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Tales of Faerun


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Saerileth nods, and says "Aye, Lady Rhaine. So shall it be done." She takes the reins of the horses and starts leading them towards the stables.


Caladus pushes himself to his feet, and says "That won't be necessary, I am alright. I will come with you to the mine shaft."


Shaori looks at him and says "Why can you not just rest? She said to get you out of that armor. Why won't you follow instructions?"

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"You're not going anywhere." Nawen said and glanced at Shaori who disapproved of Caladus's decision as well. "Either you go willingly or I will tie you up and drag you to the boardinghouse. Just because you feel better doesn't mean that you should run around all over the place. They'll be fine." She said reassuringly. Edited by Naktis
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Rhaine glanced over her shoulder at the druid, "Nawen is correct, Caladus. You have just been returned from the brink of death. It will do your body no good to keep pushing yourself. Which is why you will rest. Do you understand?"


She then beckoned to Aricia and Xallistine, "Come. Let's see what this situation looks like."


The old man led her to the eastern edge of town, where a gaping cave entrance squatted above the village, at the top of a switchback trail. He lit a few torches and handed them to the threesome, "Here. It's a mite dark."


Rhaine took a torch, "How deep is the collapse?"


"A fair ways," the man replied, "We'll need to take a lift down to the third level and hang a right. It ain't too hard to miss."

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"Why do you insist on making me rest! I'm Fine!" Caladus strides angrily forward for a few paces then stumbles and is caught by Shaori, who had not left his side. "Alright, maybe I'm not as alright as I thought. You lot get to the mine. These two can help me I think."


Saerileth returns from stabling, untacking, watering and feeding the horses. "Shall I help thee with him?" She inquired to both Nawen and Shaori.


Shaori nods. "I would appreciate the extra help, yes. Nawen, could you put his other arm over your shoulder?"

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Nawen looked at him with the I-told-you-so look on her face but because of her hood no one could see it. "Of course." She replied to Shaori and put one of Caladus's arm over her shoulder and glanced at Saerileth. "Well now I think we're good but if you can I'd like you to go with us unless you want to go to the mine." She waited for Shaori to do the same so they could get Caladus to the boardinghouse. She was a bit worried herself about the safety of those who went to the mine and prayed for their safe return. She could sure put her survival skills to good use when they will help for the miners who are stuck in the mine but she did not want her friends to be amongst them too...
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The old man took them to a lift, and there was a great amount of squeaking and groaning as he worked the ropes to lower them down the mine shaft. The place seemed sturdy enough, but the tunnels were very small. The smell of earth and mildew was strong, and it became quite cold as they approached the third level. Finally, after several minutes, they reached the stop, and he beckoned them forward, "Right this way. Come on now, younguns...I aint' too eager to linger 'round here."
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The old man nodded, "It's hard, but honest work. I did it when I was young, and so did my father before me, and his father. These mines are full of cold iron, dug up by generations of laborers, but this is the first time we encountered a vein of gold in all those years. Maybe, in our excitement, we were a little too hasty with the construction of the new tunnels."


He pointed, and there, far down the corridor ahead of them, they could see where the tunnel had collapsed, "That is about as close as I wanna get."


Rhaine peered into the darkness. There was a momentary chilling sensation, and there appeared to be some kind of residue on the walls.


"Xallistine, can you probe with your mind past the blocked area? Can you detect any life beyond the collapse?"

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Caladus suddenly gasps and grabs at his seer's charm. He gazed deeply into it, and saw something... unwholesome in the mines. "I must get to the mine! Something's down there.. that doesn't like people being there!" He tries to push himself out of bed.


Shaori sees Cal trying to rise, and pushes him back down firmly. "I will sit on you if I have to. You are not leaving this bed! There is an Ularithid, and a doomguide in that mine, I am certain they can handle themselves. But, if you insist, I can fly Saerileth down there, she is small and light."


Saerileth rearms quickly. "Let's do this." She says, a fierce look on her face.

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