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Tales of Faerun


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When Rhaine was healing the last injured miner Nawen started cleaning the boardinghouse they were. There were lots of bloody or just dirty cloth and bandages. When she was done the ranger waited for the Doomguide to finish because she was already done.


"I'd like that." Nawen said when Rhaine asked her if she'd like to come to take a look at the shrine. She wondered why the Doomguide wanted to see it but when she remembered that the shrine was Kelemvor's.

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Rhaine nodded to Nawen and began her search for the shrine. Walking towards the town's namesake feature, she found that a rough trail led up to the top of the rock face. There, atop Skull Crag, was a marble altar surrounded by small columns and embellished with gold and silver. Several braziers lit the shrine in a warm amber glow, the light reflecting off a solid golden rendition of Kelemvor's holy symbol. The marble itself was carved with elaborate knotwork, a few lines of his doctrine engraved in elegant calligraphy.


Despite the lavishness of the altar, though, this was not the true dedication. As she moved beyond the ring of pillars, she saw what else the miners offered. There, bathed in the silver glow of the moon, the Western Heartlands sprawled for miles, the rivers and lakes shimmering like ribbons of mithril. She realized that this was the true shrine - perhaps an unparalleled view of the western lands of Faerun. Rhaine had heard of the magnificence of Skull Crag...but she had not expected something like this. The Doomguide smiled to herself. It was oddly fitting.


After a few moments of enjoying the scenery, Rhaine turned back to the altar and lit a few tapers - one for every miner who died in the collapse - setting them atop the altar's surface and offering a few prayers.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen followed Rhaine to the shrine of Kelemvor. After the brief search they found it and it was one of the most beautiful shrines Nawen had ever seen. The breathtaking view that opened up from the shrine added to the greatness of it. This place was perfectly chosen for a shrine for a deity. "This place is beautiful..." The ranger said silently not wanting to disturb the serenity.


She watched as Rhaine lit a few candles for the miners who did not make it and remain silent when the Doomguide prayed. Even if the drow's faith was true in The Forest Queen she wasn't a praying type but she still respected and did not disturb those who did pray.


Nawen thought that this would be a perfect place for them to talk now that the miners are healed and that they are alone here. Unless the Doomguide doesn't want to talk.

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Rhaine sighed heavily, letting her frustration go with it. She leaned back against one of the pillars, gazing up at the stars that were peeking through the fluffy clouds.


"You've been very quiet as of late, Nawen," she commented without looking at the drow, "Is there something you want to talk about?"

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Nawen started at the candles flames when she suddenly heard Rhaine speaking. She looked up at the Doomguide and took her hood of. "Actually, I was wondering if you would like to talk." She said and looked at Rhaine with her emerald colored eyes. "Everyone needs someone to talk to and if you want I'm here for you." The ranger said offering a friendly smile trying to hide her concern.
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Caladus kept riding. He would continue on towards Cormyr on his own. He felt Rhaine did not need or want him, so he would take care of himself, as he always did.


Shaori went to the shrine, having washed, she was now in a light gown made of white silk. "Have any of you seen Caladus? He was supposed to join Saerileth and I for dinner, but I can't find him anywhere. I tucked Saerileth in bed, by the way. That girl has had a long day."

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Nawen waited for Rhaine to respond when she saw Shaori. "I don't know where Caladus is. He rode off somewhere." She said to the Avariel because she really had no idea where Caladus went. It was obvious that he needed some time for himself but she was surprised that he said nothing to Shaori. They were both fond of each other after all.
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"That he did," Rhaine added, "I do not know where he was headed."


She continued leaning on the pillar in silence for several moments. The Doomguide remembered what Kelemvor had warned them of and frowned. On his own, Caladus was vulnerable. He had already nearly died within the past day, and it had taken three of them to save him. She sighed again.


"I have been thinking about Caladus," she said quietly, "and of how he took a blade for me. It reminded me of numerous others who did so in the past - some are still alive, but several are now dead. No matter how many I try to keep alive, there are always those who slip from my grasp."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Partway down the road, Rilifane appeared unto Caladus in the form of a butterfly. "Caladus, what you are doing is not smart. You should stay with your friends, and the one who loves you. They worry about you! The Chosen of Kelemvor could probably use some advice, but she does not like accepting help. You are a Druid, you are supposed to maintain Balance within yourself, as well as Nature. You are there to Guide your friends to achieve balance, not balance them yourself. Now, go back there, and make peace with the Chosen of Kelemvor, or lose my favor."


Caladus dares not disobey the will of his god, and turns Dark Thunder back towards Skull Crag. Before long, he arrives, and walking up to the Shrine of Kelemvor, he sees Rhaine, Nawen and Shaori. He suddenly feels awkward, he never liked admitting wrong, and this was going to be one of those times.


Shaori hears someone come in behind her, and sees Caladus standing there. He had an odd look on his face, and she rushes over, and holds him tightly for a moment. "Why the hell did you go rushing off like that? You had us worried! You shouldn't be riding so soon after your injury!"


Caladus pushes her aside, pulls Rhaine into a tight embrace, then kneels at her feet, with his hand in both of his. "Rhaine, Chosen of Kelemvor, I humbly beg your forgiveness. It appears I may have misjudged whether or not you needed my help. I worry about you, and right now, my head is full of odd thoughts. If you would forgive a moron, then I would ask your counsel, and offer my own if you desired it."


Shaori walks out when she sees this. She figures Rhaine and Caladus would appreciate some privacy to work this out.

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Nawen listened to what Rhaine said. She wasn't able to read people like some other people can but she assumed that she was feeling guilty because of what happened to Caladus. "You cannot save everyone. Sometimes no matter how hard you try you will still fail and you shouldn't blame yourself for it." She sighed and glanced at the Doomguide. "You are our leader and I can understand that it's not easy but we all knew that this path will not be easy and that some of us might die but we followed you anyway, willingly. Those who followed you on your previous adventure knew what they were doing as well." Nawen heard about Rhaine's adventure during the war with the King of Shadows because she was in Neverwinter Wood for some time when it happened.


She stepped closer and placed a comforting hand on Rhaine's shoulder. "We will all stay by your side no matter how dangerous it will get. I followed you from the beginning of this adventure and I will stay by your side until the end." She added.


Nawen wasn't really good when it comes to comforting but she hoped that her words will help Rhaine. "Besides Caladus is alive and that's the only thing that should matter. It wasn't your fault."

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