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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine's brow furrowed. Was this why Nawen had asked her about the Wall of the Faithless? She sighed, leaning back in her chair, putting her hand to her head for a moment. Matters of faith were even more difficult to work out than matters of the heart, and this was going to be hard to explain.


"Nawen, listen to me. Some gods make it their priority to make themselves seen and heard. Others do not care for such involvement. Perhaps Mielikki is a goddess who leaves her followers to exercise their own judgment and, for lack of a better term, fend for themselves. If so, no amount of prayer would get an answer from her, simply because she would want you to make your own decisions based on your own knowledge at the time."


She sighed, "Following a god is also more than just doing deeds appropriate to that god and whispering their names now and again. It is a way of life. You follow a god who best represents who you are inside. Everything about them reflects your own personality and goals. I was twelve years old when I joined the Kelemvorite Church. True, it was mostly to get away from my foster father at the time, but I wouldn't have gone if I hadn't felt something strike a chord within me. And the more I learned, the more I felt like I belonged. That temple in Waterdeep felt more like a home to me than that little house I was raised in at West Harbor. Why? Because the people around me felt the same way I did, shared my sense of right and wrong. Yes, there were conflicts of opinion at times, but the core of our beliefs were always the same."


Rhaine leaned forward, "Perhaps Mielikki is not the goddess closest to your heart. In a sense, she may know this, hence why she has been silent to your prayers. There are many other gods who are patrons of rangers. Some, like Ianthe, follow Silvanus the Tree Father. Others may follow Chauntea the Earthmother, Shaundakul, Gwaeron Windstrom, Shiallia, Eldath, and several others. Have you thought of any of them?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen listened everything that Rhaine said thinking over the Doomguide's words. She felt relieved that her friend didn't seem disgusted by her actions.


Her words helped her a lot. Maybe it was the way Rhaine described. Maybe Mielikki truly wasn't the goddess closest to your heart. But which God is? She wasn't afraid of death but the possibility to become false or faithless terrified her.


She looked up at Rhaine. "I don't know. I haven't thought about any of them." The ranger said offering the Doomguide a slight smile. "But thank you for talking with me. It really helped."

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Rhaine nodded and returned her smile, "You are welcome, friend, always. I shall pray tonight that the gods grant you a peace of mind."


With that, she silently continued eating, deciding not to press the issue further.

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Psion, It seems to have fallen to me to let you come with us, or send you packing. Tell me, why should we let you come along? For all we know, you could try and kill us or destroy our minds. Caladus thought to the Ilithid.


Mokuba walked back. "In case my meanings were not clear, the story was to cheer you up, and to let you know, no matter how bad you dislike things right now, there is always someone out there who has it worse off. Whatever problem you have, it has a solution. If it be god troubles, there are other gods that may be right to worship. Rillifane the Leaflord, for example. The avariel have felt him stirring quite a bit as of late. He is one of nature. Or, perhaps another. There is a god or goddess who is represented by an arrow. Perhaps they would be better suited, as you are a ranger. Speaking of arrows, did you need more? I can make you some, if you like. I mean, most of your arrows are well and serviceable, but I do not see how this last one could do much better than look pretty." Mokuba shakes his head. "What were we talking about again? Oh right! Archery and Arrows! Well, I use a crosbow myself, but all Archers within the Avariel learn to craft their own arrows. I will make you some, and a nice quiver to hold them, as a present for looking after my daughter." Mokuba goes off to buy some leather, and get the wood and steel for making the arrowheads, remembering nothing about the strange arrow.

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"I... thank you." Nawen said to Mokuba. She was about to add that she doesn't really use her bow as often as she used to now and most of the time her bow and quiver are stuffed into a bag of holding.


She finished eating her meal and had decided to rest for the rest of the night. "I'll be going to my room now. Goodnight." She said and went to her room.


Nawen locked the door behind her and placed her bag, weapons and a cape neatly on the small table in the room. She sighed heavily and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. Everyone were so comforting and kind. She never expected it to be like this.

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Rhaine was not at all surprised by Mokuba's gesture. It seemed that he came from a kind and thoughtful people. She had heard that the Avariel were rare, and were diminishing in numbers - a shame.


The Doomguide polished off her meal rather quickly and left the table soon after Nawen. She went upstairs to choose a room and picked the one at the end of the hall, as she often did. Locking the door behind her, she began disarming herself. As she did so, her thoughts wandered to the Wall of the Faithless. It seemed only yesterday that she had stood before its mossy surface...dug her fingers into it and felt the razor-sharp barbs beneath...


She shuddered. Such a memory would not be erased easily, even with time.

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Ravenna looked at Sefris and said, "Then come." She walked briskly down the cobbled road, heading for the blacksmith... maybe he had a beautiful daughter whom's youth she could consume... She was beggining to age once again, after her journey to Thay, she had not 'Fed' so to speak, and she would have to soon.
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Mokuba went to the local blacksmith, and haggled for some quality leather and steel. He flies off with his new items to a small caravan he spotted with some rare woods and gems, and bartered with them too for some wood, some saphires, and a special oil that was useful in rain proofing arrows and quivers. He returns to the inn, and begins working, carving the logs into intricate arrow shafts, as he liked things to be beautiful as well as deadly. he plucked some loose feathers from his wings, and shaped them into flights for the arrows. What better for the flights of an arrow? He went to the smiths, and worked the forge to high heat, pulling a mold out of his bag he melted the steel to the arrowhead moulds, and kept it hot, inserting the arrow shafts into the heads while they were still warm to ensure a tighter seal. He has more than enough wood left over, and starts carving out an intricate bow of mahogany to go with the arrows, using a spare bowstring made of silk to string it. Drawing the bow, he fires an arrow at a target, and is satisfied by the results. Around morning, he goes off to knock on Nawen's door, and after a few wrong ones, he finds the right one. "Miss Nawen?"


Saerileth had gone to bed hours ago, and was one of the doors knocked on by accident by Mokuba. She figured she was awake, she should have a wash. She goes to take a bath before anyone else could, a bit nervous about having any men or women see her young form.

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Nawen lay on the bed, thinking about everything that happened today and most importantly Mokuba's and Rhaine's words but then someone knocked on the door. Judging by the voice it was Mokuba.


She got up from the bed and went to unlock the door. "Yes?" She said as she opened the door and peered to the hall.

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Mokuba held out the bow and arrows. "I figured you would appreciate these. I noticed your bow looked a little.. distended, as in unused or neglected. I thought, maybe if you had a new bow you liked better, you would enjoy using it more? I am not making full sense right now because I am tired, I stayed up all night to fletch these for you. Enjoy." He holds out the quiver, made in the Avariel style with a lockable cover to keep the arrows from falling out, with several saphires attached to it. The quiver is filled with arrows, and has a buckled strap that holds the bow when it is not being used, but can be undone quickly and easily if needed. "I hope they are pleasing to you."
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