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Tales of Faerun


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Byron looked it Rhaine like she had grown a second head. "Ah cannae even possess people anymore! How d'ye expect me to make it stop? Sing it a lullabye?" Nevertheless, he swan-dives into the ground, swimming through the earth until he finds the Green Dragon. "Hey, scaley one. Could ye not bring the whole mountain down on us? Ah mean, they are tryin tae get oot, and yer liable tae bring the mountain down on top of them.


I am Serentharalyx and I do not comply, spirit dwarf!


The dragon didn't appear to move it's mouth, but the words came anyway.


Byron tilted his head on the side. "Yeh kow, ser- sara- Te heck with it, I'll call ye Bob. So Bob, do ye know what Dugmaren Brightmantle's favorite food is?"


You have my attention, spirit dwarf. What do you know about Dugmaren Brightmantle?


"Well, fer starters, he liked roast, succulent boar. And he liked his mead with Goblin blood in it."


Intriguing, go on.


Above in the mine, Caladus shouts "It's stopped! Run while Byron is doing... whatever it is he is doing!"

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Ianthe grabbed the little wizard in her arms and sprinted toward the exit, not wanting to deal with any dragons today.


William kicked and then realized Ianthe ran much faster than he ever could, then relaxed, "You're almost as fast as a horse, girl. I'd pay you to carry me around, with speed like this."


Arva followed Ianthe's lead and picked Reona up, carrying her like an infant toward the lift. Upon her protests that she could walk herself, he mumbled, "Who said I was carrying you for convenience's sake? I'd say our friend Caladus is contagious is all." He winked, and grinned as Reona blushed a deep scarlet.


Quark ran behind them, "And I suppose you expect me to carry Evan now?"


Evan, who seemed to have lost his fear of the commander, slapped the commander on the rear and ran ahead with a grin spread across his face, laughing.

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Nawen was relieved that all them miners who were not beyond helping were taken outside. Rhaine was right about sealing the mine but she also knew that because of this many people lost their jobs and something told her that they will not be happy with the way things turned out.


The ranger left the mine with the rest of surviving miners and her friends while Byron talked or whatever he did with that dragon. She knew that Rhaine and Saerileth as powerful as they are could really use some help so without saying a word she went to attend the wounded. She was no cleric but she still was capable of healing wounds without magic.

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Aricia and Xallistine ushered more miners out, and hopped on the lift as it headed for the surface.


Aricia looked and said "Well, this could have turned out much better... these people have lost there livelihoods... if only my connection with the Feywilds was stronger here... i could have stabilized it... well, my kin could have." She said, Aricia had never spoke about that which she was, and Noble Eldarin of the air.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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As the last of them got onto the lift, Rhaine was relieved to finally be leaving the mine. Now that most of the men had been rescued, they could focus on healing their wounds and easing solid food back into their diet.


"Ah, well," the old man said finally, "It was bound to happen sometime. And this particular mine was drying up anyway. It'll be hard on us for a while, but these foothills are filled with ore, if you look long enough. We'll probably scout for another cave a little farther south...and then we'll just have to knuckle down like our ancestors did and build a new mine from scratch."


"It must be very...disheartening," Rhaine replied.


"I won't lie. It is. But I've learned that when ol' Beshaba starts giving you a hard time, you have to remind her that Tymora will always be right around the corner," he winked.


The Doomguide smiled. At that moment, the lift stopped, and the rest of them exited the mine. There, she was greeted by quite a happy scene. Fathers, husbands, and sons were reunited with mothers, wives, and daughters in tearful embraces. The sun was setting, and its golden rays fell gently upon the group, illuminating them all in a warm glow - a welcome sight after staying so long in the cold and damp mine shaft. Nawen could be seen cleaning and bandaging the wounds of one young man, who seemed completely enraptured by the drow.


"All right, everyone," Rhaine instructed, "Heal whomever you can as best you can."


With that, she began walking amongst the miners, healing broken bones, fractures, and lacerations alike. Some were barely wounded at all, and others were in a more dangerous state of health. It was obvious, too, that they were all very hungry...but they would have to resist the temptation to gorge after so long without food.


