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Tales of Faerun


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Beldar had overheard Caladus, "Excuse me? Did you just say that a Warforged followed you into the city?"


Rhaine winced, "That would be the 'local problem' I mentioned. The thing is rogue. It's attacking us because of...ah...who we are." She gestured at Xallistine to make her point.


The innkeeper raised an eyebrow, "And who, exactly, are you?"


"Rhaine Alcinea, Chosen of Kelemvor and formerly the Knight-Captain of Crossroad Keep."


All of a sudden, a hush fell over the room. Beldar shrugged, "That explains a lot...including the ragtag group you've got with you. All right everyone, listen up! We're locking this place down. Everybody get inside your rooms and bar the doors." The staff rushed to do as he bid, locking and barring the entrance doors and pushing the guests down the hall to their rooms, their weapons in their hands. Beldar gestured to Rhaine and her companions, "The rest of you follow me. We're going to have a chat with Waterbaron Belleethe."




The steward groaned. The warforged put on such a defeated look...but then again, what if it was playing him like a fiddle? Yet, at the same time, how could he deny the construct entry when he had just let a stlarning Illithid into the inn?


Gods, why does this always happen to me?


"Look, I-"


Suddenly, there was a clopping sound and snorting as two mounted guardsmen approached, "Someone giving you trouble, Ewan? I thought...by the gods!"


"That's a damn warforged!"


The first guard kept a tight rein on his horse, "Ah...you there! Construct! Who is your master?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Beldar had overheard Caladus, "Excuse me? Did you just say that a Warforged followed you into the city?"


Rhaine winced, "That would be the 'local problem' I mentioned. The thing is rogue. It's attacking us because of...ah...who we are." She gestured at Xallistine to make her point.


The innkeeper raised an eyebrow, "And who, exactly, are you?"


"Rhaine Alcinea, Chosen of Kelemvor and formerly the Knight-Captain of Crossroad Keep."


All of a sudden, a hush fell over the room. Beldar shrugged, "That explains a lot...including the ragtag group you've got with you. All right everyone, listen up! We're locking this place down. Everybody get inside your rooms and bar the doors." The staff rushed to do as he bid, locking and barring the entrance doors and pushing the guests down the hall to their rooms, their weapons in their hands. Beldar gestured to Rhaine and her companions, "The rest of you follow me. We're going to have a chat with Waterbaron Belleethe."




The steward groaned. The warforged put on such a defeated look...but then again, what if it was playing him like a fiddle? Yet, at the same time, how could he deny the construct entry when he had just let a stlarning Illithid into the inn?


Gods, why does this always happen to me?


"Look, I-"


Suddenly, there was a clopping sound and snorting as two mounted guardsmen approached, "Someone giving you trouble, Ewan? I thought...by the gods!"


"That's a damn warforged!"


The first guard kept a tight rein on his horse, "Ah...you there! Construct! Who is your master?"


Adamant looked at him, the tone of his voice made it clear he resented being reminded of his master "Who is your master?" Adamant thought... he didn't like being reminded of his master "None of your business" Adamant said, quickly the tone of his voice made it clear he resented being reminded of his master, it was slightly louder than that of before "Whats it to you any how?"

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Nawen's eyes widened when she heard Caladus saying that the Warforged was already in the city. She knew that they won't be safe here. The worst part was... what if he will attack the innocents too? She can't let that happen but on the other hand how could they fight someone like him?


Nawen thought to try something else but she was unsure whether it will work or not but it was worth the try. She made sure that no one was looking and sneaked past outside to look for the Warforged, alone.

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Adamant looked at the guard and waited, before adding something to his comment "Why is it so hard for me to enter, when two drow, an Illithid and a group of others just walked right in? What makes me different?" Adamant asked Adamant thought he saw movement near the door, but he thought it wasn't his prey, surely none of them would be brave enough to come outside and face him, after all, they had to hide behind a dragon before. How ironic, he fought his way through a dragon, yet a few guards were holding him up.
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Nawen looked around for a moment and noticed that the Warforged was standing right there and talking with the same guard that allowed them to enter the town earlier. Because she was still wearing her hood no one could tell that she was a Drow.


The ranger sighed heavily and went towards the Warforged and the guards. She hoped to lure him out of the city so that the others could gather some supplies and leave as soon as possible. She could simply not allow others to get hurt because she was a Drow. "Few locals are causing trouble in the inn. You should arrest them before someone got hurt." She lied to the guards hoping that at least most of them would leave.

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Ianthe gulped. When they'd entered the inn, she thought things would probably end up going well. Caladus' punching of the creepy man had lulled her into a false sense of security, and she was a bit confused by that. She shook herself and said, "I hope I get some rest by the end of tonight..."




