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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine glanced at Nawen, "Yes, but nothing we can't handle." She winked before kicking her heels into Ghost's flanks with a cry.


The stallion surged forward, obviously eager to run after so many days of walking. Despite this, the Doomguide kept a tight rein, holding him back slightly as she watched Dark Thunder plow ahead. She mentally began calculating distances as she watched the land between them and the city gates slowly grow shorter. Just a few more strides...

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Dark Thunder was eager to prove himself, and lengthened his strides from gallop to full run. Thundering down the road, he passed Ghost, and within moments, arrived at the Gates. Caladus slows his horse and turns to Rhaine.


"How bout this. We both get something for the other one? Wasn't a fair contest with this being a god granted horse and all. I get you something, you get me something?"

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Ghost wasn't far behind Dark Thunder, sliding to a stop with a whinny as Caladus began speaking. The Doomguide gave him a wry smile, "Fair's fair."


She looked over her shoulder at the approaching army, "Let's tie up these horses and wait on the others to catch up."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen reached Caladus and Rhaine fast because she wanted to make sure that nothing bad happened to them. Luckily they were both alright. She did not like this place at all and the sooner they're done with it the better.


"So... which one should I congratulate?" The ranger asked as she tied the horse to the nearest tree and looked around cautiously.

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"Pretty much a tie, she was behind me by like an inch. I suggested we both get something for the other one. I gotta figure out what to get her." Caladus says, grinning hugely.


Shaori looks at Ianthe, and says "Am I really that obvious?" She thinks for a moment and blushes, asking "Do you really think he like me? I mean, sure I flirt with him and whatever, but he doesn't seem to react much.."


Saerileth smiles and says "Thou shouldst follow thy heart, only it can tell you what to do,"

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Rhaine tied Ghost near Razzy and approached the city gates. She was unnerved to see that there were no gate guards. Now that she was in close proximity to the place, she got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. The walls were dilapidated and filthy.


She cast a glance at the others, "Perhaps it would be best if we conducted our business as quickly as possible and left. I suddenly don't feel good about lingering here."

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Nawen noticed the condition of the walls as well. She stepped closer to the gate and listened. She couldn't hear anything. "Not a good sign." She thought and turned to Caladus and Rhaine. "I can't hear anything inside. Something's very wrong." She said worriedly.
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Rhaine hesitantly opened one of the gate doors and proceeded inside the city walls, hand on her sword hilt. The inside was, perhaps, worse than the outside. The cobbled streets were uneven and covered with mud and sewage. There was a persistent stench of mold and mildew. No one walked the streets except beggars, although there were several stray dogs milling about.


The buildings were practically falling down, save for the few businesses near the gate. One was the Chainmail Coin Purse, which appeared to be the local tavern. There were also shingles for Aldarras Alchemical Admixture, Buxly's Brawlers, and Filgars Fine Filaments. Besides the inn and alchemy shop, there looked to be little to interest them - which was probably for the best.


"Let's get our rations and get out," Rhaine said, moving towards the tavern, "This is certainly not a place to loiter or window-shop."

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Caladus looked around. "The place is full of thieves, if this book is accurate." He holds up a guide book, with a map inside.


Shaori flies along with the rest of the group, her thoughts all spinning.


Saerileth smiles. "Dost thou thinketh that Saerileth liketh surprises? If thou dost, thou art correct! Mayhaps I canst get a hint?" she says, a grin of innocent joy across her face.


Caladus looks over, and sees, just for a brief second, Rhaine looking pensive and worried, before returning to look strong. There seemed to be a lot on her mind. Perhaps she could use a massage, or just an friend to unload on. Caladus leans close and whispers.

"Rhaine, could I talk to you for a moment?"

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