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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine glanced at the Chosen of Tyr with a brow raised, "I believe that is a question best posed to your mother, Saerileth..."


The Doomguide trailed as the gates opened and she proceeded to lead them inside the walls of Yartar. They found themselves in the central market, a large ring of empty stalls ahead of them. Street lamps every ten to twenty feet illuminated the cobblestone streets in a warm glow. There was only the distant sound of clopping hooves as the city's mounted police made their rounds.


Not far to the right, she saw a sign that read "Beldar's Rest! An inn unlike any other!" with a red arrow pointing towards the market. There, just behind the market stalls, stood an odd looking gatehouse with the same sign tacked upon it. Underneath the arch of the gatehouse stood a lithe, middle-aged man with bright blonde hair and shining scale-mail armor. One of his pauldrons bore the symbol of Lathander.


He looked up upon seeing Rhaine approach, his bored expression shifting to one of interest, "And who are you to be roaming the streets at this time of night?"


"We are weary travelers seeking the shelter of this city," the Doomguide replied, "the gate guards let us in. We are fleeing from a rogue warforged, and we are in dire need of rest."


The man's eyes widened, "A rogue warforged, you say? I should inform the Shields...but you wish lodging as well, yes? I am Beldar's steward, and underneath this market is Beldar's Rest. Rooms will be ten gold for each of you, and you'll need to present Beldar with your passes to gain access to your beds. He doesn't want trouble amongst anyone but his own guests, you see, hence the gatehouse."


Rhaine's brow furrowed, but she nodded, counting out the coin for her companions. She was about to hand the steward the gold when he seemed to notice Xallistine, his eyes wide in horror, "Y...Y...You're traveling with a ...?"


"Peace, brother," the Doomguide said, flashing the holy symbol about her neck, "He is my friend and a friend of the church. He will bring no harm to anyone."


The steward hesitated for a few moments, then sighed and took her gold, "All right...if you say so." He turned to give her their passes, muttering, "By the Morninglord's staff, I must be going insane..."


He finally presented Rhaine with the passes, and she distributed one to each of her companions. The steward then lifted the portcullis of the gatehouse, "Go on in. Remember: no fighting, no lighting fires, and no harassing the staff."


Entering the gatehouse, Rhaine found herself descending a steep flight of stairs, finally emerging in a gigantic circular room. She had expected the place to be empty at this time of night, but no...the common room of the inn was bustling with activity, the halls guarded by hired mercenaries like the steward while the guests - mainly adventurers like themselves - drank, sang, and cavorted at the many tables before the bar.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine could only chuckle to himself as the man looked at him in fear, it greatly amused him that he was viewed as evil... when he was infact the opposite. He ducked down low beneath the doorframe, and made his way inside.


Aricia walked with the group, noticing the glances people gave to them, they certainly were a mixed group of adventurers. She payed her fee, and walked into the place.

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Upon paying his fee, and entering the inn, Caladus took some time to look around. He notices that it is quite spacious and cozy seeming. He felt safe, for now. He thought of the Green Giant, the last inn he had gone to. He gazed at his Seer charm, He hadn't received any visions since then. He wondered if he would. A drunk man wanders up. He wasn't slurring, but he was off balance. He looks at Ianthe. 'Hey, there sweetie! Hows about you show me some real nature?"


Shaori looked furious. "Leave her alone, lout!" The drunk looks at her. "Well well! An Avariel! I have never been... touched by an angel before!" The man winks.


Caladus gets angry. "Mind your tongue, wretch, or I shall cut it out of your mouth." The drunk leered at Caladus. "I'm talkin to the lady, pal. Unless you already have claims on her?" Caladus snapped then, and hauls back, punching the man in the face with all his strength. The man flies into the wall a few feet away, and falls to the floor. The bouncer comes over, and lifts the unconscious drunk off the floor. "Sorry about him, mister. That's Salvanas. He comes in drinkin and bothering the women. I'll get him out of your way."

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Adamant had upgraded himself now, and was on the prowl. Banging on the gates of the city of Yartar would do nothing but make people wary, and so he went for another approach. Caravans were constantly entering and exiting the city, and so he climbed into one of these caravans while it was en route to the city. There was a bump as the warforged jumped into the back and hid under a bunch of sheets, but the driver mistook it for a bump in the road, and before long, he was within the city. A guard had searched it, because it was night, albiet rather lazily. The guard had no want to go through all the goods, and just looked around, thus missing the hiding warforged entirely, saying it was clear. The warforged looked out of the back of the caravan, and once there was no one around, climbed out, and the caravan continued.


