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Tales of Faerun


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Ianthe smiled mischievously and allowed Saerileth to pull her up. Sweeping her right foot around, she twirled in a circle, standing on the balls of her feet. She continued to repeat the spins and and put her arms into them, spinning round and round, not caring if her rhythm matched the song or not. She then spun over to Saerileth and took her as her partner in the dance.
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Rhaine lapsed into one of the dances she used to know from her hometown's Harvest Fair. It was a simple dance, but fun and free-spirited.


She danced for several minutes before finally seating herself again, content to simply watch the others. Ianthe was particularly graceful, and Caladus's playing was quite good.

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The old cook came back out of the kitchen, and was dragged into the tavern dance by Shaori.


Caladus makes the tune sound more folkish and jaunty, and is joined by a bard passing through who joined in playing a fiddle.


Saerileth proves herself quite the adept dancer, dancing and twirling with Ianthe.

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Nawen watched the dancing and Caladus playing the odd looking instrument. She wasn't used to such fun activities so she did not know what to do. For a moment she watched the dancing with the slight smile on her face. Sometimes she wished to be just like Ianthe. She was always so cheerful.


She looked around for a moment and noticed that one of the bards was having a break and his lute was resting on the floor beside the chair. It was the only instrument she knew how to play. A traveling bard who used to occasionally stay in the abandoned chapel in Neverwinter Wood where she lived with Illius for a few years. In exchange for the hospitality he taught Nawen how to play an instrument of her choosing, the ranger chose the lute.


She got up from her seat and walked up to the resting bard who was enjoying the dancing and the playing as well as everyone else who were in the common room. "May I borrow your lute?" Nawen asked politely. She was sure that he will say no but strangely enough he nodded in agreement and turned his attention back to activities before him. "Thank you, sir." The ranger said and picked up the lute from the floor.


Nawen returned back to her seat and for a moment practiced the tune as quietly as she could. Soon enough she picked up the tune and joined in the playing.

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It surprised Rhaine when Nawen began to play the lute alongside Caladus. Her friends were quite musically gifted, it seemed - and talented dancers, as well. Both could prove to be useful in the future, for more than just mere entertainment.


She looked around and noticed that Xallistine was missing. The Doomguide wondered briefly where he had run off to, and if he required assistance...but then she dropped the thought, knowing that the Ulitharid was more than capable of taking care of himself.

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Xallistine walked through the tavern doors, putting his cane down first so he could get in, and his body after, he walked, still with the alien grace he seemed to possess, and seated himself upon an empty chair, he looked at the commotion and let out a small chuckle, he then set down the Jar he had on the table, inside was a brain, probably human "Why is it so hard to find a good brain these days? they are all mush with the drivel taught in schools this era.... I don't want to eat something that is consumed with thoughts of pathetic nonsense."


Aricia, was the first to wake, but the last to actually come out of her room. She had been meditating in extreme concentration almost the whole night, and she came out of the bedroom with her mahogany hair swept over one shoulder, in a long plait, she took a seat elegantly at one side of an empty table, and rubbed her temples.

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Arva poked his head outside and looked around. Everyone else seemed to still be asleep. He grinned, and stepped out of the stuffy confines of his tent, stretching. He took in some of the morning sun, a bit more out of feeling cold than anything else. He weaved between some trees and passed a small stream. He stuck his fingertip in the water and shivered at the frigidity, then found the shallowest part he could, which barely reached his ankles, and pulled off his shirt. Lying down on his back, he outstretched his arms to either side as he had done last night, letting the icy water flow around him as he watched the sunlight filter through the trees.


He blinked slowly and barely tilted his head to the side, noticing a bit of motion to his left. A shadow soared quickly from the limb of one tree to another, elegantly disappearing after each landing. Arva smirked, "Reona."


A small head topped with a tangled disarray of short black hair peeked over the edge of a thick branch, "How did you know?"


Arva grinned and closed his eyes, "I just know you, that's all. It's almost as if I'm inside your head sometimes, that is the only way I can describe it."


Reona leaped down from the tree limb, gracefully landing on her bare feet, seeming to not even notice the rocks and pebbles that lined the banks of the stream. She was in a shift that was black as night, and had abandoned her veil back in her tent. She dipped her feet in the water and waded over to Arva, apparently oblivious to the water's temperature. She walked around Arva and stood behind his head, where he could barely see any of her. She leaned over so that he could see her face, although it was upside-down to him, and said with a smile, "That's ridiculous and overly imaginative, Arva."


He sneered at her jokingly, "I can see right up your shift from this angle and I am not afraid to--"


"What impropriety is this!?" came a voice from behind.


Arva raised a hand and waved, his eyes still trained on a certain pair of undergarments. "Hi there, Quack. Enjoying the morning?"

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Caladus finished his song, and put the instrument away. He honestly could not remember the last time he had this much fun. He wished he had time to play more, but they needed saddles and the like for the horses. He walks over to Saerileth. "You should probably get dressed, child. You need to be ready to leave soon. I'm off to pack." The last statement was directed at Rhaine, before he walked down the hallway to his bedroom to pack. He armed himself, stashed his instrument in his pack, gently and buckled the bag shut again. He arms himself, puts on his cloak, and slings his bag across his back. Exiting the room, he goes out past Rhaine and the others to retrieve Dark Thunder from the stables.


Shaori was annoyed that the dance was over, but realized that Caladus was right, and returned to her room to pack her gear. She puts on a semi clean robe and packs her bag, retrieves her weapons and returns to the common area to wait for when they would be leaving.


Saerileth sticks her tongue out at Caladus, but goes to pack and dress anyway. She arms quickly, stashes her night dress in her bag, and returns to the common area, hair bound back, and armor shining. Her two handed sword Carsomyr is strapped across her back, and she looks ready for anything. Her lips are still stained by the strawberry as she did not remember to wash.

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Nawen returned the lute to the bard and returned to her friends. She did not need to pack because she already had everything with her. Except the horse of course. "Cormyr is still far away. What's our next stop?" She asked the adventurers. The road to east leads straight to the ruins of Ascore so there was no point traveling on the same road anymore.
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Rhaine noticed Xallistine's brain in a jar, and apparently everyone else did as well, because what patrons there were suddenly up and left at his entrance. It was a bit...unnerving...but perhaps Illithids would feel the same way if they saw someone devouring fried squid. His observation about the brains of the current generation - or lack thereof - elicited a chuckle from her.


She then rose from her seat and, noticing that Saerileth had neglected to wash after eating strawberries, took her napkin and wiped the paladin's mouth right there in front of everyone. "It seems I'm going to have to be your mother after all," the Doomguide quipped, raising a critical brow at the young Chosen of Tyr.


Turning to Nawen, she added, "We're going to swing by the outskirts of the Kryptgarden, to the southeast, and see about this army that's cutting down the forest - it's the least we can do in return for Hazel's aid."


With that, she looked around and then headed back up the stairs of the inn, into the daylight. It took a minute for her eyes to adjust from the dim lighting of the common room, but when they did, she saw Adamant standing in the exact same position they had left him the night before. She looked up at the construct, "Well...good morrow, Adamant. I thought for certain that you would have left to pursue another foe by now."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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