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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine laughed, "It's fairly simple, Xallistine. Hold for a moment and I'll help you."


The stablemaster went into the tack room and emerged with a saddle and bridle for the Ulitharid's mount. He looked a little unnerved about the presence of a mind flayer, but since Xallistine showed no hostility, he was more wary than afraid. Still, Rhaine came over and quickly tacked the horse while the stablemaster held Ghost. She cinched the black stallion's girth and then held him steady by the reins.


The Doomguide gestured to the saddle, "Just come over to his left side, place your left foot in the left stirrup, and swing your right leg over his back, so you end up sitting astride of him."


Rhaine then nodded to the stablemaster, "Would you tack Ghost for me?"


He inclined his head, "Right away, madam."


As Ghost was being tacked and Rhaine waited on Xallistine, she noticed Nawen had not picked a steed, "Would you rather ride with one of us, friend?"

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Xallistine lifted up his heavy and rigid robe, and did as Rhaine said, he got onto the horse and was a little wobbly at first, but as his steed was large and strong, Xallistine had no problem adjusting to it. He examined the horse and said "Hmm, no mind control collar or head piece? already brainwashed?" He joked, knowing the surface world did not enslave it's animals... they seemed to serve out of trust.
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Caladus walked in and asks the stablemaster for tack for his horse. The stablemaster hands him a saddle, saddlebags, saddleblanket, and all other bits needed to ride Dark Thunder. He pulls out the Endless bag of gold, and, turning it over, says "Tell me when to stop." Solid gold, real coins start pouring out of it, a gold rain clinking down onto the stable floor.


Shaori had followed Ianthe, and shouts to her "Stop teasing the boy!"


Saerileth takes out a purse of money from her pack, and goes to ask how much, and Caladus calls out "Endless bag of gold, remember? I can pay for ALL the horses, and the gear, so pick a horse if you don't have one. Money is no object!"

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Alphonse gingerly freed himself from Ianthe's surprisingly tight grasp, and stepped over to Aricia's horse. He was used to his mother talking to him in such a fashion, as she had little patience for his timidness by this point in his life. He slid the noseband on the horse, making sure the bit was properly in its mouth, before fitting the headpiece over its ears and fastening the buckle where the throat lash and cheek pieces met. "There you go, madam." He said, handing Aricia the reins.


Ianthe puzzled, "I'm not teasing him, Shaori, promise!" She turned back to the boy, "So you know horses already?"


He nodded, "I was on my way to work, that is... here, this morning when the crowd stopped me."

Edited by tokyobleach
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The stablemaster's eyes grew larger and larger as more and more gold coins poured out of the bag, "Whoa, whoa! I mean...hang on a second. It's a thousand gold for each horse and two hundred per set of tack." He turned and began rummaged through a pile of papers on a desk in the corner, "Just a minute - I need to log which horses you've taken."


Rhaine looked up at Xallistine. It was an odd sight - an Illithid on a horse - but she'd get used to to it. The priestess grinned, "All right. Now just take hold of the reins here. Pull left to go left, right to go right, both sides to stop...but be gentle because it tugs on his mouth, under his tongue. To make him go forward, just kick him a bit in the flanks, harder to make him go faster."

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Nawen watched as her friends picked the horses. Oh well. No saving the gold then. She thought and waited for everyone to pick their horses. She could certainly use her own horse. Maybe her idea wasn't all that great?


She heard Rhaine talking so she looked away from the horses and turned to look at the Doomguide. "No. It's alright. I was just waiting for everyone else to pick horses first." She said and stepped closer. All of the animals were well looked after. As a ranger and rather good scout she was inclined to ride in front of the group. Maybe she'll spot something that most of the group could not.


The ranger glanced at the horses that were left. She picked the bay horse with the white triangle on his forehead. "What's his name?" Nawen asked the stablemaster. "Razzy." The man replied. She smiled slightly and Stroked the horse's head. "Hello there, Razzy." She said and looked back at the stablemaster. "I'll take him." She said and got the horse ready for the journey herself.

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Alphonse smiled nervously at Xallistine, after a quick glance to Ianthe to see how she reacted to the Illithid, and said, "If you really want him to respond, you should hold up a sugar cube."


The stablemaster laughed as he logged the horses and figured the numbers, then commented, "We had taken to calling that one Fatty, you see, as he gets very excited whenever he sees a treat. Of course, you can call him whatever you like, he's yours now."


Ianthe stared at the black horse as she absentmindedly twirled a finger in her hair, "Wouldn't it be neat if the horse had tentacles for a mane and tail?"


Alphonse leaned in toward Aricia and muttered, "I take it she's got an active imagination?"

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Xallistine chuckled and said "Fatty? Well... fatty it is then, i would only give him an awful name like lord Illitriad the third... Tentacles for a mane? now that would be interesting." He said, thinking about growing a tentacled horse in his lab.


Aricia smiled and laughed, putting her hair up in a bun and saying "Yes i think she has my boy... away with the faeries as it were."

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Caladus raised an eyebrow at the stablemaster. "This bag pours out 1000 gold per second. I have held this up for 3 minutes now. there is 18000 gold on your floor. Shall I keep pouring? Money really is no object."


Shaori was entranced by the golden waterfall of money. She wanted to catch some coins and take them, or to fill a bath with the money to try laying on it, but then stopped, thinking it was a foolish idea.


Saerileth leads her horse Binky outside, and Saddles him quickly, properly and efficiently. She clucks her tongue and Binky lowers his head to accept the bridle, and she makes it tight, but not too tight as to be unconfortable or chafe the horse. With a running start, she leaps onto the horse, and mounts up.

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