The warforged took a few minutes to decide where his prey would be, and then it hit him. The prey was mortal. They need food, they need drink, they need rest. The trouble was... the warforged had no idea where this would be. He went through the streets, looking for such a place, until he saw a sign with an arrow and writing about an inn on. "Thanks to the man who placed that sign" The warforged followed the streets, then saw his prey go into the inn. The warforged waited a moment, and approached the man at the gate. Odds were against him, he was a walking mountain, and this would be hard. He used what he knew of how mortals talk amongst themselves in an attempt to gain entry "I wish to gain entry. Please may I have it, sir?"

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Nawen payed her fee and entered the inn. The place looked cozy and pretty much like every other inn. She continued to look around when some drunk approached the group and started harassing Ianthe and Shaori. She chuckled quietly when Caladus punched the drunk man. It reminded her the dwarves of Mithrilaxe clan. Every evening in the Drunken Kobold tavern used to end in the same way, tavern brawls.


She glanced at her companions and it seemed that some of them felt rather safe but for some reason she didn't...

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Rhaine shook her head at the short altercation between Caladus and some drunk. She walked up to the bar, where it appeared that the proprietor was polishing some glasses.


"Are you Beldar?" she inquired.


"Aye," he replied, looking up. He was a rather handsome man, if a bit scarred from his adventurous youth, "You have your passes?"


"That we do," the Doomguide answered. As she presented hers, he nodded to her amulet, "Not many followers of the Lord of the Dead around here - Tymora favors this city. You'll find her temple on a slight rise past the Shield Tower."


She nodded, "Perhaps it would do us good to pay homage to Lady Luck before we continue our journey."


"Ah," Beldar smiled, "Not plannin' on staying long? Where are you travelers headed, if I may ask?"


"First to speak with the baroness about a local problem we've uncovered, then to purchase horses and investigate an army around the Kryptgarden," Rhaine replied.


"Aye, I've heard about that," the innkeeper's brow furrowed, "An up-and-coming noble family of some sort...Cormyrean, I think...sent their troops out to harvest the valuable Zalantar wood in that forest. Local rangers and druids aren't too happy about it."


"That we've heard," Rhaine answered.


"Ah, well, don't let me keep you," Beldar finished, "Beds are down that hall, there, complete with door bars in case you really want to be left alone. If you need a drink or food, let me know."




Outside, the steward's eyes became as large as saucers as he saw the warforged approach him. Was this the one the adventurers had warned him of? How in the Hells had he gotten into the city?


He put his hand on the mace at his hip, "A-A-And why d-d-do you want entry?"

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Rhaine shook her head at the short altercation between Caladus and some drunk. She walked up to the bar, where it appeared that the proprietor was polishing some glasses.


"Are you Beldar?" she inquired.


"Aye," he replied, looking up. He was a rather handsome man, if a bit scarred from his adventurous youth, "You have your passes?"


"That we do," the Doomguide answered. As she presented hers, he nodded to her amulet, "Not many followers of the Lord of the Dead around here - Tymora favors this city. You'll find her temple on a slight rise past the Shield Tower."


She nodded, "Perhaps it would do us good to pay homage to Lady Luck before we continue our journey."


"Ah," Beldar smiled, "Not plannin' on staying long? Where are you travelers headed, if I may ask?"


"First to speak with the baroness about a local problem we've uncovered, then to purchase horses and investigate an army around the Kryptgarden," Rhaine replied.


"Aye, I've heard about that," the innkeeper's brow furrowed, "An up-and-coming noble family of some sort...Cormyrean, I think...sent their troops out to harvest the valuable Zalantar wood in that forest. Local rangers and druids aren't too happy about it."


"That we've heard," Rhaine answered.


"Ah, well, don't let me keep you," Beldar finished, "Beds are down that hall, there, complete with door bars in case you really want to be left alone. If you need a drink or food, let me know."




Outside, the steward's eyes became as large as saucers as he saw the warforged approach him. Was this the one the adventurers had warned him of? How in the Hells had he gotten into the city?


He put his hand on the mace at his hip, "A-A-And why d-d-do you want entry?"


"There is no need to stutter, sir, I do not wish conflict. I am only a giant walking mountain," Adamant said "I wish to enter because I have no where to go. I seek acceptance. Would you refuse access to me if I was one of your race?" Adamant dropped his head slightly "I still feel, you know. Just because I am a pile of rock does not mean I do not feel."

Edited by Brutii
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