Reona looked over at the sleeping camp, not understanding how they could sleep so peacefully at night. She wiggled her bare toes around in the dirt, bored. Arva and Evan were still exchanging stories, and she was only occasionally adding a detail here and there, or laughing at funny things. After a few moments of sitting there, she crawled into her tent and pulled out a lyre, packed by her mother, of course.


Quietly, she began to pluck at the strings with the practiced gracefulness that came with a lifetime of lessons, swaying as she was enraptured by the sounds her own fingers were producing. When she finished the song, she looked up, noticing that Arva and Evan had gone quiet. She blushed as they clapped for her, looking back down at her lyre.


"That was beautiful," Evan said, his face nearly as red as hers. "It was very mournful and sad. Moving, I mean."


Arva smiled, "It was as beautiful as she is." He coughed and pulled his hair free from its tie so that it would cover his face, hiding the blush that permeated his snowy white complexion.


Just then, a soldier walked by in his skivvies and looked over at the group, then mumbled to himself, "Red-faced, the lot of them, eh? Guess my new training regimen is paying off..." He raised an eyebrow at Reona and then felt his eyeballs turn toward Arva, who presented a terrifying visage with his hair covering his face. The man quickly wormed into his tent and closed the flaps at the opening.

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Nawen looked around for a moment and noticed that the Warforged was standing right there and talking with the same guard that allowed them to enter the town earlier. Because she was still wearing her hood no one could tell that she was a Drow.


The ranger sighed heavily and went towards the Warforged and the guards. She hoped to lure him out of the city so that the others could gather some supplies and leave as soon as possible. She could simply not allow others to get hurt because she was a Drow. "Few locals are causing trouble in the inn. You should arrest them before someone got hurt." She lied to the guards hoping that at least most of them would leave.


Adamant regarded this hooded figure. With that hood, he could not tell whether it was his prey or not, though he doubted it. Adamant simply looked at the person for a moment, before looking at the guards, if they went in, it would be the perfect opportunity to enter and find his prey, he would then stalk them to a better position. The guards must not be allowed to interfere, and hurting civilians was not his aim "You need to do your job, rather than stopping me from entering a public building for no real reason." Adamant said

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Rhaine followed Beldar as he led them into a back room and then opened a false panel in the wall. Beyond was a dark and musty passage. The innkeeper took a torch from the wall, "Stay close and keep moving!"


"What is this place?" she asked.


"There are secret tunnels all over this city, Captain," Beldar answered, moving hurriedly into the corridor, "and this one leads straight to Lady Belleethe's wine cellar."


The Doomguide waved for her companions to follow, but when she looked over her shoulder, she noticed something wasn't right.


Nawen was gone.



"You heard the lady!" the first guard said, jerking a thumb at the hooded woman, "There's trouble in there! And metal head here says it's drow and an illithid!"


"Are you daft? I'm not goin' in there! Those 'adventurers' can take care o' themselves. Especially when I need to find out where this thing came from!" the second guard answered.


"He's far less dangerous than stlarning drow, you idiot! Didn't you hear what happened to Waterdeep when those bastards hit the Yawning Portal?"


"If that thing doesn't have a master, genius," the second guard rolled his eyes, "it means it's rogue!"


"So what if it's rogue?" the other sighed in exasperation, "It's obviously not hostile or he woulda attacked by now!"


"Have you ever seen a construct that didn't obey direct orders? Why would it be here if he wasn't under orders?"


"You heard what he told Ewan, he just wants to be accepted."


"Oh for the love of Mystra...it's a huge. Chunk. Of ROCK! It doesn't have feelings!"


"On the contrary," the Lathanderite steward piped up, "It's a living construct, which means it does have a soul-"


The first guard finally dismounted, "Fine. You stay outside like a whiny little coward with metal head, here...I'm going in."


He made his way down the steps and was gone for several minutes before he came running back up, eyes wide, "The door's barred from the inside!"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus looked around, and saw Nawen's cloak dissapearing up the stairs. Foolish girl! Thought he, as he rushed after her. She would take on a Warforged alone? He pushes people out of his way to not be trapped within the building. He throws back his hood, unafraid of people's reactions to his Drow apparance. "WARFORGED!" He cried, "Over here! You would condemn me, a Peaceful Drow who wants to live in the forest as a Druid, then I am here. Smite me down, and fulfill your task, if you can. I am no easy opponent." He loos to the heavens, "Rillifane, I have never asked you for anything before, assist me in ending this so I won't have to worry about innocents getting slaughtered anymore by this thing."


Shaori flattened herself against a wall to avoid all the kerfuffle.


Saerileth draws Carsomyr, and prepares to defend the innocent.

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