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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine felt a pang of sorrow for Shaori. It was awful to lose a baby to miscarriage, and she knew Caladus would have been a proud father. She hugged the Avariel fiercely, "I'm sorry, friend. I'm so sorry...Is there anything I can do for you? Healing? Just talking? Or would you rather me leave you be? Caladus is the one who sent me to check on you...he's worried."
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Despite the pain and anguish she felt, part of her was both sad and happy at the same time that Cal had noticed something was wrong, and she smiled slightly despite herself. "I-I don't know. Never been a pregnant before, therefore never lost a child before. I'm not sure what I want, or what I need, or whether or not I really should just curl up in a little ball and die.. I feel miserable. I feel pain, and sick, I do know one thing, I don't want to be alone. I also don't want him to know, he has enough on his mind without the thought he lost out on being a dad because of my foolishness."
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Rhaine gently put one arm under Shaori's, the other beneath the bend of the Avariel's knees. With surprising ease, she lifted the winged elf and slowly carried her to the bed, laying her down as carefully as she could. She whispered a restoration incantation, the warm golden light hopefully easing Shaori's pain and nausea. After this, she closed the room door and pulled a chair beside the bed, taking the Avariel's hand, "I understand. I shall not tell him about it. Only you know if or when you'll be ready to speak of such things."
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Ysmillr had entered the inn some time ago, of course no one really noticed, as he was excellent at keeping a low profile -even in such a place as this. He enjoyed watching, but now he sought to convene, with the 'evil' ones more specifically. He walked over to the table occupied by the fallen and the demoness and sat himself down, not bothering to ask. He was an expert at watching, so their reaction to this, no matter how subtle, would only aid him in knowing more about them. He simply sat, and looked at both of them, probably seeming creepy to some sort of mortal. Of course, these two were no mortals.
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Reona had been in her own world lately, unaware of what had been going on since they'd left the last town. When riding, she stared ahead blankly and seemed to be in deep thought whenever a remark was made to her. She lay in her tent and stared at nothing in particular, planning ways to get around her parents having access to Arva's fortune. If only they could take care of that detail, things would work out...
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Shaori sighed as the spell took away her physical symptoms, but not the emotional. "What do I do? I don't want to tell him, then he'll raise a big fuss! I know he will!" She sniffled slightly.


Mokuba had flown ahead to check on the next escort. With him landed the younger of Shaori's older sisters, Tyra Ironwing. Avariel had a tendency to rename themselves after their final feathers grew in, so named as they didn't change color at all. She used magic to make her hair gray to match, and had blue grey eyes. She was a strong and tough woman, and even made Mokuba nervous. Nevertheless, He sounded his call, and landed at the nearby guard station hidden near the peaks of a mountain. Tyra walks out, and embraces him briefly.


"Father. It is good to see you well. Have you come for a social visit, or to call me for escort?"


Mokuba smiles. "My dear, it is time for you to spend time with your younger sister."


Tyra nods, and retrieves her weapons, a Sword of Flames +4, and her crossbow. "Let's go."


They flew towards the inn, and landed. He went inside to look for Rhaine, noting Shaori was not in the common room.

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Rhaine's brow furrowed, "I do not know. I am not the best one to ask about such matters, really. Look, let me go fetch your father. You can talk to him about it. I fear I am being missed in the common room, and Caladus may ask about you."


With that, she got up, leaving the Avariel's bedside and almost running right into Mokuba himself. She pointed to Shaori's room, "Ah, there you are. Mokuba, your daughter needs you. She's had troubles of late, that only you may be able to advise her with. Take care, as she is feeling sick."


Then, she brushed past the older elf and made her way back into the common room, retaking her seat in front of Xallistine. She attempted to keep a lively expression, for Caladus's sake. Besides, the Ulitharid had added to his sketch, and she was truly excited about his breakthrough.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Mokuba gets a worried expression. "Thank you." He nods at her and walks into the indicated room.


"Hey, sweetie! What seems to be the trouble?" He sits down on the seat vacated by Rhaine, and Shaori puts her arms around her father, and hugs him tightly as she told him what was wrong. At first he looked angry, then incredibly upset, then his expression turns unreadable.


"I-I do not have any advice for you here. Perhaps Tyra can advise you better. She's here now." He stands, and opens the door. "I shall go get her."


Tyra walked into the inn, folding her iron grey wings behind her as she did so. Her long grey hair was tied back in a tight ponytail, and she sees her father talking to a woman with black wings. Approaching, she sees her father go into a room, and the woman come down the stairs. She claps the woman on the shoulder. "Good to see another Avariel... wait a moment, you aren't an Avarial! Wait.. I remember my father telling me about you. Rhaine Alcinea, I am Tyra Ironwing. I am the younger of Shaori's older sisters. Pleasure to meet you."


Mokuba sees Tyra enter the inn, and calls out "Tyra! Come here please!"


Tyra nods at her father, and says "Nice meeting you, Miss Alcinea."


She walks up the stairs and looks into the room, seeing her younger sister looking worse for wear. Walking in and smiling, her fierce expression softening as it only did around her baby sister, she sits in the vacated chair, which was beginning to wonder what it was doing wrong.


"Hey there little sis! What's got you down?" She says. Shaori hugs her sister, and tells her everything. Tyra's expression went from happy to angry, then to slightly depressed. When Shaori was finished, it was one of sympathy.


"Damn, sis. You lost it? First time too, huh." She curses. "What you need is someone near you. I'll stay, and you can bring me up to how you got pregnant in the first place. Who is he, where'dja meet him? What's he like?"


Mokuba walked to the common room, leaving the girls to talk, a tired expression on his face. He right then looked his age, which was over 500 years old. He looks at Rhaine. "I cannot advise her, but her sister Tyra may be able to help. I'm off now. See you later, Rhaine Alcinea."


Caladus gets up when he sees Rhaine send both Mokuba, and some scary looking avariel into Shaori's room. "Is everything alright? What's wrong with Shaori?"

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"She's feeling a little under the weather right now, and she's resting," Rhaine replied simply, "She will be fine."


It was the truth. Shaori's sister seemed like a strong and confident woman, and that kind of encouraging personality was what Shaori needed right now. Rhaine was a little concerned for Mokuba...the news seemed to strike him to the core. Or, perhaps it was a multitude of other things.

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"I'd like to hear her opinion on them but I'm sure that Rhaine knows what she's doing." Nawen said and continued eating. She was about to say something to Caladus but he got up from his seat and went to talk to the Doomguide. From what she could hear they were talking about Shaori. Did something happened to her? Why he was so worried? She also noticed yet another Avariel entering the tavern. She was surprised to see how big Shaori's family really is.


"Yes. Something like that." Aedan said as he watched Sefris. In truth, he couldn't remember anything about his past life. Even most of his life in Faerun was a mystery to him but he never thought much about it. There's no point in dwelling on the past. "I have wings but they are small enough not to poke out of armor and clothing." He said. "I could show you later." Aedan added still grinning.


He was waiting for Sefris to ask another question when a Mind Flayer sat at their table. He frowned slightly and looked at him. "You won't get any brains here." He said.

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