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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine winked at Shaori, "You'll see."


Saerileth dodged by rolling to the side. She brought Carsomyr up in parry and said, "Hold, friend Caladus! Thou shouldst see - we have visitors, Rhaine and Shaori."


The Doomguide leaned against the fence of the practice field, "Caladus! I've got something for you!"

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Sefris got up on her black stallion and rode to the village's gate, deciding to wait there for the others. She certainly didn't want to talk to the others and this will give her time to think.
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Caladus turns and smiles at Rhaine, sheathing his scimitars he walks over. "And what have you got for me? I am certain it is not my birthday, that isn't for at least a month."


Saerileth walks forward, sheathing Carsomyr. "Mine birthday is in two days time. I will be sixteen! I am excited. What hast thou purchased for Caladus?"

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Rhaine pulled her hands from behind her back and extended her gift to Caladus. It was a simple scarlet mask, decorated with black spiderwebs, a silver spider perched on the left temple. Upon its abdomen was a single glittering chip of ruby.


She grinned, "Since I didn't get a chance to buy you something for your win against me at Proskur, here you are. I thought perhaps it would be useful for the ball."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus looked stunned. The mask was so simple, yet so elegant. He takes the mask almost reverentially from her hands, tracing his fingers on the spider design. "That's a joke, due to my drow nature. Is it not?" His tone was one of amazement and wonder. Winking at Shaori, he gives Rhaine a kiss on the cheek. "I love it! Thank you! It so happens that I had something kept specially for you. I owed you a gift because of that race too, seeing as it was a tie." He reaches into his pack, and holds out a small wrapped gift. "This is for you."
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Rhaine was more than a bit surprised, "I...oh, my. I didn't really expect you to get me anything, Caladus, but," she took the wrapped gift gingerly, "thank you, nonetheless."


She carefully unwrapped the present. It was a black silk scarf, embroidered with silver symbols on both ends...oddly enough, it matched Byron's cloak rather well. The Doomguide tossed the wrapping and put the scarf about her neck, using her holy amulet to weigh it down. It served as a rather beautiful backing for the symbol.


Rhaine grinned again, giving Caladus a return kiss on the cheek, "Thank you once more, friend. I appreciate it. Now, let's see if we can round everyone up, hmm? We've got a ball to go to."

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Shaori looked at both Rhaine, and Caladus. "You did that just to bug me, didn't you?" She kisses Rhaine on the cheek too. "Now it's even! Saerileth, you don't get one cause you cuddled with her earlier." Shaori sticks her tongue out and flaps her wings, going up into the air.


Saerileth calls after "I didst not cuddle her! I embraced her!"


Caladus leans on the fence laughing.

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Arva and Reona perched against an enormous log some of the townspeople were using as a seat on which to eat their lunches. Something was under construction nearby, and this log had yet to be properly made into beams, so it seemed to be serving as the workers' bench. They chatted with the townspeople merrily, and were even given a hunk of bread and a thick slice of ham by a young girl, with regards from her parents' butcher shop.


Meanwhile, Ianthe searched through the rooms at the inn, not finding any of her companions. The army was still packing up, so they couldn't have gone anywhere yet... That left the stables, she guessed. She had spent the entire night searching for every potion that had blown out of William's tent. They'd all fallen in random places, to William's distaste, and only a few bottles remained completely intact.


"Hey! You there!" a man in the hallway called out.


Ianthe turned and smiled, "Yes?"


"What are you doing snooping around back here without a room key? Don't tell me you're from that filthy brothel on the edge of town." The old man peered up at her through thick eyebrows.


"Oh no, sir. Quite the opposite of that, I assure you!" Ianthe urged, "I'm looking for my friends. We're traveling together."


A look of realization crossed the old man's wrinkled features, "Ah, yes! You must be with the circus, aren't you, love? Well, would you mind if I asked you to just perform one small trick for me?"


Ianthe tilted her head to the side curiously, "I didn't know Rhaine was taking us to join the circus, but I do have one talent I've been working on!" Ianthe then held up her arm and struggled for a moment before licking her own elbow with a self-satisfied grin.

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Rhaine simply shook her head. She walked back to where Ghost stood, flicking his white tail left and right out of boredom.


"All right, let's get ready to go," the Doomguide said, untethering the stallion's reins and springing into the saddle. She swung him around and began walking him through the town, looking for everyone. It seemed Ravenna had finally disappeared - good. Caladus, Saerileth, and Shaori were already outside. Rhaine glimpsed Reona and Arva sitting together on a log bench, but it appeared the army was packing up. Nawen seemed to be riding through the village as well, and she waved to the drow...


That left Aricia, Xallistine, and Ianthe. Hopefully, they would all come together, soon. She was itching to get past the Purple Dragons' checkpoint.

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Ysmillr did as he always did, observe silently from the background. A hundred or so years he had perfecting his technique, and he did well, as he had seen most of what had happened throughout the day. People seemed to be packing up now though, and preparing to leave, so Ysmillr came out of the shadows and strolled up to Rhaine, who seemed to be preparing to leave.


I love the connection your group has, like a family. Reminds me of so many families I've seen all these years. It's always the sights that interest me, more-so than the work. And I couldn't help but overhear something about a ball?

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