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Tales of Faerun


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Ravenna looked at Caladus and Nawen and said "Fair thee well, do stick a large, twisted, barbed pike through the Cult of the dragon won't you?" She then dispersed into a flock of cawing crows, leaving the city.


Xallistine looked around, walking to stay close to Rhaine.


"Oh... that complicates my plan" Adamant said, watching the crows fly away "Do you think if I killed one of those crows she would lost part of her body? That would be funny, to see the look on her face when she appears without legs... or arms... or face"

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Within a few moments, Belleethe Kheldorna, clad in only her nightgown with sword in hand, entered the room. Even with her hair in a tangle and garbed in less-than-regal attire, she exuded an air of authority and dignity.


"So," she began, her voice clipped, "The esteemed Knight-Captain of Crossroad Keep manages to slip into my city under the cover of darkness and wake me from my slumber for what reason?"


"My lady," Rhaine answered with a bow, "I would not do so if it weren't for the utmost importance of the message I bring. A rogue warforged has managed to make its way into Yartar, following us because of the two drow I have in my company."


"Excuse me?!" The baroness exclaimed, grey eyes flashing, "You not only break Yartar's law by entering after the curfew, but you also bring a rogue construct and drow into our midst? Have you gone mad? I should rouse the guard and arrest you all for endangering my people!"


"Waterbaron," Beldar bowed hastily, "Forgive me, but the guard has already been roused! I heard the horns!"


Belleethe's eyes widened, "Then we must move...all of you follow me. Now!"


With that, the paladin stormed from the castle and into the streets, Rhaine and her guards on her heels. It was not long before they came upon the warforged, Nawen, and Caladus, surrounded by twenty of the terrified Shields.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen watched what everything happen with the genuine surprise on her face. Not only because the Rillifane Rallathil honored them with his presence and protected them from the Warforged but also because he saw the mistakes of his own actions and even apologized... she was not too fond of the idea of having him with the considering that he was more than willing to kill them not too long ago but she hoped that he will not try to harm them...


Nawen looked around and watched the guards who seemed terrified, that's when she noticed Rhaine and the others and smiled slightly.

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Within a few moments, Belleethe Kheldorna, clad in only her nightgown with sword in hand, entered the room. Even with her hair in a tangle and garbed in less-than-regal attire, she exuded an air of authority and dignity.


"So," she began, her voice clipped, "The esteemed Knight-Captain of Crossroad Keep manages to slip into my city under the cover of darkness and wake me from my slumber for what reason?"


"My lady," Rhaine answered with a bow, "I would not do so if it weren't for the utmost importance of the message I bring. A rogue warforged has managed to make its way into Yartar, following us because of the two drow I have in my company."


"Excuse me?!" The baroness exclaimed, grey eyes flashing, "You not only break Yartar's law by entering after the curfew, but you also bring a rogue construct and drow into our midst? Have you gone mad? I should rouse the guard and arrest you all for endangering my people!"


"Waterbaron," Beldar bowed hastily, "Forgive me, but the guard has already been roused! I heard the horns!"


Belleethe's eyes widened, "Then we must move...all of you follow me. Now!"


With that, the paladin stormed from the castle and into the streets, Rhaine and her guards on her heels. It was not long before they came upon the warforged, Nawen, and Caladus, surrounded by twenty of the terrified Shields.


Adamant looked at all the shields, this was either bad, or really bad "Um... I come in peace?" Adamant asked. Had one of them really gone and woke half the watch because he had stalked two drow into the city? If so that was both frightening... and oddly pleasing

Edited by Brutii
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Belleethe looked from the group to the guards and back again. It appeared no one had made a move against each other...almost if the situation had resolved itself before she even got there. She watched all of them with a critical gaze before waving a hand to the guard captain, "Disperse your men. I will handle this from here."


"Yes, milady!" the captain nodded, "You heard the baroness...move!"


As the guards reluctantly left the scene, she turned to Beldar, "Go back to your inn and your patrons. You did well by bringing the Knight-Captain to me."


Beldar nodded and silently went back to the castle to close up the secret passages.