Speaking of food...


Her stomach growled loudly, and she grinned sheepishly as she healed one middle-aged man. He smiled back weakly, "You should speak with Lari at the boardinghouse. I'm sure she'd be happy to set you all up with a hot meal and drinks for the night."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Saerileth was healing who she could, just like Rhaine, however, she could not keep it up for long as her young frame didn't have the same amount of power. Before long, she yawned, and her stomach growled, and she went over to Rhaine. "Not to sound like a whiny brat, but maybe we could eat soon? I need to eat a lot more these days for some reason."


Shaori healed who she could as well, but lack of a meal and... recent activities had left her a bit drained. She decided to head for a wash and a meal.


Caladus used some of his druidic nature spells, and his herbal drafts to help who he could. He decided to follow suit and get food when Saerileth was complaining, and over near her, "Let's go get a meal, hey little one?" Caladus says. Saerileth looks at him, and says "Thou smelleth like sweat and love. What hast thou got thyself in to??" She gives a bawdy wink and a nudge.


Byron chatted for a while with the dragon, then says "Well, Ah better go. Ah dinnae have long afore sunrise, and Ah dinnae want tae miss oot on seein mah friends any longer. Nice talkin tae you!"


Wait Spirit Dwarf! It has been too long since anyone has spoken to me, why would you not stay? Is it something I have said to you?


Byron looks over. "Nae, Ah just has things tae do. Yeh has a whole town up there ye can talk to, and if ye want people tae be friendly, the town could use some... Financial aid. Get me?"


I can help with this. Perhaps first I should change into a more suited form.


Serentharalyx casts some magic, and shape shifts into the form of a woman in a green dress. She waves a hand, and her and all her treasure appear in the center of the town, right next to the group.


I am Serentharalyx and I come bearing gifts and apologies. The Collapse in the mine was not my fault, but I grieve for your loss. The loss of that mine will also be hard for you, so I offer what treasure I possess, as well as the aid to find new veins to dig in to end your trouble. I have been far to lonely as of late, I would love some company.


Byron swims up out of the ground and finds Rhaine and the others. "It seems she was lonely, maybe she needs a man eh?" He laughs.

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Arva, who had not yet put Reona down, overheard Saerileth and yelled out, "I told you so!" Upon a few stares from miners and women, he put Reona down. He tried to pull his helm off and once again failed to do so.


With a roll of her eyes, Reona pulled the helm off of Arva's head. She heard giggling and became quite angry for some reason, not wanting them to laugh at Arva.


A group of four girls walked up together, all of them most likely barely considered adults, a new one being shoved to the front of the group by the others every few seconds. After thirty seconds of what seemed to be bickering, one girl stepped to the front of the group, the rest of the girls giggling and pulling at her arms playfully. She had a rather large bust and thick hips, contrasting with her thin waist. Certainly considered a catch for any human male. "Hi," she said with a giggle, "I'm Plum. And this is Grace, Brenna, and Sairahiniel." The last name was elven and didn't flow off Plum's tongue very well.


Reona raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms over her own very small chest, feeling a bit inadequate, "Greetings."


"Oh, not you..." Plum began, red-faced and giggling, "Him." She pointed to Arva, who sipped from a water canteen while giving the girls an overly thorough observation with his eyes. His white eyelashes, pink eyes, white skin, and intense features all were being whispered about among the group. Plum continued, "Well, we all think you're really handsome and heroic, carrying the little girl out of the mines like that."


Brenna, whose figure was also curvy, piped up, "No! Not me! I like the other one... The drow." She waved at Caladus and gave a wink.


Sairahiniel put her hands on the back of Brenna's shoulders and peeked over the top of her head, "Oh, he is cute! And he's all sweaty and injured, too... I bet he has his share of scars!"


Brenna gave a gasp, "And we can't see them, so that means they're in hidden places! And you're an elf, so you know what I mean when I say that drow males are there to please."


Sairahiniel and Brenna continued to giggle amongst themselves as they waited on Caladus to acknowledge them.


