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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen was busy attending the wounded. It took more time for her to heal them because she wasn't using magic but she hopped that it will be just as effective as healing spells.


She noticed how some four women were talking to the pale elf, Arva and Caladus. Because of her sharp hearing she heard most of the conversation. She started to think if she'll ever find someone herself or remain alone for the rest of her life...


The ranger looked around the room when the situation between the women was somewhat solved. "You two look tired." She said to both Rhaine and Saerileth. The latter expressed that she is hungry and would like to eat. "Go and have something to eat. I will attend to the injured." She said to her friends. Someone still had to look after the miners and she wasn't that hungry.

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Rhaine nodded to Saerileth, "Go ahead and eat if you want...I'll catch up later. Nawen and I still have work to do."


The Doomguide then jumped in surprise as a woman in a flowing green gown manifested with a mountainous pile of treasure. She narrowed her eyes at her, putting her hand to her sword hilt, "I know your kind, Green Dragon. You do not do anything that does not benefit you the most. Somehow, it strikes me as odd that you would not only help these miners, but offer your most precious, hard-earned treasure horde as well. I think you seek more than just...company."


She had also overheard the conversations between Arva, Caladus, and a handful of young women. It made her angry at the audacity of it all. She made up her mind to visit the shrine as soon as she was done with the injured. If they would not pay their proper respects to the fallen, then she would.


Reasonable he may be, she thought, but it is not wise to press your luck.

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Caladus kisses Shaori on the cheek. "Go to the bunkhouse. Take Saerileth with you. Eat. I am going to make sure these guys eat too." Caladus walks over to Rhaine and Nawen. "Alright, you two, These people can wait for a bit, can't they? I am sure they wouldn't begrudge you taking time to have a meal to replenish your strength." Turning now to Rhaine, he says "You and I need to have a talk. It is not good for the group when your mind is not in harmony. I can hear the problems and the blame crying out, and it destabilizes you. Allow me to help rebalance you. As a druid, and your friend, let me help you."


Shaori looks at Saerileth, "Come along, little one. Let's go eat."


Saerileth looks at Shaori with her head cocked to the side. "Thou also smelleth like sweat and love, as Caladus doth. Mayhaps thou were doing things thou shouldst not have?" Her stomach growls. "But Aye, let us eat."

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Nawen listened to Caladus. He was right. Rhaine needed someone to talk to. In fact, she wanted to speak with the Doomguide as well but she thought that first they need to help the injured miners and only then talk.


She also wondered where did Caladus learned to... read people like that? "If you two want to talk I will leave you to it." Nawen said and glanced at them both. She also wanted to go and pick some herbs. She knew that some herbs growing in this area are used in delicious and healthy tea. She wanted to make some for her friends and Commander Quack's men.


Aedan grinned wickedly as he took the pile of coins for himself. The man who just lost his gold stood up abruptly, causing the chair to fall on to the floor. "You bloody thug! You cheated!" He started shouting. Aedan looked up at the furious man. "Now, now. It's not my fault that you play worse than a dead dog." He replied calmly, still grinning. "Why you..!" The man continued yelling but his friends dragged him out of the tavern. The last man who kept shouting at Aedan spent two weeks in the temple with priests fussing over his injuries.


"You're going to leave everyone in Cormyr with empty pockets lad." The innkeeper said as he refilled the stranger's tankard. "Can't say that I care." He replied and emptied the keg in one go and gestured for the innkeeper to refill his tankard again.

