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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine smiled gently, "All beings are capable of love, Caladus. Even Drow."


She fell silent for a few moments, then added, "Perhaps you should speak with Nawen about this. Her counsel may be better than mine." The Doomguide then pointed her fork at the druid's food, "Your roast is getting cold."

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"Your counsel is easier to ask, I would feel slightly awkward asking Nawen about... love. Right, your turn to divulge!" He stabs a fork into his roast, and it says "Ow!" Caladus reels back "GAH!" Byron pokes his head out of the table and looks around at both of them, waggles his ears, and says "Boo!"
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When everyone left, Nawen stayed in the shrine admiring the beauty of it. She looked up at the statue of Kelemvor and remembered how both Lord of the Dead and Rillifane showed themselves to the group but most importantly to Caladus and Rhaine. They not only offered their guidance but granted gifts as well... she kept wondering what it's like to worship that deity that actually cares about you...


Nawen believed and worshiped Mielikki truthfully but it was getting hard to do so. Many times during this journey she prayed for guidance, to help her understand if this is where she suppose to be because she was lost or at least felt like it. None of her prayers were answered. Illius once told her that The Forest Queen believes in her and has faith that Nawen is strong enough to find the right answer on her own and she believed in his words but now not so much. Maybe Mielikki simply doesn't care about her and never did...


"Am I becoming False or even worse, Faithless?" She muttered to herself and raised her head to look at the beautiful sky. "Please, I need your guidance..." She whispered staring at the sky but nothing happened. Nawen lowered her head and put her hood back on. She said nothing and left the shrine to look for some herbs. On her way she pulled the amulet of Mielikki from her neck and threw it to the ground. The amulet hit the large rock and shattered.

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Rhaine glared at Byron, "Don't you have a spirit realm to return to? It is not wise to linger on the Prime, you know."


She took a sip of wine and shook her head, "There is not much for me to say. At least, not now."


The Doomguide looked around again, this time wondering where Nawen had gone.

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Byron sticks his tongue out at Rhaine. "Why, lass? Ah has tae sunrise! Tha's hours away, so let me hae my fun!" He lifts himself out of the table, and flies off to move a stool out from under a fat man sitting down, who falls to the floor with a crash.


Caladus claps a hand to his forehead. "Only he would do something like that." He says, as the fat man gets to his feet, and sits down, holding the stool this time. "If you are certain there is nothing you want to talk about, I will wait until you are ready to talk." He starts eating his food, which was getting cold, but no less excellent.

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Nawen finished gathering the herbs. She looked around as she stuffed the herbs into a small pouch. "They might prove useful." She thought to herself and returned to the Skull Crag.


The ranger went to the only tavern in the small mining town and noticed Caladus and Rhaine sitting at the table. Byron's ghost was also floating around in the common room and apparently pulling out chairs from under people. She shook her head slightly at the ghost's activity and went to her friends. "How's the food here?" She asked because she was getting rather hungry herself.

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"Good, when Byron isn't making it say Ow while you eat it. Ah yes, I needed to talk about something with you, Nawen. Whenever you feel up to it, of course, there is no rush." Caladus says, nodding at Nawen.


Byron taps Nawen on the shoulder, and vanishes so she will not see who tapped her when she turns around.


Saerileth comes down, rubbing her eyes in her silk night gown. "What ist going on down here? I keep hearing crashes and bangs!"


Shaori follows, looking peeved, and says "So have I, are the men getting too drunk in here? She was wearing her undergarments, as she found the upstairs quite warm, and blushed when several men whistle at her.

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Rhaine focused on her food, trying not to notice Byron's antics and resisting the urge to banish him. She also wondered what in the hells Caladus wanted her to divulge so badly. Was she supposed to just up and spill her heart out to everyone about everything just because he sensed she was 'imbalanced'?


She looked up when Nawen, Shaori and Saerileth entered, "No drunks, Byron's just being a right poltergeist. And the pork roast with potatoes is excellent."


The Doomguide drained her glass, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed. We still have a long journey ahead of us, and we're leaving at dawn."


With that, she went upstairs to one of the rooms Lari had set aside for them, locked the door, and began to prepare for sleep.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Byron starts feeling a tug, and realizes his time was more limited than Sunrise. He was being recalled, but had it in his mind to do one last prank while he could. He flew through the ceiling, and possessed Rhaine's pillow. He waits for her to lay down to rest.


Caladus walks over to the man who whistled at Shaori. "Whistling at the girl I... care for, are you?"


The man, who had been in his cups, looks at Caladus all tough-guy like. "Yeah, I am. What do you care, darko?"


Caladus looks the man straight in the eye, and says "Apologize now, and I won't send you into a wall."


The drunk spits on the floor by Caladus's feet. "There's your apology."


Caladus hauls back, and punches the man in the chest, sending him not just into the wall, but through it. He walks over to the owner, frozen in the act of cleaning glasses, and takes a couple thousand gold out of his money bag. "That will pay for damages." He goes back to his table, and sits down, and continues eating.


Shaori walks over, the rest of the men averting their eyes, and kisses Caladus. "Thank you," She says, and goes back to her room to sleep.


Saerileth goes back to bed as well.

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Nawen turned around only to see that whoever tapped her on the shoulder is nowhere to be seen. Seeing how Byron was enjoying himself she assumed that it was he. She went and ordered some pork roast with potatoes and joined her friends at the table.


She took a small bite of the pork roast and smiled slightly. It was delicious! She then turned to Caladus. "You said you wanted to talk with me about something..." She trailed off waiting for him to start speaking. She had no problem speaking with him here unless he didn't.


Nawen wanted to say good night to Rhaine but she left for her room so quickly.

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