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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen thanked another Avariel that showed up and gave her the scroll. She had no intention of using it. Just because she was hiding under the hood does not mean that she wants to change the way she looks. Besides this scroll might have some ill and permanent effects and knowing her luck there was no doubt that something would go wrong.


She found it difficult to believe that something like masquerade ball could be fun. A place full of snobby people in their fancy outfits talking about unimportant things. Most of them would surely look down on her and she feared they might get in serious trouble if one of the nobles lost their teeth because of her lack of patience. "Couldn't I just hide somewhere and reveal myself only if it would necessary?" The ranger asked Rhaine quietly so only she could hear. "Besides, I have no idea how to act or talk among nobles." She added.

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Rhaine understood Nawen's trepidation. Not only was she drow, but as a ranger, she was most likely very uncomfortable in social situations...


Suddenly, an idea popped into the Doomguide's head, "Listen! They will likely be looking for entertainers and musicians of all sorts...perhaps you could play your lute for them? And Caladus could play with you...whatever that thing is. As their entertainers, they likely won't pay you or he any heed, thinking you are relatively unimportant. You have excellent ears, my friend, and you could easily listen in on conversation without the need for hiding yourself."


She looked back at Xallistine, "You, however, are going to be far harder to get in. But...perhaps you could use your psionic abilities somehow?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine looked at Rhaine and said "I can brainwash guards... perhaps i could even cloud the minds of everyone... so they see me as human.. hmm allow me to think in this one."


Aricia smiled "A good plan... as a Noble myself, i can do most of the mingling, these parties are a second nature for me."

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Rhaine grinned at Aricia, "As can I. There is only one small problem, though," her brow furrowed, "Since the invitation had my name specifically upon it, I fear they will expect me to participate in the dance itself, and I have no experience with such things. My time as a noble was limited to the more...martial aspects of knighthood. Unless, someone could teach me along the way? It will take us quite a long time to reach Arabel...and I do admit, I would like to learn."
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Saerileth pipes up, "I couldst also teach thee, I have been educated in many planar ballroom dances."


Caladus looks sidelong at her, and says "You really like getting into everything, don't you?" Raising his voice slightly, he calls over to Rhaine, "One problem. Although a musician wouldn't be expected to wear finery, everyone else will. How will everyone get the clothes to wear in the ball?"


Shaori says "I can help with the music! Avariel singers are sought after all over Faerun!" Mokuba smiles and says "My daughter is the best singer in the tribe. She knows all the songs our tribe sings traditionally."

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Nawen listened to what Rhaine said. Her plan did not sound so bad actually. She could play the lute and if Shaori's voice is as beautiful as she imagined no one would pay any attention to her and Caladus if he will play with that odd musical instrument as well. The druid had no problem showing himself in public which she thought was strange because she was used to hide her appearance.


"Buy them?" Nawen suggested. "You said yourself that money is not the problem for us." She added.

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Rhaine nodded to Aricia and Saerileth, "Thank you both, I very much appreciate it."


She then cast her quizzical gaze to Caladus, "I agree...I thought you had that Endless Bag of Gold? Or perhaps you mean where we're going to buy them? If so, that should not be an issue. Tailors and clothiers abound, especially in Cormyr, and they would all be more than willing to cater to our needs."

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Caladus nods. "Yes, that was exactly what I had been referring to. I do not know much about finery, so you will probably have to pick something that you think would work with my appearance."


Saerileth says "I canst not wait! There were marvelous dances held in Sigil at the civic festival, and there I have danced all the night through,"


Shaori was a bit embarassed her father would bring up her abilities to sing. Singing in front of the tribe was one thing, singing in front of a crowd was completely different.

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