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Tales of Faerun


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Saerileth blushes as she sees Arva's reaction, and Reona's reaction to Arva. She hurries off to her room, whispering "I'm Sorry." to Reona as she passed her.


Caladus went immediately to the common room after he finally emerged from his room to get some breakfast.


Shaori came out to get breakfast wincing slightly as she walked.

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Sefris noticed the unusual couple entering the common room, her face frowning the same second. Two elves. An Avariel and - she couldn't stop the silent hiss that escaped her lips as she noticed the Avariel's companion - a Drow, no less. Her fiendish blood resented all the elves, but the sight of the Drow just made her want to tear out his throat. Beside her skin and hair color, the fey'ri didn't have anything else in common with her elven side but the hatred for the Drows. And in mixture with her demonic side, it just made her see images of her biting off his throat in merely a few seconds. Visibly in a bad mood since the couple had walked in, she returned her look to the map, pretending not to notice them aside for the face showing clear disgust and narrowed eyes forming a frown. This was not a good day. But she didn't feel like looking for another inn, it was far too late. Guess she'll just have to behave.
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Ghost shifted restlessly under Rhaine. The Doomguide herself let out a sigh. Quark's men had been moving about for a few hours now, and they appeared eager to get going as well. Rhaine had no idea what was taking her companions so long, but judging from the echoing shrieks and giggles that rang out from two streets over, it wasn't anything but foolery. She had half a mind to tie them all to Ghost's cantle and drag them to High Horn...
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Xallistine, after a robe change into something a little grander, came riding up next to Rhaine on Fatty. "Where are the others?"


Aricia was in the bathhouse, washing her smooth skin clean. Despite her age and wisdom, often being seen as a matriarchal and harsh figure, she was still extraordinarily beautiful, and her fine body was shown off, without actually being shown off in her outfit.


She had her suit washed, carefully herself, as the fabrics and materials were priceless, and she dried herself over, going to get changed. First her white underwear, then her tight trousers and overskirt, the trousers clung tightly to her legs, yet the silken skirt covered them. She put on her ornate Bodice, which pushed her breasts into shape, and revealed a lot of her cleavage. Over the top she put on her tight jacket, with it's huge white feathered collar, and it's skintight arms, which had slits in all the way down, fastened her diamond necklace, put on her heels, and she walked out of the bathouse. Many men gave her looks of awe, but then got the impression of a very cold, hard woman... her outfit was misleading to be sure, it's hints of sensuality, covered in white silk.

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Saerileth was feeling anxious and vulnerable. She had kissed someone elses man, and didn't know what to do. She decided to seek out the one person she hoped she would be able to talk to without worry or fear, her mother. After wandering for a while, she found her mother dressing after a bath. "Mother... M-may I speak to thee about something?"
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As Aricia came out of the bathhouse, Saerileth approached her, looking rather fearful, Aricia put one hand on her hip and said "Of course you can my child, about anything, come. Sit with me." She said, gracefully lowering herself onto a bench, and patting the seat next to her to indicate Saerileth was to sit too.
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Saerileth sat down next to her mother, and says to her, "Mother, I have done something terrible. I don't even know why I did it! I kissed a man! But he was a man belonging to another. I kissed the tall elf Arva, he came to ask me to show him to the baths or something, his face was level with mine, his shirt was off.." She trails off looking miserable. "The worst part was I enjoyed it, and so did he. Also, that I kissed him a second time..." Saerileth looks panicky. "What should I do?"
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Aricia shook her head, feeling ashamed of her daughter... but then she was not there to teach her the proper way a lady should behave all of her life... so perhaps it was her fault this problem had occurred "That boy has a wandering, and a constant desire for lust, am i right? What you did was hardly lady like, a young woman of your stature should not lower herself to such acts... But, i can hardly blame you... i left you for the priests and your father to care for, so what could i expect? What you do, is admit that what you have done is wrong, and atone. He may not be strong enough to keep to his current martial arrangement, the boy is to be married... But you must not allow any strain to pass onto his betrothed. Tell him that it was a mistake, and that it shall never happen again, otherwise, do you wish to end up a Mistress? No." Aricia paused and hugged her daughter "I was taught from a young age how to be a prim and proper lady... but you were lured into that situation, he was there, topless, ready to be pounced on?" She said with a playful grin "So you pounced... just make sure not to again." Aricia said with a wide smile.
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Saerileth shoves her mother slightly,. "Mother!" She exclaims, a wide grin on her face. She hugs her mother back, tightly. "Afterwards, he acted like it hadn't even happened. Mayhaps it meant nothing to him, or mayhaps he didst not wish for what you said to happen." Saerileth looks sad, but thoughtful.
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The Doomguide glanced sideways at Xallistine, "Wherever they are and whatever they're doing, they're wasting precious daylight. At this rate, we'll be lucky if we get to High Horn Pass before nightfall...at which point, we may have issues. The Purple Dragon Knights have set up a checkpoint there, where they examine everyone going into Cormyrean territory. They have the right to search us all for contraband, confiscate what they wish, and deny entry to whomever they please. I am not looking forward to trying to bargain my way into these lands...but it is what I must do."
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