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Rhaine spun on Caladus angrily, her temper flaring, "Perhaps you can leave these men with concussions, broken limbs and fractured bones in good conscience, but I cannot!" Her eyes flashed, "As I have said...I will join you when I am finished here, and not before. I will speak with you later, if you deem it so important. But for now, I have duties to attend to that are far more significant than discussing what I have on my mind."
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Caladus's face takes on a steely look. "There is a difference between Helping People, and not wanting to appear weak. You need to eat to keep your strength up, I do know how magic works. It consumes energy, leaves you wanting. These people will still be here. I am certain they will not mind if you eat something to restore your strength. Also, do not snap at me, Rhaine. I am nothing but civil to you, I expect the same in return. Am I Clear?" The last sentence is said in a voice that is quiet, but not in a hushed sort of quiet, a quiet that was inches away from losing control. "Do not DARE presume that I do not care about the well being of these people. I am a Druid, it is my job to maintain balance, and heal where I can. I, however, know my limits, and know that when lacking a meal is NOT the time to be using magic, lest it consume you instead. Now, go EAT a full meal, THEN you, Shaori, Myself, Nawen and Saerileth if she feels up to it, will heal the rest of these injured. I may not be the party leader, but at the moment it appears that you are trying to hide behind your pride, and your guilt at what happened to me. Am I wrong?" The look on Caladus's face is livid, and a look in his eyes says you lie to me right now and we will have WORDS.


Shaori escorts Saerileth to get a meal, and hears a bit of Caladus's talk with Rhaine. She actually feels scared that the two will come to blows.


Saerileth tries to go back, and is stopped and pushed forward by Shaori. "They are fully grown adults, they can sort this out."


Byron actually feels nervous. even though he is a ghost. He has never seen Caladus this way before, ever.

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Rhaine raised an eyebrow, "Yes, you are wrong, Caladus Silvercloak. This has nothing to do with pride, but it has everything to do with duty. If these people aren't seen to immediately, some of them will die while you are stuffing your mouth, do you understand me? I will presume what I like, and you will order me to do nothing. I told you to go on without me, and I will eat when I am finished here. What part of that is beyond your comprehension? I know the state of my strength better than anyone."


With that, she turned her back on him and moved to the next victim, a middle-aged man with a broken leg.


As she did so, she hissed over her shoulder, "By the way, never use a threatening tone with me again...I would refer you to others who have done so, but none of them live."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus looks thunderous, and whistles. Dark Thunder canters over, having pulled himself free due to a loose know. "So be it." He jumps on his horse, kicks him and rides out of town. He would meet them again later, but right now he needed to be alone. The very air of the town was setting him on edge.
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During Caladus's and Rhaine's argument Nawen continued healing the injured miners and silently listening to their conversation. She isn't a spellcaster but she still knew that the use of magic can weaken you, she was living with the sorcerer for a few years after all. Nonetheless Rhaine knew better than the druid her own limits and if the Doomguide will start feeling weak Nawen will help her.


She also wondered what Caladus meant by 'it is my job to maintain balance'. She always thought that if druids are maintaining the balance, it's the balance of nature not of everyone and everything in the Realms. The ranger understood that he cared for Rhaine's well being, just like all of them cared for each others well being. She only hoped that this argument will not grow into an even bigger argument or maybe worse.


Nawen finished bandaging the broken arm of one of the miners. He was in his early forties. "All done. Now you can go back to your family." She said to the man who smiled widely after hearing the good news. "Thank the Gods that you arrived when you did!" The man exclaimed and left the building. "More like thank Kelemvor and Rillifane. They helped us to get this far." She thought to herself and went to the next victim.


The next miner was young. Both of his legs were broken. She turned to see how Rhaine was doing before turning her attention back to the young man. She bandaged his legs and two other miners who were less injured helped him to leave. "Do you need any help?" Nawen asked Rhaine as she saw that they were pretty much done with the injured miners.

Edited by Naktis
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Rhaine's anger had caused her to work even faster, and she had healed five more men before finally coming upon what seemed to be the last one. He suffered a fractured collarbone and severe internal hemorrhaging, but the Doomguide managed to fully restore him. This caused him to drift into a deep sleep, and he had to be carried off by two of his comrades. Finally, she rose from her kneeling position and looked up at Nawen.


"No, I think that's it," she said with a sigh, "Although, I would like to take a look at this shrine of theirs. Care to come with me?"

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