned her gaze to the other man and smiled, seemingly confirming the guard's theory, and they ordered the gates opened.

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Caladus's thoughts were in a whirl. "I wonder what Rhaine is planning" He thinks watching her talk to Ianthe in a low voice He watches as Ianthe goes and works some sort of charm, and the guards comply in opening the gate. His thoughts turn to when he grew up, for some reason. He sees when he was in the Underdark ,as a Highly desired male by females hoping to conceive a seer. He sees further back to when he first used his gift to forsee a potential assassination, and thwarts it which draws the attention of a handmaiden. Flash forward to a glimpse into the house Torture room, in which he had to learn to use all manner of cruel and unusual torture methods. One that stood out in his mind had cord or wires, with wheels, a bunch of levers and a crank that controlled a vast array of whips, prods and spikes. They referred to it as the "Music Maker." Flash forward when a rival house attacked, and he made his escape. The handmaiden pursuing him, and meeting a young Byron who attacked the Handmaiden with Voltair. Sees him grab her cloak and stuff it in his pack. Flash to meeting with the Baron near Athkatla, seeing Byron again. Flashed to his death. Flash to the fight against Ravenna in which Byron had possessed a guard and charged in yelling "All right, let's do this LEEROY JENKINS!" That crazy dwarf. Caladus still had no idea what or who Leeroy Jenkins was, or why Byron would shout his or it's name when charging. Then he shakes his head, to clear these thoughts, seeing they were moving again.


Saerileth thought of home. She thought of her brother Tal, and when he brought her wild bloodberries from the far slopes of mount Celestia. She remembered drinking the waters of Everspring, and running with her other brother who was coincidentally named Caladus through the fields. She thought of her mother giving her the symbol of Tyr she used to hold her hair out of her eyes, and how she had yelled at her mother. She thought of when she had gone to Sigil, where her ignorance of her not knowing the dangers around her had actually saved her. She returned to present quickly as she noticed movement, and scolded herself for getting distracted. What was wrong with her recently? Her thoughts and emotions had become harder and harder to control. Maybe she would ask Rhaine about it. The Chosen of Kelemvor was very wise. She walks up to the Chosen of Kelemvor, and asks her in a low voice. "Lady Rhaine, I have been noticing it hast been increasingly difficult to keep mine thoughts and emotions in check lately. Mine thoughts often turn to the men I see, and to their.. features. Mayhaps thou couldst tell me what is going on?"


Shaori thought of her family. She thought of her friends back home, before she had left. She thought of how she had been captured. She had been flying when she saw the necromancers hauling off a young girl for whatever purpose. She had tried to get the girl out of there, and in the process was captured herself, although the girl had escaped. She spent over a month in her cage, before she managed to steal the key off an incompetant guard and escaped. She remembered saving that dwarf from his kidnappers, and meeting the handsome Drow, Caladus. She blushed as her thoughts turned to him. She started thinking of his features, his angled face, his dark complexion, his kind and caring nature, She shook herself, and hoped no one had seen her blushing. She sees Ianthe the nymph get the guards to open the gate, and thinks "I want to learn how to do that!"

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"I am fine. Thank you." Nawen lied to Caladus when he spoke to her before they reached the city. She knew it was probably just as hard for him as it was to her thus she did not complain or said anything about it.


Without much thoughts the drow hugged Hazel when she left the group. She's going to miss the dryad but hoped to meet her again someday. She liked Hazel even if they did not speak much with each other.


Nawen smiled slightly as she saw Ianthe using her charms. "It must be useful to have abilities like that." She thought and put her hood back on. She was standing in the back so she hoped that guards did not see her. Even though the ranger liked the wilds much more than a city but she also knew that they need supplies and with that Warforged hunting them it was even more dangerous in the wilds than it usually is.

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