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Rhaine inclined her head to Rillifane, her mouth a thin line, "I am not one to boast, Leaflord. Tell me what I need to know, and I will cure him. As for the reason for his current state, he took a wound that would have been mine."


She was intrigued as to why this particular poison could not be countered by standard invocations, but she was not surprised - given the events of the past few tendays.

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Rillifane stares at Rhaine, and says, "Rhaine, Chosen of Kelemvor. There is a difference between Boasting and knowing thyself. Now, your doubts and your worries cloud your mind, so I must modify the spell." He waves a hand, and Saerileth and her horse are whisked up to ride within earshot. "There are two of Chosen class among this group, so the Two shall have the power to save Caladus. You each have the Lay on Hands spell, as she is a Paladin and you are as well, or used to be. Therefore, I grant you both a new power. The two of you, combining you powers together, can now cure any poison, or any ailment caused by such things as a necromantic poison. I am certain you guessed the Cult of the Dragon's involvement?" Rillifane waves a hand, and two globes of light fly from his hand to strike Rhaine and Saerileth in the center of the forehead. "That is all I may grant here. We are leaving the range of my nearest Shrine. One last piece of advice, mortal. You should not hold all that burden inside you. I advise you to trust in friends like Caladus, who's job it is to maintain balance within nature, and within his friends. Farewell, Mortal. We shall speak again." Rillifane dissolves into butterflies and departs.


Saerileth calls out, "Lady Rhaine! We shouldst use this to heal him as soon as possible!"


Shaori shouts, "You have the abilities! Use them!"

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Nawen frowned slightly and stuffed the pouch with Shadowdancer's belongings to her pack. "Sure just ignore me." She mumbled under her breath so she's the only one that could hear. She noticed that Rillifane honored them with their presence again and granted them some sort of power that could cure any poison which could be of use later. When he disappeared Nawen rode beside Rhaine again. Judging by the road they were riding towards Skull Crag.


"I'll go to the Skull Crag and ask for help. Hopefully that when you will arrive you will be able to attend to Caladus's injury." She said quite loudly so that everyone, not only Rhaine could hear her.

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Xallistine rode behind, and said "Gods... why must they intervene? He could have been cured by other means... but i shall accept the aid of gods, as it is given."


Aricia sighed, and said "Are you going to heal him? or just sit there gawking? I will go ahead and ask for aid as well." She said, kicking her heeels into the horse, and riding to catch up with Nawen "Gods eh my dear?"

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Rhaine was a little taken aback by the sudden influx of power. She shook her head and called to Saerileth, "Come, quickly! We need to get to someplace where we can tend to him uninterrupted!"


With that, she urged Ghost into a gallop, holding Caladus tightly as the stallion's strides lengthened.

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"Aye! That I shall!" Saerileth calls out, and kicks her horse into a run to catch up with Rhaine, and then started overtaking her. "Hold on, Lord Caladus. Thou shalt yet be saved!"


Shaori gets left in the dust by the horses, and catches a tailwind to speed herself up.


Caladus gets jostled slightly by the horse, but barely notices it. His breathing is growing shallower, and his vision has completely failed him.

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Nawen frowned. She thought that it was rude to ignore her like that. Again. She mumbled something and then heard Aricia's words. "Yes... Gods. I never thought that they do something like that but I guess they do... it's still strange though." The ranger replied and pulled the pouch with Shadowdancer's belongings but she could not find anything that could show that the Cult of the Dragon was involved. Maybe it was just simple thugs? She did found something else that she decided to keep to herself...
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"Yes. How selfish of me." She replied to Shaori. "I suggested that the attacker might carry an antidote for the poison which was used on the weapon or something else that could be useful but no one payed any attention to quite logical suggestion and then I suggested to travel to the location first so that when you'd arrive we wouldn't have to worry about talking for who knows how long with the miners for one clean room and maybe some medical supplies. All of these I suggested for Caladus's sake not to beg for attention." She then glanced at the Avariel. "Oh and by the way. He did had an antidote." She took a small bottle and threw it to Shaori. It doesn't hurt to have more than one solution to the problem.


She said nothing more but slowed her pace so she could be in the end of the group.

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Rhaine noticed Shaori trading words with Nawen, and then the drow slowed to the back of the company. She briefly wondered why, but she was too distracted by the task at hand. She didn't care what Rillifane had said...this whole thing was her fault. She had suggested stopping in Proskur. She was the one who insisted on going into the city, even after Nawen's warning. If she had just listened to the drow...followed her gut, even...things wouldn't be so dire right now.


Suddenly, she could see spirals of smoke far in the distance, blurred by the afternoon haze.


Skull Crag.

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