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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen sighed in relief when some of the guards left. Considering how they addressed the Drow, she could not fight them all. She then glanced at the Warforged. "I want you to leave us alone." She said with a cold tone and stepped back a little and removed her hood so that he could see that she's a Drow. She hoped to resolve things peacefully but if this construct is truly blinded by the hatred of the Drow she will fight him even if it meant death. As long as others will be safe at least for a while.


But unfortunately her plan was ruined by the guard who returned and Caladus who also rushed outside and was trying to get the attention of the Warforged. "Leave. Now." She said to the guard. "This is between me and him." She said pointing to the construct.

Edited by Naktis
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Rhaine saw Caladus run after Nawen. She almost grabbed him by the collar, but her fingers barely missed the fabric of his cloak. She closed her eyes in frustration. Fine. If they wanted to get themselves killed, she hoped they didn't expect her to resurrect them. She needed to get to Lady Belleethe and put a stop to the whole thing.


"Now's not the time for battle, child!" she called to Saerileth as she followed Beldar at a jog, "Some conflicts cannot be won with our swords! Come!"


The innkeeper led them through the winding tunnels, the flame of his torch trailing behind him, "It'll just be a few minutes...hurry!"




The guards' mouths dropped open when they saw the two drow. One of them hesitated, eyes wide, before drawing the bull horn from his belt and putting it to his lips. The echoing blast that followed would summon the mounted guards from all over the city.

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Caladus looked at the construct. "You are on a corrupted purpose, Warforged. Your master is dead. That is not how a construct is supposed to operate. You are considered Rogue. You are slaughtering innocents, and are considered the Evil one here. I am a peaceful Druid, she a Ranger. We mean harm to no one. Why do you slaughter the innocent?"
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Caladus looked at the construct. "You are on a corrupted purpose, Warforged. Your master is dead. That is not how a construct is supposed to operate. You are considered Rogue. You are slaughtering innocents, and are considered the Evil one here. I am a peaceful Druid, she a Ranger. We mean harm to no one. Why do you slaughter the innocent?"


Adamant looked at Nawen, "I shall not leave... not yet..." Then he looked between the two"There is much talk. And I have listened. Through rock and metal and time. Now I shall talk, and you shall listen. I wonder the earth, seeking forgiveness for my horrible crimes, against god, and man. But your kind is the reason. Stop. You are adding time to a sentence I never deserved." Adamant said, there was a slight edge of sadness, and prehapes remorse, in his voice, but the hostility out shone this a million fold "My mistress is dead... I killed her... She tried to kill me... the closest thing I had to a mother. There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt." Adamant pointed towards Caladus ""This one has nerve, and has its mind concluded." he pointed to Nawen ""This one believes she is worth less than others and is the more deluded." Adamant heard the sound of the bull horn, and let out a cry of rage, and looked at the guard "Go now! You will not interfere. This is judgement! Supreme truth! Leave and this will not become a blood bath!" then back to the drow, and his voice shrunk back to how it was before "What makes me corrupted? Because I have no master? I am my own master, you have no master, save fate, yet you do not call yourself corrupted." Adamant paused "And I am more than a construct. I am a lot like you, but maybe not quite so naive... or maybe I am. I do not slaughter the innocent. I slaughter with reason. I slaughter the guilty," Adamant paused again, as if trying to weigh something. He whispered something to himself. Then went back to adressing the drow "Children of my enemy. Son and daughter of pain." Adamant laughed "You don't have a prayer... You are the cause of my suffering, and that of countless others. I suppose you want fairness, then I will give you fair, come quietly, and I will not continue after your friends."

Edited by Brutii
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"Deluded?" Nawen thought and frowned slightly. She heard the sound of the bull horn. That idiot guard called for reinforcements.


The ranger listened to what the Warforged had to say. She could not help but think if her real, dark elven family had something to do with what caused him to hate the Drow so much... "No. You will leave our friends alone. They did nothing wrong. We did nothing wrong." She spoke and you could see determination in her eyes. She was getting rather impatient with this construct but then again Dwarves that raised her and Dwarves in general are not known for patience. "We are not evil and we should not pay for the crimes that others of our kind have committed."


Nawen glared at the Warforged, the raising of the Dwarven people was quite visible now to those who knew their ways. "You're not seeking forgiveness for your crimes! You keep on committing crimes! You're either too blinded by the hatred towards our kind or too ignorant to see that what you are doing is wrong!"

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