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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine raised an eyebrow at the commander, "That is good. A friend of mine is a dryad of the Kryptgarden, and she feared for her saplings. You should think of such things, next time you go collecting resources."


She turned her attention to the armored man...or elf, rather, although he was extremely pale, even for his race. The Doomguide nodded, "I am she. But what does the name mean to you?"

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Ianthe curiously looked ahead at the army and then pulled her hood over her head as she got a few unwanted stares from some of the soldiers. She thought, for a moment, that she reminded herself of Nawen, as she didn't understand fully why Nawen would hide her pretty face underneath a hood and decided this must be why. She sped her horse up to catch up to the others, then lowered her hood and slowed down.


Arva nodded as the travelers started riding into view, "Well met, all of you. Seeing as how you are all with Rhaine Alcinea, it should not hurt to have you come along as well." He procured an ornate envelope sealed with a bit of red, stamped wax from his saddlebag and offered it to Caladus, who was closest to him, hoping he would hand it over to Rhaine.


Reona flicked her lightning eyes over to the travelers beside them, noticing one was a Drow. Big deal, she thought, He has black skin, I have black clothes. I don't see the difference. She took her veil and pulled it off, grimacing at it. She was not a horse and she did not need something hanging behind her head. With a grin, she threw it to the ground and watched her horse trample it. Hearing a flutter over her head, she looked up and noticed an Avariel flitting above her. For a moment, she wondered what her mother would think, then shook her head. Her mother would ask if they were a traveling circus or something like that.


The commander frowned at the winged woman. "I apologize, Lady Rhaine, but I was under the orders of a less sympathetic leader than yourself."

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Caladus sat there for a bit, for some reason unable to remember what he needed to do. Then it hit him when he remembered the envelope in his hands, he glances at it briefly, and sees Rhaine's name on it. "Think this is yours" He says, passing it over to Rhaine. He glanced down at the woman who tossed off her veil. She wasn't bad looking, but was clearly spoken for.


Shaori flies over towards Arva. "Hey, big boy! You're pretty tall for an elf there, ain't ya? Bet ya never met an Avariel before!"


Saerileth rolls her eyes at this, she knows that the Avariel is teasing the tall elf, and doesn't particularly like it.

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Arva looked up at the Avariel, not focusing on her face at all.


Reona closed her eyes in irritation and inhaled. She spoke through gritted teeth, "I know Arva is pleasing to the eyes, but refrain from such ridiculously flirtatious behavior." She sighed and added, "And I hope you don't mind someone staring at your underpants, girl, because if you give him the chance, he won't hesitate." She reached over and flipped the visor on Arva's helm, and he looked down at her again.


"What was that for?" he asked. "They're all pretty, I can't help it!"

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Rhaine took the envelope, brow furrowing. Indeed, there was her name on the front, written in elegant swirling script. She sighed, flipping it over in her hands and breaking the red seal. Inside was what appeared to be an invitation, written in the same flowing handwriting.

To Lady Rhaine Alcinea, Knight-Captain of Crossroad Keep, Neverwinter Nine, and Chosen of Kelemvor


You have been cordially invited to




Moonlight Masquerade Ball


An evening of exotic entertainment and fine dining in celebration of the union of Houses Dala'ess and Ivaebhin in lawful and blessed marriage.


The event shall take place shortly before the wedding, at the mansion of Dala'ess in Arabel, Cormyr.


Rhaine looked askance at the group, "You're Cormyrean? That's where we are headed."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Commander Quark nodded, "Indeed, my lady."


Arva muttered, "Not by choice..." inside his helm, and winced when it echoed inside. He cursed loudly, knowing old Quack had definitely heard him say that.


Reona scanned the group with her eyes, "Why are you headed for Cormyr. What's there for all of you?"


Ianthe, knowing that she could use it as a cover for the actual reason they were headed there, said, "My father lives there. I was being escorted by Lady Rhaine and her friends, because I've never met him before. He's a purple dragon knight, and I thought perhaps he would like to meet his daughter."


Reona looked the girl up and down. She was obviously older than Reona herself. It was a bit unnerving how much the girl resembled... "Oh, this is gooood..." she mumbled, chuckling to herself. She smiled darkly and straightened her posture imperiously, "These travelers shall accompany us to Cormyr at any cost, even if it must be by force." She cast a quick wink at Rhaine, showing that she would never do such a thing as take them prisoner. "This girl wishes to meet her father, and he is of... very high rank."


Arva raised his visor and looked over at Ianthe, then looked back at Reona, his mouth agape, "You don't think..."


Reona put a finger to her lips and smiled mischievously.

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Shaori feels slightly violated and annoyed that she had gone to tease and be flirty with the tall elf, and got her dress looked up. She pulls out her flail, gives him a bap on the bonce with it, not hard enough to kill or concuss him, but so it sets Arva's helmet ringing, and flies back up into the clouds. "Do not worry, cousin. I shall take care of eem later." says Phillipe, her cousin.


Caladus watches this with a slight grin. He had gotten annoyed that she had tried to be teasingly flirty with the elf, however he did not feel betrayed, as he and Shaori were not officially a couple yet. He felt that her reaction was a little extreme, but was incredibly amusing all the same.


Saerileth watches all this, and thinks to herself, "That is what thou gets for being a slattern, Avariel. Thou spent the night with Caladus, and whether or not thou didst make love, thou shouldst not have done so until thou were bethrothed."

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Nawen left the stables the last. Caladus was riding first as he wanted to see what Black Thunder can so she rode in the back. More space to move that way. On their way to Cormyr they met some other people who it seems were from Cormyr. Two of them were even elves and luckily they knew Ianthe's father. She did not like the way the Moon Elf spoke however. Something was off with the woman...


She noticed the letter that the pale elf handed to Caladus which he handed to Rhaine. She looked at the letter curiously and wondered if whatever is written there are good news or bad.


The news that Ianthe's father is here was the first good thing that happened to them in a while. She glanced at the nymph wondering if she is happy to hear this or not.

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Ianthe looked back at Nawen and said so only she could hear, "I wasn't expecting them to actually know him, but it seems like they do... At least we know exactly where to go now."


Arva pointed at Saerileth, his ears ringing from the clang of his helm, "The young one gets it, see?"


Reona rolled her eyes and said with a mocking tone obviously directed at the commander, "Arva, I doubt that's any way to behave when right next to your betrothed."


"You know I do not wish for anyone else. I just cannot help my wandering eye when things such as this present themselves." He said, then gulped, not quite seeing Reona's stares into the back of the commander's head.


The commander turned his very bored gaze to the left, catching the couple in his periphery, "If the young couple has nothing constructive to say to each other, they would be better to say nothing at all."


Ianthe said to Nawen again, "I do not think they wish to be married. They aren't in love in the way Alphonse and I are..."

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Nawen turned to Ianthe. "Maybe he is expecting you?" She said back to the nymph in a equally silent tone. She did not know what kind of relationship Ianthe had with her father but she hoped that their meeting will be a pleasant one.


She watched Reona and Arva with the raised eyebrow though no one could see it because she was wearing her cloak. They were really betrothed? She could not see the power of love between the two though the times were difficult and maybe something else was on their mind and besides, Nawen was inexperienced in this kind of matters.


The ranger chuckled slightly at Ianthe's comment. "Are you really in love with that boy? You've known each other for such a short time." She said again. The drow had no faith in love towards another person so she accepted the nymph's words as a joke.

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