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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine listened to the singing, and to the conversation between Rhaine, Arva and Reona "Ah good.... this party should bring us closer to the plans of the cult... I hope this journey is a quick one."


Aricia smiled slightly as the two women sang, remembering the beautiful clan of singing fey, back in the Feywilds. "Brilliant... this should go smoothly, if we play our cards right."

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For a little over a fortnight, the companions and the Cormyrean army traveled down the long Trade Way to the city of Scornubel, in the Western Heartlands. From there, they cut across the Reaching Woods and continued through the flatlands to Iriaebor, then took the road northeastwards - towards the Storm Horns. By the grace of the gods, the journey was fairly swift and without incident. The army, under the orders of one Commander Quark (whom the elves affectionately called "Quack"), were a sharp and well-trained lot, and the companions - despite their varied races and origins - traveled alongside them without fear or harassment. Indeed, it was likely that the obvious discipline of the soldiers had saved them from bandit raids more than once.


Along the way, every time they pitched camp in the evenings, Rhaine received dancing lessons from Aricia and her daughter. The Doomguide felt hopelessly awkward at first...but over time, that eventually passed. After the first tenday, she felt confident that she would be able to perform well should the need arise; Rhaine was actually beginning to look forward to the ball, eager to put her new-found skill to the test.




They plodded along the road, a city slowly coming into view ahead of them. Beyond it, the mighty Storm Horns towered in the distance - so named because their impossibly tall peaks were always wreathed by ominous grey thunderheads. Crossing those mountains could prove to be treacherous, as goblins and dragons both were known to inhabit their crags, and avoiding them was impossible.


Rhaine, who rode sandwiched between Nawen and Reona, pulled her map from her pack, turning it this way and that before finally locating where they were and where they were headed.


She pointed to the wrinkled parchment, "According to this, that city ahead of us should be Proskur. There won't be another major stop before we reach Arabel. Should we stock up on more supplies before we attempt to cross the Storm Horns?"

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Commander Quark thought for a moment, "I believe that we should pick up some things. Last time we crossed through here, we didn't have this many people and even then we ran short on rations and supplies."


His voice full of excitement, Arva said, "I always love stopping in towns and cities. I like to see the way others live. It always gives me ideas of how I can use the influence I will soon have to help others."


Reona thought it seemed like a good idea, but she didn't feel much like speaking today, as she felt a bit sick thinking about how close to home they really were.


A bug whizzed past Ianthe's face, and she watched it fly around, trying to figure out what kind of insect it could be. After a few minutes of watching, she was satisfied that it was a ladybug. Since she liked ladybugs, she kept watching it until it whirred behind the treeline.

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Xallistine, over the long travel, had bettered slightly in his condition, his coughing had become less frequent, and he could walk a lot faster now, his body less frail. It was for the Ulitharid was to stay around for a while longer, before age was to creep up on him. He had enjoyed the surface world thouroughly... and had made plans for his future, which he spoke of frequently as the group camped, he wished to become and elder brain, and guide a new race of Illithid, those like him.


Aricia had become less firm... less strict... her constantly rigid posture sometimes gaveway to a more free elegance, and for the first time, as she taught Rhaine to dance, her face finally cracked, and burst into a huge grin. Now she wore her hair down, free to blow in the winds, as her mind was at ease, and she had made a solid relationship with her daughter. As she looked at the town in the distance, she said to Rhaine, as a joke "I hope your shopping skills are better than your dancing... or we are all doomed."

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Caladus was enjoying travelling immensely. Dark Thunder was indeed a fine horse, and often raced against army members with their own horses, and outstripped each and every one of them. Today, he decided to challenge Rhaine to a race.


"Hey, Rhaine! What say you and I do a little fun competition, hmm? The town is about, oh.. a half mile ahead, yeah? I say you and I race to see who wins. Oh, and if you want it to be interesting, You win, I will buy you an outfit or something there. I win, You buy me something. Fair?"


Saerileth started trimming down on the trip, losing what little baby fat she had and growing slightly. Her speech did not change, however. She remembered that in one week, it would be her 16th birthday, wondered how she could bring it up, or if her mother would even remember.


Mokuba left after a week or so, to go to the Avariel outpost nearby. He waved cheerfully, and promised to catch up to them at some point in the future, before soaring off.


Shaori was partially glad to see her father leave. She felt that he was making things uncomfortable between Caladus and her,

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Rhaine nodded to Quark, "Very well. We'll stop for a bit. I'm sure the local innkeeper will have rations for us, and there may be other things that my friends and I need."


She then glanced over her shoulder at Aricia and blushed, "Now that, I can do."


Grinning at Caladus, she put her map back into her pack with a wink, "You just want me to buy you something, don't you? I jest, friend; I'll gladly race you to the gates. When you're ready."

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Throughout their journey to Cormyr Nawen kept mostly to herself because she felt uncomfortable surrounded by soldiers even if they were disciplined and well trained. The ranger in general had a hard time opening up to people and probably no one in the group understood how hard it was for her sometimes...


When Rhaine mentioned Storm Horns she tried to remember what exactly it is. She heard the name before. When she finally did remember a worry crept in. "Isn't Storm Horns inhabited by dragons and other usually hostile beings?" She asked. With a group like that it was nearly impossible to sneak past unnoticed.

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Caladus grins, and says "How bout... Now! Dark Thunder, do that thing you do that I like! HYAH!"


Shaori watches Rhaine and Caladus get ready for a race, and smiles. She liked seeing Caladus enjoying himself. She flaps down to chat with Ianthe, and asks


"Hey Ianthe, I been meaning to ask, how can you charm people like you did with those gate guards? I wanted to know.... for a, um, friend of mine! That's it!"


Saerileth looks at this hush hush conversation between Shaori and Ianthe, and grins. She rides closer to her mother, and says. "Mother, dost thou remember? Mine 16th birthday is coming up this week."

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Aricia gave a beautiful smile, showing her stunning white teeth "Of course i remembered mine daughter... just you wait and see what i have for you. Now... how are you feeling? you know... with these.. thoughts you have been having of the men we meet? Not being too much of a distraction are they?" She said with a smile.


Xallistine rode silently, his horse Fatty and him had gained a mental connection... Xallistine no longer had to physically say his commands, only think them. He sat on horseback, writing in his journal.

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Ianthe blushed, "Well, it is a talent of nymphs. We are known for possessing beauty that is almost hypnotizing. I do not know how to teach you, honestly." She thought for a moment, "But I think that Caladus would be easily charmed or seduced by you without any kind of magic."
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