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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen heard Caladus's words. She became even more worried. "Why does it always have to be something bad?" She said quietly under her breath so that no one else could hear her. "Maybe I'm the one who should go there instead?" She suggested. As a ranger and someone who knew her way around the wilderness would be more useful there instead of Saerileth.
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Shaori looks over. "I could probably carry you, but you are a lot heavier than Saerileth, no offense of course but she is a young girl, and you are full grown."


Saerileth grimaces. "I am not a babe, I am nearing 16!"


Shaori looks sidelong at Saerileth, and says "Still small."


Caladus tries to sit up again, but Saerileth jumps on top of him, and her slight weight, combined with the plate armor prooved too much and Cal was forced back down.

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"It's okay I could get down there on my own." She then looked at all three of her friends. "None taken." She replied to Shaori and smiled slightly at Saerileth's words. "We could go together even if your mother would probably kill me for suggesting something like that." She suggested to Saerileth. If something evil is there they could use more people and she could also help the wounded down there.
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Saerileth gets off of Caladus, and is replaced by Shaori. "Not letting you leave here, sweetie!" She whispers half flirtatiously into his ear. "You lot go, I will make sure this one stays put."


Saerileth retrieves Carsomyr, but does not sheathe it. "Aye, let us go." She says, putting the two handed sword on her shoulder.


Caladus futilely tries to push Shaori off, but for a girl with hollow bones she was surprisingly strong and heavy, or was it just him being weak? "Good Luck, you lot."

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Xallistine nodded and stepped forward, with ease he did as was asked, and searched the depths for life... he then withdrew his mind and said "Yes... i can feel life from withing... i am blurred as to numbers and species, but it is alive, whatever the being is, and well, it is of a healthy demeanor... that is all i can tell."
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"Let's go then." Nawen said and left the boardinghouse, looking back to see if Saerileth is coming along. Luckily for them the mine wasn't far away from the small hamlet and they arrived there quite quickly.


The ranger walked in the mines carefully, watching where she was stepping. If the mine had already collapsed it means that it can collapse again. She approached the mine shaft. She peered into the darkness for a moment, trying to hear something. She thought that she heard cries for help somewhere much further and deeper but maybe it was her mind playing tricks on her. "It looks like they used a lift to go lower." The ranger commented and looked at Saerileth. "There's only one of them and it's down there. We could wait or use a rope to get down there." She added and looked around. If they'd use rope then they need to be extremely careful. One wrong step and they might fall down and hurt themselves badly or even worse. Start another collapse. "I'd suggest to wait here and go down there only if we hear something... bad."

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We couldst get lowered by Shaori. Or.. what dost this lever do?" Saerileth says, and tugs it anyway. with a slight rattling, the pulleys that power the lift start turning and the lift returns to the surface. "Thou shouldst go first"


Caladus once again tries to push Shaori off, and is unsuccessful.


Shaori leans down, and whispers "While I have you here.." then kisses him.

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The army finally arrived at Skull Crag, the sounds of their horses' hooves something like thunder as they echoed through the streets of such a quiet town.


The first thing Commander Quark noticed was that most of the people in the streets seemed to be women and children, scattered with the occasional elderly man or woman. The second thing he noticed was that the other members of their party seemed to be gone. A chill ran up his spine. The air here felt odd, as if everyone were in a panic.


Arva stared at a group of young women clustered around some sort of entrance. Possibly the mines? In any case, it meant these women were worried about husbands or fathers in there, judging by the lack of men around town. He voiced his observation to the commander, who nodded, seeming to understand everything that was going on now.


A gruff, middle-aged man approached Reona, who was at the head of the group by accident, and said, "You must be the Cormyrean army the Chosen spoke of." He picked at his teeth, which were an oddly bright shade of white, with a piece of bone and patted her horse's neck. "Good horse. Nice black coat, like liquid midnight... Anyway, she said you needed supplies, and I happen to run the general store down the street here." He glanced to the soldiers, "Now obviously you won't all fit in these narrow side streets. If the head of the group would just come with me, I could get the order taken care of."


Commander Quark, Arva, Reona, Ianthe, and four soldiers all pushed their horses to the front of the group. Arva recognized two of the soldiers as Evan and the one who had commented on his newly acquired musculature from back at camp. It was obvious that nobody was going alone after what happened in the last town.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Rhaine nodded to Xallistine, "Well, it's not much, but it's something. At least we know that there is life past that rubble. If your miners managed to squeeze themselves into an air pocket, they might very well be safe. Let's just hope they have a water source. Speaking of which...."


She ran her fingertips along the wall and smelled them, "Oil."


The Doomguide looked down. It appeared to be running along the walls and puddling slowly on the floor. She could see where they had attempted to dig away at the rubble, but had only managed to clear a few feet. And at that rate, they would never reach the miners before they starved, dehydrated, or suffocated.


"Well," she remarked, "whatever we're going to do, it cannot involve fire. With this oil leak, it would set the whole shaft alight and possibly cause another collapse."


Suddenly, she heard a squeaking noise just behind her. She whirled to see the lift being pulled back up, "Someone else is coming down here."


An idea hit her, and she turned to Aricia, "Wait. Commander Quark and his army - they should have something to help get through this wall. If they were cutting wood out of the Kryptgarden, maybe they have some specialized tools? We should ask them when we get back to the town."

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