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Tales of Faerun


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Sefris rolled her eyes, her annoyance with the Drow growing every second. "Stop hiding behind the words I do not understand. And I am entitled to my own opinion. If I think of a group with a mixture of races that Faerun has never seen together a circus, I will call them such." she hissed, looking at her nails. "I had told you we will have different points of view. Do not try to change mine, for they have done nothing impressive to earn my respect."
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"And what would it take to be considered impressive, hmm? I have lived 300 years now, and I have done many amazing things, elg'caress. Yet one should not boast about their many deeds to earn a polite and civil tone from someone. I give everyone a chance to prove they are better than the rest of their race. So, prove that you are not a backstabbing, conniving, chaotic, untrustworthy elg'caress, and I will make sure you see what amazing things I can do." Caladus says, temper raising slightly.


Shaori flies down and touches his arm. "Calm down. This isn't going to solve anything."

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"They had done nothing to earn my respect, so I shall treat them that way, whereas they probably did yours." she listened to Caladus' description of her herself and nodded. "No, I do not stab people in the back. But you are more or less right about the other things, whatever that your egg-caress means." her voice was flat, her eyes looking around and she herself was giving an impression of someone who was terribly bored. "Again, why aren't we going anywhere? Waiting for the clowns to pack their makeup?"
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Xallistine looked at the new woman, and felt insulted by her words, normally he would not care, he was too old to care about such petty things, yet when he could prove he was right in a situation, he would voice in his opinion. "You call us clowns? Yet you are the only fool who is making themselves look ridiculous, And if we are a circus, then you are the only animal to grace it. Such anger and arrogance, one would mistake you for a beast, if it were not for your appearance. The fact we have not destroyed you yet is enough to earn anyone's respect, we need not one with the capability to try and harm us, cause chaos, yet you have been given a chance to. Try and hide yourself behind the shield of uncaring ignorance, look like you are bored, i am afraid it does not work. Yet i am above not giving you a chance, so i shall not keep this judgement as the final one." He said, with a voice of wisdom. He looked to Rhaine and said "Doomguide, we should be going... i can handle these guards you spoke of that would try to search us... it has been too long since i have broken a mind."


Aricia went with her daughter to have breakfast, her portion was only small, as there was a limit to what could be fit in, wearing a metal bodice. "We should be leaving soon my daughter."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Sefris was looking at the Ularithid as he spoke, keeping a straight face. "We are all animals, Ularithid." she said after he had finished. "The ones you call beasts, such as myself, just embrace their nature instead of trying to change themselves. Yes, I am full of hatred, I am arrogant and do not care, but most of it I am not here to be be friendly, I am here to fight. So if you all want to be best-fiends-foreve-and-ever, go ahead and be, but know that I care little for you and your petty feelings." Her eyes rested on Xallistine as she spoke the next words, suddenly very serious. "But I am not a fool. I know where my loyalties lie and who is on my side, so you need not to fear of me attacking any of you without a very good reason. Even if that were to happen, I am not a kind that stabs someone in their back, so you will all have a chance to defend yourselves should it come to pass."
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Xallistine laughed at her and said "Some animals are more civilized then others. And this speak of feelings? you think i have any? Clearly you do not understand my race, as detached as i am from them, i have learnt many things of value from them. Never feeling anything meaningful is one of them. And stabbing someone in the back is a far more intellectual move than announcing your claim to do harm... the warriors of this surface land could do well to remember that. But keep your anger contained, at least, until we have enemies to face, i believe we are headed to a masquerade ball, and there is no room for mistakes." He then paused and added "If i chose to embrace my nature, as you call it, then each and every one of you would be a mindless slave. When embracing the nature of your species means dooming it to destruction, it is best to alter that path. No that is enough talk."
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The fey'ri lightly scoffed. "I didn't say you yourself had any feelings, I referred to you as a group of individuals. Stabbing in the back may be more intellectual, but 'tis not my preferable way of killing someone." she dismissed the idea with a slight wave of her hand, her brows furrowed. "It lacks excitement, the adrenaline of the battle, that moment in your opponent's eyes when he knows you have bested him and that he is about to die. Stabbing could be used in situations that require a more...delicate touch, but 'tis not fun at all." she moved a lock of her raven black hair from her face. "And if you were to embrace your true nature, you would have stayed in that blighted hole you call Underdark." there was a pause before she looked at the Ularithid. "What masquerade ball?"
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Sefris held her chin, thinking as her finger traced it left to right. A masquerade ball? Interesting. She's never been to one. No problem with the mask, though, she thought with a faint grin. She returned from her thoughts when the Ularithid mentioned a familiar name. "Szass Tam? The lich?" she asked, her brow slightly raised in question. Well, it made sense. He is one of the most powerful necromancers in Thay, according to her old teacher. A wonder she memorized that name. She was usually trying to burn that man's clothes when he wasn't looking during lessons.
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