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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine put her head in her hand, "No, Caladus, Sune is the goddess of love and beauty. Sharess is the goddess of sensual pleasures. And with the gods, anything is possible."


She swung Ghost around to face the red-eyed elf, "My name is Rhaine Alcinea, Chosen of Kelemvor. That alone carries great weight, and my deeds speak for themselves. I am no stranger to persuasion, either. And you, elf? Who are you?"

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Caladus looks politely confused. "As they would not trust a feyri, so should they not trust a drow. I sensed your presence the moment I walked into the common area. I bear you no ill will. I am Caladus Silvercloak, Seer, and Last of House Devir. I have left the struggles of my people, and never agreed with their backstabbing ways. You are?" Turning to Rhaine, he says. "Rhaine, I would like to thank you for your patience with my ignorance."
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A low hiss escaped Sefris as the Drow mentioned her true nature. "What are you, Drow, that you have sensed me so easily?" she asked, frown to ceasing on her face. Her eyes looked at Rhaine againo, only a faint nod of recognition at the name of her god. "You are wrong if you can sweet-talk them into letting a Drow in their lands. I do not give my name as freely as you do, but he pointed out what I am, I guess no more harm could be inflicted." she said grumply, glancing at the Drow for a moment. "You may call me Sefris, if you must. And I would appreciate if you keep that piece of information to yourself, elf." she said poisonously to Caladus, her glare sharp.
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Caladus's voice and tone remain ever calm and peaceful. "There is no need to be venemous to me, Feyri. I bear you no ill will, nor do I intend to harm you in any way. As all good drow do, I seek to make my way in this world free of attack, and to bring balance and harmony to nature, and those who dwell among it. Is this too much to ask? Your societies are worse than that of the Drow, should my memory serve correctly."
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"Well," Rhaine added, "I do have a noble invitation and a Cormyrean army on my side." She jerked her thumb at the tents in the distance, where the soldiers were beginning to break down their camp, "But, if that fails, what do you suggest?"


She continued analyzing the fey'ri, allowing her emerald eyes to perform one of their rarely-used abilities...


Faithful of Shar. Interesting. And a dragon disciple to boot. Quite impressive.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Sefris eyebrow twitched in annoyance as the drow mentioned her society. "Worse? They call us worse for we are powerful. Feared." she could hold a several-hours-speech about how fey'ris are superior etc, but now really wasn't the time. "'Tis not the same with your kind, Drow?" she askled Caladus, resting her glare at him for another few seconds. "And I hail for no such society, so I do not know about them. And it would do you good not to judge about something you had not seen with your own eyes."

Sefris' gaze switched to Rhaine as she felt a sudden irritation of her skin. The Chosen one was doing something. A spell of some sort? She hated those. Faintly scratching her irritated skin, her lips pressed into a thin line before talking to the half-elf. "Is there something you want to know about me? For 'tis polite to ask, not casting spells that make my skin fell as if bugs were crawling all over it."

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Rhaine dipped her head, "My apologies. It is not a spell, but an...ability. If I so choose, I can see a person's soul. Mainly, I see who that person has chosen as a deity and his or her degree of Faithfulness. It is not something that I utilize very often, for it is rather intrusive - but useful, nonetheless."


She tightened Ghost's rein, as he was beginning to toss his head again. Then, the Doomguide continued, "So, what brings you to Skull Crag? Not a casual stroll, I am certain."

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Sefris was quiet for a while, debating to tell the half-elf to shove off or to actually answer her question. She was hard to trust, but the pair got a slight approval for not trying to run a sword through her. "I am simply travelling around." she answered after a while, asking what's the worse thing that could happen. Unless they're acting all friendly and will later stab her while she's sleeping. Lips pressed tightly together, she reminded herself not to be so foolishly trustful. Number one thing that gets you killed nowadays. "I tend to visit various countries when bored." she answered stoically, patting the black stallion.
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Caladus looks over at the woman again. "I have seen. As someone with psychic powers, I was often used in house negotiations to ensure trickery was not afoot, no matter how strained it would make me. Once, we had to negotiate with some of your kind." His voice drops the calm and friendly tone, and becomes snappish. "They tried to kill me. Only me, because I was a seer, and they wanted me. When my house refused to give me up, they declared if they couldn't have me, nobody would. Now, I say to you, Feyri. You tell me to speak on what I have seen? So I have spoken on what I have seen. I chose to forget that day, and not bring it up. I acknowledge not all Feyri or Tieflings are not evil or the same, as not all Drow are evil and manipulative." His voice and face return to his neutral mask. "I will offer you a deal, feyri. I will be civil and polite if you are. I will not harm you, if you do not harm me. Such is the way of a proper druid."
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Sefris listened to what Caladus had to say, her face completely expressionless. "You claim to be nobler than the rest of your kin, Drow." she started after a while, her voice just slightly sharp. "I cannot say the same for myself. You haven't given me a reason to burn you alive yet, elf, so you have nothing to fear from me unless you provoke me. But no to expect my point of view to be compatible with yours and do not expect kindness from me, for such is a way of someone like me." She slightly raised her head, still looking at the Drow. She had not imagined her first encounter with a Drow like this. The original version contained a much more blood and burning corpses. The hatred ran too deep, but perhaps, just perhaps she won't turn him into ashes. It remains to be seen.
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