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Tales of Faerun


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Shaori flew quickly to Rhaine, and said, "Nawen found this in the attacker's bag. It may be an antidote. See if it helps here! It may help stabilize him! Or it may have taken too long. We will see. Perhaps coupling the antidote with the magic will help."


Saerileth nods, and says "That is a sound plan for now I think, but it is up to Lady Rhaine to say otherwise."

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Rhaine took the small vial from Shaori, slowing Ghost slightly to keep Caladus from jostling too much. She popped off the cork and smelled of the contents. There was no foul scent...in fact, there was no scent at all. Shaking Caladus slightly, she took his head in her hand and whispered in his ear, "I need you to swallow this, Caladus. It should help."


She put the bottle to his lips, forced them open slightly, and began pouring the contents of the vial into his mouth, stroking his throat now and again to encourage him to swallow.

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Caladus hears Rhaine's voice encouraging him to drink something, and feels a calloused but soft touch stroking his throat. He drinks down the liquid that she poured into his mouth, and his body grows rigid, his veins feel on fire. He gasps, and black, acrid smoke billows out of his mouth. "Gaah!" he exclaims, and his muscles release, and he grabs onto the horses neck for support as his vision clears, and his head starts pounding. He mutters an invocation, a minor healing spell, and the headache goes away. Still panting, he exclaims "What the hell was that stuff? I really should drink it more often!"


Shaori watches Rhaine pour the liquid into Caladus's mouth, hoping it isn't merely a different type of poison. "What did you do!" She exclaims when Cal grows rigid, and starts shaking, and openly swears when Caladus started having acrid smoke come out of his mouth. She smiles when he turns out to be ok, and says "Caladus you idiot, don't ever do something like that again."


Saerileth openly weeps tears of joy when she sees Cal is going to be all right. She slows her horse down, and gives Nawen a hug and a kiss on the cheek from her horse, although she had to stretch rather uncomfortably to do so. "I thank thee, Lady Nawen. if not for thee, Lord Caladus wouldst probably not have made it to the nearest town. We shouldst probably use the spell Lord Rillifane granted, just as a precaution, but I thank thee anyway."

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Rhaine heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Caladus come to. It seemed the vial worked, although it would not hurt to use Rillifane's invocation when they got the chance, just in case. The druid's wound was still serious, as well; even though the bleeding had ceased, the gash was still ragged and needed treatment.


The Doomguide tossed the vial and smiled at Caladus, "Looks like you're going to make it after all, friend. And you have Nawen to thank for it."


They continued riding northward along the road - slower than before - the town of Skull Crag nearing. The ground began to rise as they actually skirted the western edge of the Storm Horns. Within a few hours, they were entering the village itself, and they could clearly see its namesake: a gigantic rock protruding from the mountainside that, when squinted at properly, took on the appearance of a human skull.


Skull Crag itself was tiny in comparison to the cities they had been to thus far, with a population of just over two hundred. The townsfolk themselves were miners, making their trade by selling ore to passing caravans. Near the skull-shaped rock was said to be a magnificent shrine to Kelemvor, where the miners were rumored to pray for a quick death should their shafts collapse upon them. Although Rhaine could not see the shrine from where she was, the Doomguide was very much interested in investigating it before they left.


The people gawked at the group as they entered, no doubt unnerved - if not frightened - by the appearance of the newcomers. She pulled Ghost to a halt as the villagers began gathering around them. One of the townsfolk, a ruddy-faced woman suddenly pointed, "Look! It is a drow! And an illithid! Beshaba has cursed us all!"


"Hold!" Rhaine called, raising her hand, shifting so that her holy symbol was quite visible to those nearest her, "You address the Chosen of Kelemvor and her companions! Stay your hands and your tongues."


One villager gasped, putting her hands to her mouth, "The...the Chosen of Kelemvor? Has he answered our prayers, then? Oh, thanks be to the Lord of the Dead!" She raised her hands to the sky, and the other townsfolk nodded, kneeling on the ground in reverence. She noticed that most of the villagers were either women, children, or the elderly. Where were their young men?


The Doomguide's brow furrowed, "What is this? Why do you pray to my lord so fervently?"


"Our shafts," one of the older men said despondently, "The miners discovered a new vein of precious gold ore, deep in the eastern mine shafts. But they went too deep, and the tunnels collapsed. We have not been able to get to them for at least a tenday. Please, help us get to our loved ones...if not to rescue them, then to lay them to proper rest."


Rhaine nodded, "We will help you, but only if you will provide us with hospitality in return. We have a Cormyrean army with us that is in need of supplies, and my drow friend here requires medical attention."


There was a moment of silence as they looked one to the other, and then another woman - a young blonde - said, "I will provide you with lodging. I run the local boardinghouse for caravans that pass through here on the way to High Horn. I don't know about the army, but I should have enough beds for you and your companions, Chosen."


The Doomguide looked to her friends, "What say you?"

