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Tales of Faerun


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Ianthe grinned from ear to ear, "How fun! I can't wait to dance and sing and wear a lovely dress! Oh, if only Alphonse could come, I'd have a partner!" She gasped as if in sudden realization of something, "Shaori, we could sing a duet! You know how I love to sing... I couldn't resist singing with you!" She clapped her hands and giggled in excitement.


Arva and Reona looked slightly grim as everyone else happily discussed the celebration. They looked at each other and both seemed to know what the other was thinking.

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Leaving her companions to discuss the ball - or whatever else they chose to talk about - Rhaine kicked Ghost into a trot, catching up with the two elves again, "So, you did not inform me of your names, betrothed ones. Who are you? And why am I on your guest list? I'm assuming your parents are the ones arranging this whole thing?"
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"I cannot wait to hear you sing." Nawen said both to Shaori and Ianthe. In a way you could describe them both as enchanting and their singing just had to be stunning. However even with Rhaine's good idea she wasn't looking forward to the celebration. She then started to wonder if drow have celebrations similar to the ones of the surface world. Do the rival houses get together for some special occasion and dance and sing and how different she'd be if she lived amongst others of her kind.
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Mokuba flew over to where Ianthe was riding. "So, what are you exactly? Your aren't an elf, that much I am aware of. You say you have a great voice like my daughter as well? How about we hear it?"


Shaori claps her hand to her forehead. "I will sing, if you want father!" Shaori clears her throat, closes her eyes, and starts to sing..


"Chuaigh mé isteach i dteach aréir

is d'iarr mé cairde ar mhnaoi an leanna.

Is é dúirt sí liom "Ní bhfaighidh tú deor.

Buail an bóthar is gabh abhaile


I came by a house last night

And told the woman I am staying

I said to her:

"The moon is bright and my fiddles tuned for playing"


Tell me that the night is long

Tell me that the moon is glowing

Fill my glass I'll sing a song

And will start the music flowing


Never mind the rising light

There's no sign of day or dawning

In my heart it's still the night

And we'll stay here till the morning


Níl sé ina lá, níl a ghrá,

níl sé ina lá is ní bheidh go maidin,

níl sé ina lá is ní bheidh go fóill,

solas ard atá sa ghealaigh.


It's not day nor yet awhile

I can see the starlight shining

Níl sé ina lá is ní bheidh go fóill,

solas ard atá sa ghealaigh.


Fill the glasses one more time

And never heed the empty bottle

Turn the water into wine

And turn the party up full throttle


Don't go out into the cold

Where the wind and rain are blowing

For the fire is flaming gold

And in here the music's flowing


Tell me that the night is long

Tell me that the moon is gleaming

Fill my glass, I’ll sing a song

And we'll keep the music streaming

Until all the songs are sung"

Shaori ends her song and falls silent.

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Arva looked over at Rhaine, satisfied nobody else could hear their conversation from this distance, and said, "We are Reona Dala'ess and Arva Ivaebhin, just as you have read. We are being forced to marry by Reona's parents so that I can get the inheritance I was promised in the will of my father. Of course, the condition was that I must marry the firstborn daughter of the Dala'ess family first. I do wish to marry Reona, but I wish to do something like that on my own time, and not for monetary gain."


Reona looked at Rhaine seriously, "We tried to run away and this trip to invite all the people on our guest list was our punishment, to show our fate was already sealed. Ah, and your friend Xallistine mentioned a Ravenna Everdawn. She will be there, as she and her family were invited two weeks prior to yourself."


Ianthe looked up at Mokuba and said, "I am a nymph. Some call us sirens, that should explain my singing abilities a bit further...." She closed her eyes and began to hum a little bit, then sang a few lines of a haunting sort of song she knew. She knew the sound was good, as it sent shivers down her own spine.

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Rhaine's eyebrows rose, "I see. Very well. We will be attending, of course. But it certainly has a less...celebratory feel to it, now that you explain."


The Doomguide suddenly heard Shaori and Ianthe begin singing, the latter causing some of the soldiers to fall out of step with her haunting voice. Rhaine took advantage of this distraction, leaning closer to the two elves, "Ravenna Everdawn is a known member of the Cult of the Dragon. We've already found evidence of Cult connections between Cormyr and Thay, and Ravenna herself is Thayan in origin. It is quite possible that she will use this ball as an opportunity to meet up with a Cormyrean contact."


She pulled the ritual dagger from her pack and tossed it to Arva, "See? The symbol of the Purple Dragon is right there on the pommel."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus leans over towards Shaori, "That was absolutely beautiful. I don't think I have ever heard someone sing so well before!" He acknowledges Ianthe as well, saying "You sing quite well as well, Ianthe. However, I see it seems to have a slight psionic effect on people. Probably a good thing I still wear the amulet Byron gave me."


Shaori blushes. "That was terrible. I haven't sang in a long time. However.. you're sweet for saying otherwise." She blushes even deeper.


Mokuba laughs heartily. "What did I say, hmm? Can she sing or what?"


Saerileth listened to the two voices, mesmerized. The two went so well together, even when they sang different tunes.

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"Well," Rhaine replied, "That's what we're going to find out. And thanks to your wedding celebration, we may be able to do so without bloodshed...yet."


The Doomguide fell silent, simply scanning the countryside as they continued down the Long Road. They would eventually turn southwest at Red Larch, back towards Waterdeep, and then follow the Trade Way across the Western Heartlands to the southeast to get to Cormyr. It was a journey that would, hopefully, be relatively uneventful, although the passage across the Storm Horns could prove to be treacherous. At this pace, Rhaine expected them to reach the land of the Purple Dragon in no sooner than a month's time.

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"That was very beautiful. You two should become bards." Nawen said when both Ianthe and Shaori stopped singing. They both possessed beautiful singing voices.


Nawen scanned the area cautiously as they rode. She wondered what will happen at the masquerade ball but her thoughts were focusing on her friend Illius more. She prayed that he reached Neverwinter Wood safely and that he is alive and safe. She did not know why but she was worried...

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