Plum gave a fake sort of laugh, "They like bad boys. Anyway, the rest of us offer you a place to stay tonight..." She seemed to puff out her copious chest a bit as she said that last sentence, which ruffled Reona's feathers quite a bit.


Arva's left eyebrow raised up, and he gave a half-smile as he wrapped a hand around Reona's waist and dipped her as if they were dancing. He glanced at the girls out of the corners of his eyes and gave a seductive sort of sigh, his eyes heavy-lidded and his lips an inch from Reona's as he mumbled, "I'm sorry, but my heart is already in the hands of another."


All four girls swooned at the sight, most likely imagining themselves in Reona's place, causing Reona to roll her eyes and pull away from Arva's grip. As the girls walked over to giggle over Caladus, she muttered, "You are a hit with the ladies, it seems... You pervert."


He raised his eyebrows a few times, then said, "It's perfectly healthy. By the way, you're blushing deeper than they did."


Reona covered her face with her hands, "That's because I was your victim!"

Edited by tokyobleach
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Shaori angrily turns and is about to storm over and give those girls more than a piece of her mind, when Caladus holds up a hand. His eyes were glowing slightly crimson as his infravision was allowing him to see in the dark, and shooting a strange look at Shaori, he walks, slowly and gracefully towards the girls that liked "bad boys", stopping a few feet away. "Scars? I can definitely show you scars. How many do you want? I do aim.. to please." He gives a vicious, sadistic grin, and says "My name is Caladus Silvercloak. Physical intimacy means little to me, but my heart shall never be yours. My heart currently belongs to the avariel over there. However, if she didn't mind, I could offer you exertions you will never recover from. Most likely because very few can take the types of things I can do to you. Pleasure and pain are one in the Drow Society, so I suggest you think before you say anything." He turns to walk away, then spins quickly, his hands fling around and he cuffs them upside the head. "You girls really need to get your heads on straight. You have your whole life ahead of you, and here you are talking smack with the likes of her!" He jerks his thumb at Plum. "Think next time about whether or not the man might be taken, and maybe get some new friends!" He spins on his heel, and walls over to Shaori, cloak flying out in the breeze. "Come on, Shaori. Let's go get dinner, I don't know about you, but I am staving."


Shaori could not believe her ears or her eyes, and nearly fainted when Caladus had said his heart belonged to her, and proclaimed her his lady. She snaked her arm into his, and said "With you, I would love to. I honestly thought for a moment you would... exert yourself, did you say? with those.. skanks."


Byron rolled around on the air laughing his ass off. "Oho... Caladus! I knew you would find someone, someday!"


Saerileth laughs scornfully at the misbehaving women. "Serves thou right for trying to steal other people's men!"

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All four girls stood in awe of Caladus and clung to each other as they chattered amongst themselves. After a few moments, Plum came to the front of the group again.


"I'm sorry," she said to Arva. "That is, we're sorry. Please tell the avariel that we apologize. We were only trying to make light of this situation..."


"Why would you make light of something like this tragedy?" Arva asked, his features still making the girls blush a little.


Plum's expression went slightly dark, as if she were saddened, "Our husbands didn't come back from the mines, and I told the others this would be a good idea."


Reona pushed Arva behind herself, "You all should be mourning, not acting like slatterns. Now you go and pray for the lost souls and maybe Kelemvor will forgive you for not honoring the dead!"

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Upon hearing that their spouses never came out of the mine, Caladus disentangles his arm from Shaori, walks over to the girls, who looked a little nervous, and gave each and every one of them a hug. "I do apologize for the way I was with you. It still doesn't make what you did right, but it still saddens me to hear that I did not strike a girl who needed to get her head straightened out, but a widow trying to hide the pain." He kisses them on the cheek, and says "Although I do agree with Reona. You should be praying right now. However, Kelemvor is reasonable, so I am sure he will forgive this." He once again turns, cloak flying in the wind, and returns to Shaori. "I had to correct my misdeed. How about that dinner?"


Shaori was actually not upset. She would have been more upset had he not apologized. She pats his arm and says "I understand. And I forgive you too."


Saerileth.. stands not sure what to do.


Byron is still laughing.

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