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Tales of Faerun


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Caladus looks over at Nawen, then at the ceiling. He takes a deep breath, and says "I have been experiencing thoughts and... feelings that are unlike me. I asked Rhaine about this, and she says you would better to ask. She says I am starting to... love. But Drow do not love, so if I love, what am I?" Caladus still looks confused. "I feel a great deal of affection for you and Rhaine, and acknowledge you as my friends, even family, should the word be taken as a good thing rather than not. Saerileth seems to feel a conflict of feelings towards me, at times seeming to have a crush on me, at times seeing me as a parent. Then there's Shaori..." He breaks off, again looking worried and confused.
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Nawen listened thoughtfully to Caladus while she continued eating. She was more hungry than she thought because she wolfed down her food quickly. She felt honored that Caladus acknowledged her as a friend or even more... a family. Unfortunately she wasn't good with this love thing as the only people she ever loved were her foster family but she knew that the druid meant other kind of love. The love he felt to Shaori.


"You are a Drow and just because you love that doesn't mean that you are no longer one." She said and glanced at Caladus. She never asked him how he feels about being dark elf. To her most of the time it was like a curse even if somewhere deep inside she was proud of being a Drow. "Most of our kind are evil and treacherous but there are also good and honorable amongst our kind. You and I are a living proof that even Drow can be good and compassionate people." She sighed and looked directly into Caladus's eyes. "I can understand how strange this might seem to you but everyone who has a soul and are capable of expressing emotions are capable of loving as well no matter their race."

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Caladus listens, and meets her eyes, and does not falter under their green gaze. He feels slightly strengthened by her words, and kisses her on the cheek in a purely brotherly way, there was no romantic intentions in him. "I'm glad I gave you that amulet. You truly do deserve it." He stands and returns the tray to the counter. The bartender is dealing with the man punched through the wall. Caladus walks back and sits down again.
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Rhaine had changed into her nightdress and was combing her hair when she detected a spirit in the room. She rolled her eyes and sighed, a note of weariness in her tone, "Go pester someone else, Byron."
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Cursing under his for lack of better word breath, Byron makes Rhaine's pillow fly around, then throws it at her. "Could nae let me have a last bit o' fun, could ye? Ah'm bein recalled! Ah wael, it was fun while it lasted..." Smoke swirls around him on the floor, then works its way up. Before long, it completely obscures him, then the cloud disperses, leaving the room smelling like trees, nature, grass in the fog, and a slight tinge of dwarf.
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"I... thank you." Nawen said and blushed slightly. She was happy and slightly surprised that her words were actually helpful. Usually people disregards her opinions and words so it was a pleasant surprise for her. For a moment she sat there silently wondering where Byron had gone to but then she arose from her seat and ordered some more pork roast and potatoes with some salad this time.


She went back to her seat with her food. "Uhm... what made you chose The Leaflord as your patron deity?" The ranger asked. She was thinking about what happened earlier at Kelemvor's shrine. She hoped that with some advices from her friends she will find another deity she could worship and truly believe in because she was too afraid to remain Faithless. Nawen heard about the Wall of the Faithless and she had no reason not to believe its existence.

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"Think nothing of it, my friend. I value your counsel, and I value Rhaine's counsel as well. I may be old by some standards, but by our standards, I am approximately 29. I am not the venerable one Saerileth seems to think I am. I think she has a crush on me to be honest, what do you think?" Caladus sits with his fingers steepled, and he gazes over top of them at Nawen. He remembers she asked something. "Sorry, you asked why I chose the leaflord? Well, I was not going to worship Lolth like me family did. I chose the path of a Druid to maintain my Sight, and psychic senses. The family didn't care, so long as they could make me see enemy plans. So, I as a Druid, I went for the lord of nature, the Leaflord. He at the time seemed a more logical choice. Why, were you thinking on finding a new Deity? I understand Melieki doesn't help her followers, preferring to make them help themselves. So, if that is why, why not go with Solonor Thelandira as she is an archer goddess and you are a ranger."
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Nawen continued eating her meal quietly when she heard Caladus's question. It was quite unexpected. "Uh... I really don't know what to say. She might have a crush on you or it might be simply fondness. I hardly know Saerileth so it's hard to say." She really had no idea what Saerileth's opinion was about Caladus."


She listened carefully to what the druid said about the deities and why he chose to worship Rillifane. Was her faith related issues were that obvious? "I asked simply out of curiosity but thank you." She said. The possibility of her remaining Faithless was much bigger than finding a deity for her to worship. Things like that can't be chosen like what to wear. You must feel it with your heart and soul for the faith to be true, or at least that's the way Nawen saw it.


Nawen had no idea what kind of God Solonor Thelandira was but it peeked her interest.

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Xallistine stood on his own for a while, lost in thought, deep with his own memories and conundrums, he wouldn't notice if the world blew up into a million pieces... it was just him, and his mind.


Aricia listened to the part of the conversation about Saerileth and laughed, adding "I don't think she can control her feelings at the moment Caladus... think nothing of it."

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Caladus glances over, startled. "Lady Aricia! I was unaware you were even in the room! I thought you had gone for a walk or something. Please do not sneak up on me like that!" Turning to Nawen, he says "You are very good at hiding your thoughts from most, my friend. I am more difficult to hide from. That is another reason House DeVir held on to me for as long as they did. I can tell when there is more that people are not saying. There is no shame in doubting your god, or wishing to find one that will care and listen to you. I am actually more surprised that Rillifane has intervened as many times as he has, seeing as he usually leaves his priests to do his work for him."
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