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Tales of Faerun


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Before running out of the city after Rhaine, Nawen looted the dead Shadowdancer hoping that he carried something of use to them.


She ran outside and quickly untied her horse and mounted it. She wondered if the bandits inside has horses too if so then they are in serious trouble...

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Rhaine cursed. She cursed the city, cursed their luck, and cursed herself for suggesting the need to stop. As she swung Ghost back towards where the army had gathered, she shouted to the Avariel, "Give him to me!"
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Shaori passes Caladus over to Rhaine. He was a lot heavier unconscious.

"You.. can help him, can't you?"


Saerileth saw the unconscious and bleeding Caladus being handed to Rhaine by Shaori, and her face grows pale.


Shaori lands by Dark Thunder, and unties him so he can be led by one of the others. He pulled at the reins, and whinnied.

"Easy there! Good boy!"

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Rhaine took Caladus, letting his lower half rest on the saddle in front of her and his torso lean against her, silver-maned head on her shoulder.


"I can," she called to Shaori, "but it's going to take time! Go warn Commander Quark to get the troops moving again...we're heading north along the road to Skull Crag!"


She clapped a hand to the wound on his abdomen and whispered a healing spell into it as she kicked Ghost into a canter. It would be enough to stop the bleeding for now - she needed to get to someplace quieter and safer to finish the job.

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Nawen rode beside Rhaine. She was worried for Caladus but hoped that whatever she managed to loot from the Shadowdancer's corpse will be helpful. She pulled out the poisoned kukri she picked up with the loot and smelled it. "Poison..." She thought and stuffed the weapon back to pack. "I've looted the attacker's body." She said and showed the small pouch she held in one hand. "Maybe he carried an antidote or something." "If not I will return and look for it..." The ranger thought and glanced at the wounded druid.
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Shaori half runs, half flies, holding on to Dark Thunder's reins to Arva, Reona and Quack. "Pervert! Pervert's Fiancee! Quack! You guys have to get this army moving again! The whole town is full of brigands and thugs, Caladus has been wounded with a poisoned blade, and Rhaine can cure him, but not here! Come on! And someone watch over this horse for Caladus please?"


Saerileth remounts Binky, and readies herself to ride.


Caladus stirs briefly, but says nothing.

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Quark gulped and ordered the army to get moving again. "It's Quark," he mumbled to himself.


Arva looked over at Reona, "You heard her, pervert. Let's get going."


Reona dryly looked back at him and raised an eyebrow, then took Dark Thunder's reins in one hand. She wordlessly urged the horses onward.

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Shaori looks at Arva. "You are the pervert, moron. She's your unfortunate fiancee." Shaori takes a running start so Arva can't look um her robes again, and flies off into the air.


Saerileth kicks her horse, and starts following Rhaine.


Caladus whispers, "I'm.. Sorry. This is only making your stress worse."

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Rhaine gently smacked Caladus on the shoulder, "Hush. Do not talk and do not move. You are my first priority, now...regardless of what I may be thinking or feeling."


She then kicked Ghost a little faster, moving to the head of the army to lead them down the road. Skull Crag was a half-day's ride away, on the western flank of the Storm Horns, before the checkpoint into Cormyr. Hopefully, the miners there would be able to offer them a bit of hospitality, and perhaps they could trade with them as well. The Doomguide frowned as she could see a dark thunderhead looming over the nearby peaks. She prayed they would arrive before the storm broke.

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As Rhaine races towards Skull Crag, Caladus's mind calls out to Rillifane subconsciously, telling him that his time has probably come. With a swirl of leaves Rillifane, now in the form of the old man he was before, appears, sitting on the air in a meditative pose hovering beside Rhaine's horse. "So, what has happened this time?" He asks, solemnly and quietly. "Why is it, that my envoy has been poisoned? Also, although you are Chosen of Kelemvor, the magic you wield cannot stop this poison. I do know the correct spell to save him, but it may only be wielded by one who possesses both Pure heart and Chosen status. Do you believe you possess the required attributes to save your friend? I must also give this advice. His actions are his own. You are not responsible for his injury."


Shaori soon catches up to Caladus, and sees that Lord Rillifane has joined them once again, and seemed to be advising Rhaine as to how to treat the poison. Shaori tried to move away, but the wind blew her within earshot, and she found that Rillifane had words for her as well.


"Shaori Winterwing, daughter of Mokuba Duskfeathers, heed my words well. You have many doubts in your mind, and your heart. You hide behind a fragile shell, and do not let out the strong woman within unless you or your friends are endangered. This is not an advisable practice. You should express how you feel, stand up for what you know is right. You want Caladus? Tell him! You don't like something? Say so! These are my words, hearken well to them."


Saerileth can sense a God's presence, from farther up the trail, and keeps a respectful distance.

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