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Tales of Faerun


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"Yes... some rest would be perfect." Nawen added. She was still unsure whether the problem with Adamant have been dealt with permanently but she was exhausted and others were probably as well. She also started to think if she has to explain for sneaking off like that. Although, she did say everything in front of Belleethe and hopefully everyone heard her.


She was about to start walking toward the tavern when Caladus returned accompanied with the beautiful horse. He was lucky indeed if that his patron deity granted him such a gift. The ranger could not help but think if The Forest Queen would ever grant something like that to her, she was faithful and loyal yet most of the time it seemed that her prayers stayed unanswered...

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Rhaine petted Dark Thunder's muzzle gently before making her way down the stairs and into Beldar's Rest once more. The place wasn't as full as it had been - she suspected that many of the patrons had chosen to remain in their rooms for the night. The Doomguide approached the bar, where Beldar himself had resumed polishing glasses, as if nothing had ever happened. She seated herself on a stool in front of him, putting her head in her hands.


"Something the matter?" the innkeeper asked.


"I need a drink," she replied flatly.


Beldar chuckled, pulling a bottle from under the counter and pouring her a small glass, "Here. Drow Deepwine, on the house. It'll help you sleep."


She inclined her head appreciatively, "Thank you. And thank you, too, for taking us to Lady Belleethe."


The Doomguide took a few sips of the wine. It was sweet, but strong - and just the thing she needed to relax her muscles and her mind. She sat in silence for a few moments, then looked up at Beldar, "Yartar does trade in horseflesh, yes?"


"That we do," he answered, putting the tankards away, "There's a stable just outside the walls, on the outer edge of the Shield Tower. Good stock."


She nodded, taking another few sips. That's where they would head in the morn, before investigating the mysterious army for Ianthe and Hazel. It had saddened her somewhat to see the dryad go, but she knew that Hazel needed to stay close to her tree and her grove. She would miss her, she knew, and think of her often - including her endearing fascination with spoons. She had been quite surprised when Byron had kissed the dryad, and it made Rhaine think of those who had professed their own love for her. She had spurned a man not once but twice in the past five years...and she wondered if she would ever find her life mate. Now that she had been touched by immortality, the chances were even slimmer. How could she watch a lover grow old and die while she never aged at all?


The Doomguide drained her glass, "You said rooms were where?"


Beldar took her goblet and pointed, "Down that hall, there. Are you retiring for the night?"


"I am...it has been a long day."


He smiled gently, "I understand. Good night, Knight-Captain."


Rhaine found her room on the end of the long corridor, the same number on the door that had been on her pass. She closed it behind her and barred it, so no one would disturb her. Quickly removing her armor and changing into her nightdress, she went to bed and fell asleep in minutes.

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Caladus walked around the back of the Inn to the stables, and Dark Thunder trotted into a stall. Caladus closes the stall door, and strokes the horses muzzle. He forks some hay from the overhead rack to the feed trough, ensured the water bucket was filled, and went inside. He nods at Beldar, who was putting away a bottle of Deepwine, and asks where the rooms are. Beldar points down the hall and Caladus walks to the room on his pass. He goes inside, removes his armor and changes into a light tunic. He goes to the rooms brazier, and offers the bread left in the room to Rilifane as thanks. He drops the bread into the brazier, and said "Thank you, lord Rilifane for your help and guidance today." He lays down on top of his bed, not tired yet.


Saerileth follows Caladus, until she finds her door and enters a cozy little room. She disarms, and goes to the bath in the room to wash. She changes into her silk sleeping gown, and goes to bed.


Shaori finds her room and goes for a bath. She changes into some clean clothes feeling refreshed, then finds the door Caladus went in. She knocks on the door.


Caladus hears a hesitant knocking on the door. "Enter" he says. He wonders who could be calling at this time of night, and then is even more surprised when Shaori comes into his room. "Shaori, what.. is something the matter?"


Shaori walks gracefully across the room. "What you did was stupid, and foolish. That construct could have squashed you flat! But no you had to play hero. Well, this is what I have to say to mister Hero over here!"


Caladus braces himself for a smack, that he was certain he deserved, instead he got a rather intense kiss. "W-what was that for?" Shaori grins, and pulls away, walking towards the exit. "Doesn't the hero always get the girl?" She says, teasingly, exiting the room to return to her own.

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Adamant couldn't understand sleep and rest. Why enter a vunerable state when you could just continue? Another design flaw, just like flesh. Regardless, these people seemed to need it, and since he didn't, he'd have to wait around all night. Adamant just stood where he had almost killed the drow. His lack of knowledge of his new pray was disastrous. Knowing the movements and routines of your prey tilts the balance of a hunt, but he knew nothing of this new target. Few appreciated the thought he put into many of his kills, they weren't usually just hack and slash. Any way, this cult of the dragon or something like that was much more pressing a matter than Ravenna, but he'd catch up to her sooner or later. Adamant began to enter a state of thought. What if he had made more mistakes? Troubling. If he added ten years for every mistake he knew about, then that was 903 years left, add the ten years from his little 'break' and it hit 913. 913 more years of wandering. 913 more years until he could call himself redeemed. Would he even live that long? Could he even die? He didn't intend to test it. Adamant just stood there waiting, as still as a statue. Which, given that he pretty much was a walking statue, if wasn't hard to mistake him for.
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Nawen followed the others to the inn. She looked around for a bit only to see that the tavern was not as crowded as it was before.


