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Tales of Faerun


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Caladus opened the door with his shirt off, the scars and rippling muscles on his abdomen clearly visible. He smiled when he saw Nawen.

"Ah! Nawen! Are you looking for Rhaine or myself? Either way, good to see you smiling. It suits you way better than that pensive, worried expression I see you with most of the time. That or the tears earlier."

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"Birthday party?" Aedan started laughing. "Maybe we should get her something. Like a doll or a wooden sword." He said jokingly and looked around looking for a clothing store. He found the 'smite him' speech hilarious even if he could feel that the girl is powerful. "Not as powerful as me." The Fallen thought to himself. Chosen or not many years of battling and experience meant more than support of some puny Gods who needs worshipers just to stay alive. Or at least that's what he always said to himself.


Nawen watched Caladus with the raised eyebrows. "He will never forget those few tears, will he?" She thought to herself. The ranger was angry with herself for crying, even if it happened very rarely. Tears were a sign of weakness and she wasn't weak. She chased those thoughts away and handed Caladus a bag of holding with scimitars in it. "This is for you." She said.

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Rhaine was silent as she began to change out of her armor and into her robes. She was about to answer Caladus's question when Nawen appeared at the door. Deciding to wait to reply, she watched as the ranger extended a bag to Caladus.
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Caladus looked surprised at the bag, and opens it. His jaw drops as he sees the hilts of two scimitars with a strange crest on them, looking basically the same as the axe-shaped pendant he had given her. He removes the pair of scimitars from the bag, and wordlessly returns the bag, drawing the swords, he admired how light they were, and how utterly beautiful they were, in the deadliest sense of the word. He steps back, placing the sheathes on a nearby table, and runs through a quick attack sequence. He places them on the table beside their black and silver scabbards, and pulled Nawen into a tight hug.


"I-I honestly have... I mean.. Thank you." He stammered out, holding her tightly for a moment before letting go. He turned to Rhaine, crimson eyes glowing brightly with his excitement, and says,


"Right, you! Where're my good clothes?"

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When Caladus was examining the scimitars she watched the drow with the genuine smile on her face. She was so happy that for once she was the one who gave something for him and judging by his reaction he liked it. "My foster father made them, hence the symbol on the pommel." She explained sounding very proud of her father's craftsmanship.


She then nodded to both Caladus and Rhaine and made her way back to Illius room. The sorcerer eyed her curiously. "I think Caladus liked the gift." She said happily and sat on the bed. Unfortunately there was only one bed in the room but no matter. "There is something else." The human said and took a small journal and the smaller box from the big wooden one. "This is about House Relve'fer. Your House." The sorcerer said quietly. "Sheesh Illius! We're going to celebrate and you're burdening me with such things. Can we talk about this later?" Nawen was actually looking forward for celebration of Saerileth's birthday and as much as she wanted to learn something about house Relve'fer, they still have plenty of time for that. "There might not be any later!" The sorcerer suddenly shouted which surprised and even scared her. It was nearly impossible to anger Illius as he always stayed in control no matter what but now...


Nawen arose from her seat and stepped closer to the sorcerer. "Illius. Is everything alright?" For a moment they both stood in silence but then the sorcerer raised his head and smiled. "Yes, don't worry about me. You go ahead and have some fun. I think I'll try and get some rest." He took Saerileth's gift from the table and handed it to Nawen. "Really? I can..." "Yes, really." He said and kissed her forehead. "Now go and do try to have fun." With that the ranger stepped into the hallway again and made her way to the common room.

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Rhaine watched Nawen go and then grinned at Caladus, placing her hands on her hips, "Someplace you've already been. Don't worry; you'll get them back soon enough."


She placed her pack and her armor in a chest at the foot of her bed and locked it, then belted her sword back to her waist, over her robes, "Now. Let's go have some fun, shall we?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Caladus smiled, and retrieved the present he had obtained for Saerileth from his bag. He put on his less good tunic, and belted, with a hint of pride, the new mithril scimitars to his belt. He dug through the pockets of his old cloak until he found his pipe, and the herbs he smoked, placing them in the pocket of his new cloak. Hair flowing freely, he smiled at Rhaine, and said,


"Alright, keep your secrets. Let's get to this party. Oh, word of warning, going by Byron, I'm thinking Radik is going to be.. a Dwarven drinker. Be prepared for brawls, singing, quaffing and loudness. I slipped the proprietor extra, knowing there would be a dwarf at the party. He says no worries." He walked down the hall and back to the common room, hair and cloak flowing freely.


Radik already had his first pint mug in front of him, and had drunk half of it already.


Tyra decided to enjoy herself, and pulled out a fiddle from a bag, and after tuning it, started playing music that was common in pubs for her people. Shaori smiled, slipping a small silver pipe instrument, called a Piccolo, out of her sleeve and played along.

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Nawen was standing in the common room and simply looking around. She never had time to take a better look at the inn. Everything here looked so beautiful and expensive. She feared to think how much coins everything here cost.


She looked around some more and saw her friends. "Now just need to find Saerileth." She thought and approached the others.

Edited by Naktis
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Aricia walked gracefully into the common room, having heard the talk of celebration, she sighed.... she didn't want to remember it was Saerileth's birthday. For the 16 year milestone was not only Saerileths introduction into adulthood.... it also marked 16 years of neglect by Aricia. The Archfey sighed heavily, remembering Sae's sweet father, Aricia's former lover... they had children together, and Aricia just left, left her human partner to raise her children... she wondered how Sae's father was... and she wondered how her other children were doing. She got herself a drink from the bar, and leaned against one of the walls, taking a sip of her drink, and trying to be happy, for Saerileth's sake.
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Saerileth looked up startled as Tyra and Shaori started playing music, a light and happy tune that made her want to dance. She rose, and went upstairs to find where she had stashed her bag, seeing that her mother had left her belongings in the same room. She quickly changed into a spare gown she kept for relaxed occasions, a black gown that was a bit more revealing than the temple liked, that was cut to her thigh and fit her quite well. She came down, in her bare feet, and brushed gently past Nawen walking to find a seat near the music.


Radik saw Nawen, and wandered over, now on his second pint, and hands her a pint mug filled with ale.

"I hears yer from a dwarf clan? Then you know how to drink like a dwarf, aye? Make yer family proud, lass! I smell a good old fashioned Bar brawl comin after a fair amount of drinkin! Ha ha! This is gonna be fun! Down the hatch!" He poured the rest of his pint down his gullet and grinned.


"Yer turn, lass!"


Caladus could hear the music, and was startled to see his own instrument by their feet. Is everyone going through my things? he wondered, smiling as he sees Radik hand Nawen a pint of beer. Knew it! He thought to himself.

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