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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine watched the whole exchange... perhaps they had not noticed him yet, but he chimed in "I am getting no younger standing around here you know... i swear my tentacles are going grey with this conversation..."


Aricia smiled at Xallistine's comment, the Illithid was funny... even though he had no idea of it himself. "Can the young man with the wandering eye and his betrothed please finish there squabble so we can get moving?"

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"Finally..." Aricia said as the commander agreed to carry on the Journey.


Xallistine laughed, and said in an amused tone "Now my boy... that could have been worded better... i feel like a poor deformed reject now. That was a joke. I am an Ulitharid, Noble Mind Flayer as you surface folk have come to call us... I am Xallistine."

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Saerileth jumps and blushes slightly at Arva's remark. "How foolish of me, I wast not aware that I wast speaking out loud. Thou art right, though. Also, if thou art bethrothed, thou shouldst not let thine eye stray to any other than thy bethrothed. Such behavior shouldst not be tolerated."


Caladus gave her another swat, and says "And thou shouldst not tell thy elders how they shouldst act. Drat, now I'm doing it!"


Shaori watches her cousin Philippe pull out an egg, and with the aim of an Avariel, lobs it at Arva's helmet.

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Reona somehow got her horse to actually go around a medium-sized rock, to her surprise, and upon hearing the word Ulitharid, curiously said, "Isn't your race more interested in enslaving than befriending?" She was genuinely curious, and only in a bad mood because they were back on their way to Cormyr. She decided to enjoy her limited freedom while she had it and breathed in deeply.


"I suppose you're right, young one. I apologi---" Arva's words were cut off as he heard something very wet hit the back of his helm.


Ianthe burst out laughing as the egg splattered, doubling over. Brook almost walked straight into a fallen tree, and Ianthe quickly corrected the horse's path. "I really need to be more careful..."

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Rhaine simply shook her head at the banter between her companions and those in the army. She looked sideways at the moon elf in black, "We were originally headed to Cormyr to investigate the Cult of the Dragon and possible ties to Szass Tam of Thay. We have just recently dispatched a branch of this cult in the Sword Mountains near here." She shook the invitation slightly at the couple, "I'm assuming you are the ones of the Houses Dala'ess and Ivaebhin?"


The Doomguide then looked over her shoulder, calling to those who followed her, "We've just been invited to a wedding celebration. A masquerade ball, in fact. Sounds like a perfect time for us to mingle with the nobility, yes? An excellent way for us to conduct our investigation, I do believe."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Shaori drops out of the clouds to stay near Caladus. Saerileth was right, even if she was a brat for saying so. She stays well away from Arva and his pantie fetish. She starts making small talk with Caladus.


All of a sudden, a loud cry, like an enormous eagle reverberates out of the clouds. A dark skinned, brown winged Avariel, bare chested, but wearing trousers soars out of the clouds. He is tall for an Avariel, standing at 6 feet tall, with glistening dark hair, streaked with grey, a goatee, dark eyes and a crossbow at his waist. The bolts for this are in a specially designed quiver that prevents the bolts from falling out while he flies around. His wings were much bigger than Shaori's, as he himself was much larger. Thudding down to draw even with Shaori, but closer to Rhaine, he calls "Hello, my daughter! I wished to see you and make peace for the argument we had when you came home. That, and to meet the man your cousin Philippe says has captured your wild heart, hmm?" He smiles, his teeth even and white. "I am Mokuba Duskfeathers, I am the Warchief of the Burning Feathers tribe, and am the head of the Biting Steel Archers. Who are you?"


Caladus raises a hand nervously. "I think that would be me." He was more than a little intimidated, by the Avariel, who's shirtless state revealed rippling muscles and great strength.


Saerileth looked fascinated. She had read that Avariel were usually pale skinned. Perhaps this one was an exception? Or perhaps he had used magic to alter his appearance. Saerileth had read that Elves have magics that cal alter appearance. She waves at the Avariel.


Shaori looks astonished. "F-father, I don't know what to say!"


Mokuba smiles again, and says "Nice to meet you boy. You treat her good, or I turn you into a pincushion!" He hears his daughter, and says "Just say you forgive a foolish old man, for being too harsh with his youngest daughter. Which reminds me, your sister sends you this." He reaches to a pouch at his waist, and tosses it to Shaori, who misses the catch, and Caladus catches it and tosses it back up to her. "Happy belated birthday, sweetheart!"

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Nawen was petting her horse and listening to the conversation at the same time when she heard the words celebration and masquerade ball. "Ma... masquerade ball?" She asked. The ranger prayed the Gods that they or at least she won't have to go there. Rhaine was the first person she ever met that held some kind of title or at least used to hold and she knew that fancy parties like that required specific attire and she never even wore a dress before.
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Rhaine inclined her head respectfully to Shaori's father. He was quite an exotic elf...it was little wonder, then, why Shaori seemed to gravitate towards Caladus as her partner.


She looked back over her shoulder and grinned at Nawen, "What? It'll be fun. A nice change of pace, I think." The Doomguide then slowed Ghost enough that she fell back to ride next to the drow ranger, "Besides," she added quietly, "If the owner of our ritual dagger is indeed noble, then there is a great chance he or she will show themselves at this ball. We may be able to get closer to them there than we ever would by more invasive means."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Mokuba looked around. He notices Rhaine's wings, and says "You have wings, yet you do not fly, or perhaps you cannot?" He sees Nawen and says "Ah, an elf with form altering magic like me? Or are you a Drow? I know life can be hard for your kind. Here!" He reaches into a belt pouch, and finds the parchment on which the spell he used 100 years ago to change his skin color, and tosses it to her. "Memorize that, any elf can. That will allow you to change your skin and hair at will. You can change any time, and return to your original form at any time as well." He looks at Shaori. "I will accompany you for now, as I have business in an outpost on the way to Cormyr. Then I will leave you, but there is always help watching, should you need it. Your older sister is posted in Cormyr now, she will watch over you when you get there." After this lengthy speech, Mokuba falls silent.


Saerileth nods to herself. She knew it had to be form changing magic.


Shaori opens her present, and finds a beautiful braceket, It was gold, with a few gems on it. Her sister was awesome.


Caladus feels nervous about Shaori's father being there, but didn't want to argue with the warchief.

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