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Tales of Faerun


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"Deluded?" Nawen thought and frowned slightly. She heard the sound of the bull horn. That idiot guard called for reinforcements.


The ranger listened to what the Warforged had to say. She could not help but think if her real, dark elven family had something to do with what caused him to hate the Drow so much... "No. You will leave our friends alone. They did nothing wrong. We did nothing wrong." She spoke and you could see determination in her eyes. She was getting rather impatient with this construct but then again Dwarves that raised her and Dwarves in general are not known for patience. "We are not evil and we should not pay for the crimes that others of our kind have committed."


Nawen glared at the Warforged, the raising of the Dwarven people was quite visible now to those who knew their ways. "You're not seeking forgiveness for your crimes! You keep on committing crimes! You're either too blinded by the hatred towards our kind or too ignorant to see that what you are doing is wrong!"


"Yes, what I am doing is wrong, but I owe it. You're kind made me, you're kind moulded me, you're kind betrayed me, now they will pay for their ignorance and repent. I have walked among men and angels for 117 years.

'Time has no end... no beginning... no purpose.

I wander the earth, seeking forgiveness for my horrible crimes against God and man.

I live to see death and destruction, evil... over the light, but the light cannot be extinguished.

I live in a prison of my own demise.

I am lost...in time'" Adamant didn't understand, he was seeking forgiveness, he was correcting crime. "Or you are to ignorant to see that you are wrong. Your kind is one and the same. Your kind did not acknowledge what I wanted, so I will not acknowledge what you want, little drow. Our time on this earth is limited. I will tear down this town or any other, stone by stone if I have to, but the drow will pay" Adamant paused "It seems you grow tired of this bickering. Alas, I do as well, prehapes we should end this now. I must said, I admire your courage. But tell me, why did you come out here, when you know I would kill you?"

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Nawen sighed heavily. Talking to this Warforged was like talking to a brick wall. She understood that no matter what she say he will not listen. On the other hand she did the same thing. The ranger thought that he is crazy and that everything he says makes no sense.


She was ready to go outside of the town and fight if there is no other way just to give some extra time for others to escape and maybe prevent this thing from hurting innocent people of Yartar. "I already told you. I want you to leave my friends and the people of this city alone.

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Nawen sighed heavily. Talking to this Warforged was like talking to a brick wall. She understood that no matter what she say he will not listen. On the other hand she did the same thing. The ranger thought that he is crazy and that everything he says makes no sense.


She was ready to go outside of the town and fight if there is no other way just to give some extra time for others to escape and maybe prevent this thing from hurting innocent people of Yartar. "I already told you. I want you to leave my friends and the people of this city alone.


The warforged looked at her, then let out short laugh, he found it funny how easily people jumped to such conclusions as he was going to kill everyone in the city. When he had said he would take cities apart stone by stone, he didn't mean he would take the people apart as well "You have played into my hands, child of the vile ones. I was never going to bother the people of this city, and your friends can go, I have no problem with them. The opposite. It is you two I am after." Adamant said, then his voice turned harsh again "But I see through your lies drow, do not pretend to be good, it will not throw me off" Adamant drew Bloodmourne "Lets finish this now"

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"Just a bit farther, now!"


Beldar began leading them up a winding staircase, finally coming in front of a locked door. He drew a ring of keys from his belt, fiddled with one a bit, and then opened the slab of creaking wood. He waved them inside, and Rhaine found herself in a dark and dank cellar, filled to the brim with casks and wine bottles.


"This way!" He moved quickly through the cellar and opened another door, following yet another staircase upwards, this time stone. Finally, beyond one last door, they emerged in the great hall of the castle of Yartar.



Suddenly, the steward heard the clatter of hooves, and out of the darkness of the night galloped twenty of the Shields of Yartar. They quickly surrounded the group in a ring, horses snorting and stamping. Five archers had their crossbows trained on the threesome, five more with fiery blastglobes in their hands. The rest bore lances at the ready, two of them pressing the weapons into the backs of the drow.


"By the order of the Waterbaron, drop your weapons!"


"Those two are drow! We should gut 'em!"


"What in the hells is that thing?"


"Silence!" Came a bark. From the back of the group of guardsmen rode another, his steed armored heavily, his shield bearing both the emblem of the city and that of Tempus, god of battle, "Sorel! Bran! What in the Nine Hells is going on here?"


The two guards who had first investigated Ewan's troubles saluted their captain, before one replied, "Sir! We came after hearing a commotion in the area, only to find this warforged asking Ewan here to get into Beldar's place. And then these two drow pop out of nowhere..."


"Captain!" the Lathanderite steward stepped forward, "Listen! This warforged says he's been hunting these drow...he seems certain of their guilt for some crime, yet they claim innocence. They have friends who went into the inn here, but the doors are barred now!"


