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Tales of Faerun


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Sefris was never the one for studying and books, she preferred instinct over knowledge. "The Cult...they venerate undead dragons, right?" she could recall fragments from her studies, such as their other names are Keepers of the Secret Hoard and Wearers of Purple. Or was that another cult? No, that's the one. Well, time to learn something about the enemy. It was the first time in her life she wished she had payed more attention to the old man's chatter. Oh, well. "Protege? Have you had run-ins with this woman you speak of?"
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Xallistine coughed a few times, and then replied "Yes, i believe we have... we fought her initially, yet then she decided to help us... I believe she is playing games with us, but she is a very dangerous foe... if i am not mistaken she feeds on the youth of young women to stay alive, and she is skilled in manipulating the landscape to suit her... as i learnt the hard way. Still, she is a noble of some kind, married to a powerful lord."
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Oh? Immortality? Her interest was now more than piqued. For one to have her youth forever...It all sounded so alluring, if it was the truth. She noticed the Ularitid's cough and only slightly raised her eyebrow in curiosity. Why was he here is he was sick? A stupid thing to do. "An interesting foe to have." she added at last, still thinking about the woman's power. Certainly the most useful ability to have.
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"Xallistine is correct," Rhaine added, "This ball may prove to be the closest we can get to these contacts...even more so than by more violent means."


She looked around and frowned, "Where are Nawen and Ianthe? I'm assuming that Quark and his men will fall behind us."

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After eating two helpings of breakfast, Saerileth finally takes her plate back. She finds herself a lot more hungry, and it confuses her. She returns to her room to get her bag, and washes in the basin, remembering what had happened in the last town. She straps her bag on her back, and walks out of the room. "Dost thou have thy belongings, mother? If not, thou shouldst retrieve them. I shalt go and saddle the horses." Saerileth goes off to the stables to do just that.


While Shaori was busy keeping Caladus from turning into a bear and mauling this feyri, she hears a clarion call, and she puts her face in her hands, "Oh no, please not him not him!" She mutters, and then curses when the grey winged Avariel drops out of the clouds, plummeting then slowing over by Shaori. "Ah, is zis your leetle group of ze friends? Ah am charmed to make your acquaintance."

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"Guardian? Ah am zee angel of love, no?" Philippe says, his voice accented, and his eyes slightly bloodshot. "Ah am Philippe, and ah am zis one's cousin." He indicates Shaori. "Leetle cousin, from here on out, you are leaving my area of patrol and influence. Mokuba will escort you for a week, than your sister will drop down and say hello." He claps a hand to his forehead, and tosses her a bag. "'appy belated birthday!" He flaps his wings, blows a kiss at Rhaine, and flies up to the clouds." Shaori opens the bag to find an enchanted compass. Tell it your destination, it will always point in the direction of that destination.
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Sefris raised her eyebrow at another Avariel that dropped out of the sky. What is this? Does she have a private army of guardians? She scoffed. How pathetic. Why is she with the rest of the circus if she cannot take care of helf up to a point where she has dozens of those winged elves dropping down every five minutes? Looking away, she was examining the buildings and their surroundings to avoid conversation with the rest of the group. Edited by Alaylyne
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Ianthe padded barefoot toward the stables, boots in hand. Her scimitars had been lazily belted on, and her pack carelessly thrown over a shoulder. She was still sopping wet, and her short hair was tangled into a complicated mass of knots. She recognized Rhaine and Xallistine from behind, and then slowly realized Caladus and Shaori were next to them, along with a raven-haired stranger. She wrinkled her nose and let out an irritated, wordless grumble.


Wordlessly stepping into Brook's stall, Ianthe tacked the horse and mounted her, making sure everything was properly in place. Brook snorted as she noticed Ianthe's foul mood, moving backward three steps, as if to say, "Calm down, you're making me nervous."


Smiling wryly, Ianthe patted the mare's neck and mumbled, "I'm sorry, Brook. I'll be sure to give you a carrot later. Now let's go see what's going on, hm?" She nudged at the horse's sides with her heels and urged the mare outside.


As Ianthe approached the group, she greeted the others. "Rhaine, good day. Xallistine, your tentacles look extra wiggly today. Caladus, Shaori... I see you two managed to detach yourselves from one another..." She looked over to the left and drew her mouth into a thin line, then looked over at the new girl, "Oh, right. Who are you?"




Arva went into his room and quietly gathered his things. He bit the inside of his cheek as he remembered the shattered remains of the vase in the corner, and sifted through his bags until he counted out enough coins to replace it. Nothing about the vase screamed anything about extravagance or value, but he made sure that he gave more than enough to cover the costs for a much better one. That would never fix what happened, but he tried to convince himself that things would be fine if he just tried to forget them and pretend they never happened.


Reona was already outside by this point, staring at a bug that was trying to move a large leaf into a hollow in a tree's roots. The army was restless and ready to move. Of course, she knew that some of their friends liked to take their time... Mainly because they could. Like the imperious Aricia, lovely and yet deadly enough to know she could take as much time to make herself look lovely as she wanted. It didn't bother Reona to be a little delayed, anyway. The longer they were here, the farther away that wedding seemed to be.

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Rhaine grinned. The nymph never failed to brighten her day. "Good morning, Ianthe. This is Sefris. Sefris? This is Ianthe. I trust you're ready for a day of hard riding? We'll need to move at a quick pace if we are to make up for lost time. By the way, have you seen Nawen anywhere? I think I recall glimpsing Aricia and Saerileth..."
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