Finally, the Waterbaron let her gaze return to the drow and the construct, "You are lucky that no blood has been shed this night. And you, drow, are particularly lucky that you follow the Knight-Captain, here. Her words carry great weight with me - and therefore, so do yours. So," she inclined her head to Nawen, "speak. Why are you here and why has this chaos been raised in my city at this hour?"

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Nawen turned to the Waterbaron. She did not know how to address someone royal like her but she hoped that her words will not offend her. "The Warforged, Adamant followed is into the city because he wanted to kill me and my friend Caladus for being drow. I hoped to resolve the things peacefully or if I had to fight to delay him so that my other friends could escape without him seeing where but then Caladus came in and as we were about to fight Rillifane Rallathil himself appeared and honored us with his presence. He also helped to resolve the things without any violence and Adamant no longer wishes to harm us." The ranger explained everything as best as she could. After she was done she sighed heavily and glanced at the Waterbaron waiting for her response.
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Caladus looked over. "This is all true. My patron Rillifane Ralathil appeared unto this town, Why do you think it looks more green? Such is the effect of his presence. Now if you will excuse me, I was told by him to 'Walk in the woods and he will appear' and one does not simply ignore what a patron god commands. Excuse me." Caladus walks briskly towards the gates, and Snaps his fingers. "OPEN THIS GATE" he shouts, and the guards, still under Ianthe's spell, happily obliged. "Leave them open, there's a chap.' He says, striding purposefully out into the woods. He felt his lord's presence once again and a face appears in a tree. "Caladus Silvercloak. As a reward for your dedication and belief, I grant you a gift." A magnificent horse trots up. He stands 17 and a half hands, is coal black with a small white diamond in his forehead, has a white stocking extending up the cannon of his right hind leg to his knee, and seems to be quite sweet tempered. "This is Dark Thunder. He is a king among horses, and will serve you well for the trip ahead of you, Farewell... Caladus.... we... shall... speak,...again." The voice faded as the face of Rilifane faded away too. Dark Thunder walks up to Caladus and nuzzles his chest affectionately. Bemused, Caladus walks with the horse following back into the town. Edited by BaldurAnthology
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"I believe," Belleethe said slowly, looking back and forth between them all and watching Caladus leave, "I am beginning to understand the problem. You encountered this warforged in the wilderness and fled to Yartar for shelter, but you did not count on it following you so...adamantly. An appropriate name." She looked the construct up and down before returning her gaze to Rhaine, "You did not endanger my people intentionally, that I now see. And it seems that the problems between you have been solved, as well? Lucky indeed...Tymora has smiled on us all, I think. And, perhaps, several other goodly gods."


She sighed, leaning on her sword, "You have indeed broken several laws in this city - trespassing and trouble-making among other things. But I do not forget your actions in Old Owl Well, Knight-Captain. You enabled us to re-open our vital trade route to Neverwinter, and Yartar has prospered because of this. I am willing to waive all charges against you - under one condition: return to Beldar's Rest and actually rest, if you please. I believe we have all had enough excitement for one night."


Rhaine bowed, "I thank you for your mercy, baroness. But, before you go, there is something else I wish to add. We have come from routing a branch of the Cult of the Dragon nearby...in the Underdark beneath the Sword Mountains. You may wish to conduct an investigation, in case it has reached farther than the foothills."


Belleethe's brow raised, "Indeed? That is most...disturbing. I shall see to it on the morrow. You have my gratitude, Knight-Captain...good night."


With that, the Waterbaron turned from them, returning to her castle, leaving the group to do what they wished.


There was a moment of silence before the Doomguide sighed heavily, "I am in agreement with Lady Belleethe. Sleep is of the utmost importance right now. Shall we?" She gestured back to the gatehouse of Beldar's Rest.

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Caladus walked into town with Dark Thunder obligingly walking by his side. "Rhaine! I believe that My transportation to Cormyr is taken care of. You will still need horses for yourselves, though. Meet Dark Thunder. He is a gift from the god Rilifane." Dark Thunder whinnies, and nuzzles at Rhaine, searching for food.


Shaori came out and seeing Caladus walks straight up to him, and smacks him across the face, then flings her arms around him. "Don't you EVER do something that STUPID again! What if..." She trails off, and just holds him tightly for a moment.


Saerileth has come outside now, and says, "I agree with Lady Rhaine! I needs must rest."

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