The Captain's brow furrowed, "The only person who can determine guilt and dispense justice in this city is Lady Belleethe Kheldorna, Waterbaron of Yartar and Paladin of Tyr. You two! Arrest these drow and take them to the dungeons...mages! Bind this warforged."

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"Just a bit farther, now!"


Beldar began leading them up a winding staircase, finally coming in front of a locked door. He drew a ring of keys from his belt, fiddled with one a bit, and then opened the slab of creaking wood. He waved them inside, and Rhaine found herself in a dark and dank cellar, filled to the brim with casks and wine bottles.


"This way!" He moved quickly through the cellar and opened another door, following yet another staircase upwards, this time stone. Finally, beyond one last door, they emerged in the great hall of the castle of Yartar.



Suddenly, the steward heard the clatter of hooves, and out of the darkness of the night galloped twenty of the Shields of Yartar. They quickly surrounded the group in a ring, horses snorting and stamping. Five archers had their crossbows trained on the threesome, five more with fiery blastglobes in their hands. The rest bore lances at the ready, two of them pressing the weapons into the backs of the drow.


"By the order of the Waterbaron, drop your weapons!"


"Those two are drow! We should gut 'em!"


"What in the hells is that thing?"


"Silence!" Came a bark. From the back of the group of guardsmen rode another, his steed armored heavily, his shield bearing both the emblem of the city and that of Tempus, god of battle, "Sorel! Bran! What in the Nine Hells is going on here?"


The two guards who had first investigated Ewan's troubles saluted their captain, before one replied, "Sir! We came after hearing a commotion in the area, only to find this warforged asking Ewan here to get into Beldar's place. And then these two drow pop out of nowhere..."


"Captain!" the Lathanderite steward stepped forward, "Listen! This warforged says he's been hunting these drow...he seems certain of their guilt for some crime, yet they claim innocence. They have friends who went into the inn here, but the doors are barred now!"


The Captain's brow furrowed, "The only person who can determine guilt and dispense justice in this city is Lady Belleethe Kheldorna, Waterbaron of Yartar and Paladin of Tyr. You two! Arrest these drow and take them to the dungeons...mages! Bind this warforged."


Adamant heard the last line and made a resentful noise, he didn't want to get into a fight with anyone but the drow, but this was quickly getting out of hand "Oh, bring the whole damn town to the party would you? Someone go bake us a cake" Adamant shouted, this was getting more and more stupid by the minute, if this continued much longer, they'd be hell to pay "Come on then, let us finish this your way." Adamant put bloodmourne away again

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"RILIFANE I NEED YOU NOW!!!" Caladus shouted. He hears shouts and curses from nearby townsfolk, as an old dead tree sprang to lushious green, then another until every tree in and around the town looked like it had been flourishing for a hundred years. He looks at the construct. "Rilifane is coming, I have never asked for help in all my life, and he comes to the worthy." The earth bubbled, the soil churns and a giant shambling mound rises slowly from the earth to tower over the construct. "LEAVE MY DRUID ALONE!" the mound rumbled at the construct. "I JUDGE HIM WORTHY OF LIFE, AS WELL AS HIS COMPANIONS. YOU SHALL NOT HARM THEM"
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"RILIFANE I NEED YOU NOW!!!" Caladus shouted. He hears shouts and curses from nearby townsfolk, as an old dead tree sprang to lushious green, then another until every tree in and around the town looked like it had been flourishing for a hundred years. He looks at the construct. "Rilifane is coming, I have never asked for help in all my life, and he comes to the worthy." The earth bubbled, the soil churns and a giant shambling mound rises slowly from the earth to tower over the construct. "LEAVE MY DRUID ALONE!" the mound rumbled at the construct. "I JUDGE HIM WORTHY OF LIFE, AS WELL AS HIS COMPANIONS. YOU SHALL NOT HARM THEM"


Adamant sighed "I'm getting sick of these interruptions. Can't you wait until I'm dead to pester me? I have more important things to do, more important people to eliminate and these drow are slowing me down, so would you kindly smite them so everything can go back to normal?" Adamant asked sarcastically "No get out of my way and let me finish this!"

Edited by Brutii
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"HOW STUPID ARE YOU ALL?!?!?!?!?!? I don't war to attack this town, so decrees Adamant!" he said, mimicking the god "My crusade cannot end until every drow and the likes of such things are lying in shallow graves!" Adamant roared "You are a god! You have seen what they have done!"

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Ravenna walked up behind Adamant, slowly, like a shadow, and then around to stand at his side "Begone foul god, your power is nothing to anyone here. This construct is not to be the bane of this city, if you would care to search it's intentions. Now begone. The meddling of the gods causes too much pain in this world, but it gives me great pleasure when i learn of god after god dropping, dead. Your interruption is costing only power, energy,and time on your part."
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