She followed Caladus, Shaori and Saerileth to where the rooms were. She picked the one who was in the very end of the hall and luckily still available. The ranger entered the room and locked the door behind her. The room was small but also cozy and thankfully clean. One time she had to stay in the inn so filthy, even the bedbugs had fleas.


The ranger folded her cloak and placed it on the small cupboard alongside her short swords and a pack. She then took a quick bath and put some clean clothes on. She then lay in the bed trying to get some sleep, skinning knife hidden under her pillow. So many people knew that she was a Drow and she did not feel safe because of it.

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Rhaine did not know how long she slept, but she awoke feeling well rested. She noticed that there was a private bath for each room, and so she decided to take a quick wash before re-arming herself. As the Doomguide opened her room door, ready to leave, she noticed that many of the other doors in the hall were still closed, and faint snoring could be heard behind a few. Quietly creeping down the corridor and back into the common room, she saw that the place was empty save for a few mercenary guards. She caught the attention of one of them and inquired, "Do you know the time?"


"The clock just struck six in the morning, madam."


She nodded and took a seat at a table on the far wall, waiting for the others. So she hadn't slept a full eight hours. Still, she felt well enough, and she didn't anticipate any more fighting for a while. Of course, she hadn't anticipated Adamant, either...


Rhaine wondered what the construct would do, now that it seemed his 'mission' was over. What foe would he turn to next? He was very strange, unlike any other construct she had encountered before...and she had been around quite a few.


She also let her thoughts rest on Nawen. From what she had overheard the ranger tell Belleethe, she had willingly put her own life on the line to ensure that everyone else remained safe. Caladus, too, had exercised bravery in facing Adamant's wrath. But there was a fine line between courage and foolishness, and only by mere chance were they all able to come out of the situation alive - Lady Belleethe was right: lucky, indeed. The Doomguide made up her mind to pay her respects at the Temple of Tymora before they left.

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Caladus woke up in his bed, confused. He hadn't even remembered getting into it. He rises, and goes to the private bath to wash in the basin. Returning to the main chamber he glances over, and is incredibly shocked to see Shaori in the bed, sleeping peacefully. He racks his brain, trying to remember what had happened, and remembered him catching up to her, and kissing her, the rest of it was a blur. He was sure she would tell him what happened, so dressed and went to get breakfast. He saw Rhaine was already awake. "Greetings, miss. I hope you slept well."


Saerileth slumbers on. She would likely not wake until someone came to wake her.


Shaori wakes up shortly after Caladus leaves. She looks around, and sees herself in a room that wasn't her own, recognizing Caladus's pack, she remembers the night before, and stretches. She remembers that Cal had caught up to her, and they had spent the night together, but hadn't "slept" together. She wanted to be held, not to bed him, not yet. She dresses, and goes out to the common area, sees Rhaine and Caladus, and goes to see about a cup of tea.

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Nawen woke up at the sound of the door being opened. Her instincts most of the time were sharp but sometimes she wanted to have a good night's sleep without waking up to the sound of creaky door or floor from somewhere nearby.


She got out of the bed lazily and changed into her leather armor, put her cloak on and grabbed her pack from the cupboard as well as the skinning knife from under her pillow and quietly closed the door.


She went to the common room only to see that it was quite empty. Not very popular tavern. She thought and looked around to see if any of her friends were here. She saw Rhaine, Caladus and Shaori. "Good morning." She said as she walked up to the table where they sat.

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Ianthe poked her eyes and nose above the surface of her bath water, hearing her friends begin to stir. Well, she had heard doors opening and closing again, and that meant patrons would be in the common room, at least. That meant someone would be manning the kitchen. Her stomach rumbled, and she narrowed her eyes. It seemed it was time to go into action.


She dressed so quickly that she fell over once while trying to get her pants on, and began to run down the stairs immediately after buttoning them. As she padded her way down the stairs, her slippery bare feet seemed to slide out from under her, and she was sent tumbling down the remaining seven steps. Landing belly-first on the floor, she pushed herself onto her hands and knees, then looked up at Beldar, who had worriedly run in front of Ianthe and tried to catch her.


"Gods, are you okay, girl?" He asked, "I tried to catch you, but my joints just aren't what they used to be. You have a few strange wounds here and there..."


Ianthe shrugged, "Those were there before. I was burned until I was pretty much beyond recognition yesterday, so it's taking a while to heal properly." She held up her hands, showing what looked like shiny, pink wrinkles on her palms and wrists. "Those are taking the longest to smooth out, and my hair's not quite the length I want it to be yet... Hey! Is that oatmeal with syrup I smell?" She crawled on her hands and knees over to Rhaine's table and rested her chin on the edge of it, then slowly brought her elbows onto the table and pushed herself up onto her feet. Her large eyes were trained on a bowl of oatmeal with plump blueberries mixed into in on the table, "I like this stuff." She looked back over to Beldar, "Can I have some?"

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Rhaine bit her lip to keep from laughing at Ianthe. The nymph somehow managed to turn everything, including her own misfortune, into something humorous...


"Good morning, friends," she said finally, "I do hope you are all up to perusing the stables. We'll need to purchase horses before we continue. Also, make sure to eat something before we leave - I have no idea when or if we'll be able to pitch camp today."


The Doomguide then tucked into her oatmeal, letting the others do and talk about whatever they wished.

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