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Caladus smiles hugely, and whispers in Rhaine's ear, "I think this is something we'll need advice from a certain spirit on, hmm? One who used to live with the Svirfneblin?" He winks, and then turning to the villagers, he smiles and says, although wincing and putting a hand to his side. "Villagers! I am Caladus Silvercloak. I have been tasked by Rillifane to rid the lands of an Undead Crisis that has spread as far as Amn. I personally will do all I can to help you, but I have been injured, and need a space to rest and heal. Then I shall go to these mines, and our leader, Lady Rhaine, will call forth the spirit of a friend of mine who used to mine when he was younger, a dwarf. Anyone who knows anything about a Dwarven miner knows there are no better people to consult on these matters. Now if you'll excuse me.. I think I'm gonna pass out now."Caladus's vision darkens as he slips sideways and the ground eagerly greets him.


Shaori rushes forward, and lands, she flips him over, and shakes him, caresses his face, and does other things, all the while saying things like "Caladus come on, don't do this. Wake up! Can you hear me? Wake up PLEASE!" Over and over again.


Saerileth is half dismounted before her horse has even stopped. She rushes forward, and shouts "Lady Rhaine! To me, Now! We need to heal him!"

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Rhaine attempted to catch Caladus as he slid out of her saddle, but he was too heavy. She jumped from Ghost's back, taking Shaori by the shoulders and pulling her away from the druid.


"Everyone stay back!" She shouted, kneeling to place her hands upon Caladus's chest, one on top of the other. She glanced up at Saerileth, "Lay on Hands, child. If you are a paladin, then you know it. Quickly!"

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Saerileth looks down at the druid, and says "Hang on, Lord Caladus. Thou shalt be well soon." Saerileth grabs Rhaine's hands, and says 'Together, now! Lord Rillifane said if we combined them, we couldst heal anything!" Saerileth and Rhaine both call out to their respective gods, and cast Lay on Hands. Instead of the usual blue and gold glow caused by casting Lay on Hands, a brilliantly bright green and gold light shines between the two chosen. Over the wound, a green and gold haze appears, and a golden flower of pure energy buds, blooms and blows away, taking the injury with it. The glow fades, and tired out slightly, Rhaine and Saerileth remove their hands from Caladus. Caladus stirs, and opens his eyes, which glow red and gold for a moment, before returning to their regular crimson. He smiles, and says 'All this attention for little old me? Stop it, you're making me blush!" He jokes.


Saerileth flings her arms around Caladus, and sobs slightly into his shoulder, which causes Caladus to pat her on the head feeling awkward. Saerileth can't really tell why she's crying, she has no reason to be sad, and they aren't tears of joy. Curious.


Shaori pats Saerileth on the back, and says "Come now, little one, no need for tears! He's alright! I know he almost died because he was an idiot *Glares at him* but he is fine, isn't he?"

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"I... thank you." Nawen replied shyly to Saerileth's kind gesture. She wasn't expecting that. Nonetheless she was relieved and happy to hear that Caladus was alright.


On her way to the the mining village she looked at her own small injury that the beggar caused. He dug his nails quite deeply. Deep enough to cause a some minor bleeding but nothing that a cure disease and cure minor wounds potions wouldn't fix. Once she was done with it she bandaged the wound with some clean bandages and lowered her sleeve again. She pondered over at what happened back there. That beggar was obviously not a beggar and why there were only bandits in the town. What happened to the other people?


She entered the Skull Crag just in time to see Rhaine and Saerileth using the healing spell together on Caladus and it worked. She was worried that the antidote she gave to Shaori caused some ill effects to the druid but it seemed that everything was fine. "Good to have you back with us friend." She said to the druid and placed her hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

Edited by Naktis
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Rhaine swatted Caladus on the shoulder before standing, looking around. She saw that Nawen had finally caught up with them, "Ah, there you are." She gestured to the blonde woman behind her, "This young lady has offered us beds at her boardinghouse. Would you and Shaori mind helping Caladus get to a room? Get him out of his armor, too, if you please - I want to come by later and make sure that his wound is fully healed. Also, Saerileth," she added, "I need you to stable these horses while I take care of some things."


The Doomguide then turned to the rest of the villagers, some of whom had begun to disperse, "There should be a Commander Quark coming through, soon. He and his men are running low on rations. Can you spare any?"


"Not sure about enough for an army," one man said, leaning on the banister of what appeared to be a general store, "But I've got a whole store of salted meats in my cellar - neither my family nor the whole town could eat all of it. Rangers come through all the time trading their furs and surplus foodstuffs."


"Thank you," Rhaine replied, inclining her head, "One last request. I'd like to take a look at these mines before I retire for the night. Would someone mind showing me around?"


The older man from earlier nodded, "I can. Whenever you're ready."


The Doomguide smiled, "Very well. Xallistine? Aricia? Would you mind coming with me to look at these shafts?"

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