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Tales of Faerun


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"And I see no reason to, how did you put it? Stab you in the back." Caladus smiles, his teeth gleaming white in contrast to his dark skin. "If you are going to Cormyr, you could tag along with us, so long as our leader Rhaine doesn't object, and so long as you didn't try to harm us or, as you put it, burn me to ashes." Caladus's face is expressionless, then he looks up and smiles as Shaori catches up. "Hello, my love! Glad to see you finally made it!"


Shaori blushes at being called Caladus's love, and looks to see him talking to an elf with odd eyes. "Hello, there! I'm Shaori, nice to meet you!"

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"And just for what reason are you going there? I am afraid I wouldn't be interested if it doesn't include burning someone aliv-" she stopped as she noticed the Avariel that was with Caladus before. "And I have no reason to harm any of you. Not yet, that is." she shrugs, examining the winged elf. Her wings were completely white and...fluffy. With feathers, that is. She prefered her red, bat-like ones. They didn't requite that much attention when tending to them. "Sefris." she replied simply to Shaori, not really liking how more of them keep popping out. "And just how many of you are there?"
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Shaori starts counting on her fingers. "Rhaine, Caladus, Saerileth, who's a 15 almost 16 year old Chosen of Tyr, her Mother Aricia, xallistine, he's an Ularithid, Ianthe the water nymph, Arva and Reona, a soon to be married couple travelling with that army, Nawen, another good drow like Caladus, Me, of course, Byron, he's a spirit Dwarf we see on occasion, and I think that's everyone. Rhaine could correct me if I am wrong. Does that help?" She was feeling amazing right now, and wasn't dead sure why.
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"That sounds about right," Rhaine nodded, "Though we have had others pop in on occasion - like you, for instance. We're heading to Cormyr tracking a lead we gained in the Sword Mountains. We're hunting the Cult of the Dragon on suspicions that Szass Tam seeks to establish an alliance with them in Cormyrean lands." Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Sefris blinked few times at Shaori. Two drows, a little girl and her mother, anUlarithid, a nymph and a...spirit? What in the 9 hells? Has she stumbled into a travelling circus? She shook her head, paying attetion to Rhaine. Ooooh. Cult of the Dragon? That sounds promising. "Well, this may sate my undying appetite for now...for now." So they were practically going in some kind of a war or a big fight? Fair enough. "Seems like it is your lucky day, then, for you need a dragon to fight one." she said with a faint grin, the first sing of non-hostility she had show in...well, ever. Edited by Alaylyne
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Rhaine grinned, her own black wings unfurling momentarily, "Well then, that's settled. Welcome aboard, Sefris."
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Sefris murmured something in reply, her face returning to the old expressionless one. How long will it take for her to get into a fight, she wondered? Not long while with this circus, the thought occurred to her. And what the hell was she doing with this people, anyway? Looking for stuff and people to burn. Or at least that was her excuse. She was a human being, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. There is only such an amount of time one can spend on his own. She scoffed quietly for herself. Nonsense. She was nothing like those weak creatures. Feelings are weakness, and the Drow and Avariel had a huge one. 'Love'? Exposing themselves so easily...idiots. Anyone could simply kidnap one of the love birds and make the other one do whatever he wants or simply torture him over and over again and watch their reaction as he kills his loved one, leaving the Drow unable to do anything about it. Yes, that was a particularly effective method. That, however, bothered her not. Allowing one too close can be as fatal as letting a sword too close to one's throat. That's why stupid people die all the time. For 'love'. She made a grimace at even thinking about something as foolish as that feeling. Emotion. Whatever. Unimportant.
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"Anger, perhaps. Hatred." she shrugged only to suddenly glare at Caladus. "I would appreaciate if people stopped reading my mind and soul and whatever with you magical mumbo-jumbo." she snapped, clearly angered. "My thoughts are my own." Frowning, she looked around. "And where is the rest of this private circus? Shouldn't we be marching or something?"
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"Gaer shlu'ta tlu nau kestal whol dos t'yin." Caladus says, shaking his head. "They are not a circus, elg'caress. They are are friends and companions. They have done nothing to cause you to insult them, I shall tell you this once, treat them with respect." Caladus looks angry.
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