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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen looked around the town. Something was definitely wrong and she could see that Rhaine felt it too. She wasn't sure about Caladus though. The Druid wanted to talk to the Doomguide and she assumed that he wanted to talk to her in private. "I'll go and try to figure out what's happening. Maybe someone will speak with me." She said and started walking but then she turned around. "Stay safe you two." She said to her friends and walked away.


Everyone in this place seemed either scared or worried or simply indifferent. She saw one beggar who sat on the ground in front of an abandoned building. "Excuse me, sir? Could you tell me what happened?" She asked politely but the beggar ignored her. "Sir?" Nawen said again and knelt beside the man. The beggar murmured something under his breath but the ranger could not hear what it was. "What?" He suddenly raised his head and the drow could see that the man had no eyes. "Help us..." He said quietly and squeezed her wrist tightly with his bony fingers.

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Rhaine had just placed her hand on the knob of the inn door when Caladus asked to speak with her. She half-turned, meeting the druid's scarlet eyes, "Not now. Perhaps when we make camp tonight."


She watched Nawen walk off down an alleyway, then kneel before a beggar, who suddenly grabbed the ranger by the wrist. The Doomguide released the knob slowly, hand tightening on Touch of Death. She began to feel her hackles rise, that familiar nausea returning to her stomach. The alien feel of another consciousness brushing hers conveyed the sense of mortal danger...


"Everyone, on your guard!" She called, drawing her blade.

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Caladus mutters "Tried to warn you." under his breath, and draws his scimitars. A man in dirty leather armor charges at him with a knife. With a quick pirouette, the man's body, now headless, continues running a step or two, then falls to the ground.


Shaori suddenly feels worried, and says "I'm going to check to see if everything is alright." She flies higher into the air, and soars off over the town, looking for Rhaine and the others.


Saerileth grimaces. "I sense much evil nearby. We shouldst be wary, enemies couldst attack at any time."

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"Let me go..." She whispered to the man hoping that she will resolve this without her friends aid but the beggar was much more stronger than he looked. She could feel his nails digging into her skin and it seemed that at the same time he was sucking lifeforce out of her. "Let go!" She shouted and kicked the man and he fell on the ground. Nawen stumbled slightly and drew her short swords. "What in the Nine Hells is happening here!?" She thought and looked around for her friends. She saw how Caladus beheaded someone so she ran towards them.
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Xallistine dismounted his horse and looked around, he then sensed the danger and readied his hand, casting powerful shielding spells on all of his companions "I feel there is a fight to be had..."


Aricia dismounted, and walked a few steps, her pure white high heels digging into the ground with each step, she slowly turned her head, sensing an impending foe, and she spun, The Flail Of Ages in her hand, she swung it into her attacker's face, there was a sickening crunching sound, followed by intense screaming as each flail's elemental effect took place... then as the man was reeling on the floor, Aricia stood on his throat,and twisted, braking his neck. "Your suffering is at an end." She said and then stepped off the corpse.

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Rhaine found herself suddenly faced with two thugs who emerged from a side street, both wearing what appeared to be matching armor. One wielded a pair of daggers, the other a kukri - poisoned, from the look of the blade.


"Proskur belongs to us, now!" the one with the daggers growled, "And your valuables are forfeit!"


She drew Touch of Death, "You're welcome to try and take them, fools."


They launched at her. While she thrust her sword at one of the cut-purses, she cast a Harm spell on the other...fatal lacerations sending him to his knees and quickly killing him from blood loss. The remaining thug - the one with the poisoned kukri - was another matter. He moved with all the swiftness of a well-trained monk, seeming to flit in and out of existence with blinding speed. That's when she realized he was not your average rogue.


He was a Shadowdancer.

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Caladus saw the thug phasing in and out of existence, and realizes he is a Shadowdancer.


"Gi, whol zeklet'tau's Belaern!" He exclaims in Drow, and lets his mind relax. The Drow had ways of telling where shadowdancers would appear, by the movements, and slight disturbances in the air.


"Rhaine! I can teach you how to sense where he is. Calm your mind, let yourself hear the disturbances where he is going to appear. Difficult, but not impossible for one with non elven hear... Watch it!"


The Shadowdancer phases into existence, and is about to stab Rhaine, but Caladus jumps in the way, and the blade sinks deep into his abdomen.


"GAH!!!" He cries, falling to his knees, vision blurring. The wound feels icy, and on fire at the same time, and he realizes the blade had been poisoned.


Shaori sees Caladus jump in the way of Rhaine, and get stabbed.


"NO! Don't you die on me!" She shouts, plummeting and pulling out of a dive near him. She grabs him, and flies up to the roofs to get him to safety.

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Nawen ran towards her friends, slashing every thug that got in her way. One of those thugs that fought Caladus and Rhaine was really quick. From his movement Nawen recognized him as a Shadowdancer. A dangerous enemy to fight... she remembered how she wanted to become one when she was younger.


The ranger reached her friends only to see how the Shadowdancer was about to attack Rhaine but Caladus shielded her and got hit instead. "No!" She shouted and dashed towards the enemy with the surprising speed. He disappeared again and was appeared right behind her but the Drow reacted quickly and stabbed him in the neck.


"We have to go!" She shouted to Rhaine as she picked up a throwing knife from the ground and threw it at another thug hitting him in the eye. Now that Caladus was hurt their priority should be to attend to his wounds.

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Rhaine was infuriated when she saw Caladus wounded, but was relieved when Shaori swooped in to take him away.


"Get him to the army!" she shouted to the Avariel before turning for the gates, "Agreed, let's get out of here!"


The Doomguide dashed for the city gates, hoping Nawen was on her heels. Once through, she noticed Saerileth, Aricia, and Xallistine had dismounted.


"Get back on your horses!" she shouted, "The city is full of brigands! Caladus is wounded and we need to get him to safety!"


With that, she quickly untied Ghost and jumped onto his back.

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Shaori looks at Caladus's face, and, tears falling from her eyes, asks

"Caladus you dumb swit, why did you do something like that? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"


Caladus can barely understand her, as the poison was affecting his mind slightly. However, he manages to grunt out;

"No time to get her to move, and I wasn't using the right weapon. So I took the blade.. for her.. as I would do for you."


Shaori looks shocked, and says,

"Why would you do such a thing, for her, myself, or anyone?"


Caladus, forces out,

"Because I trust her as a close friend, and just don't want... to see you hurt."


Shaori looks at him, and flies down, to fly above Rhaine.

"The blade was poisoned, and I don't know if it was a magical one that I can't neutralize. Save him!"


Caladus, vision blurring, can just barely make out that Rhaine is nearby, and forces, with his last bit of effort left,

"I.. wanted to offer you.. a friend to talk to, or massage... You.. have seemed.. stressed lately."


Caladus's vision grows dark, and he passes out.

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