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Tales of Faerun


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Aedan was still sitting at his table with the slight frown on his face. He wasn't in a mood to go and take a walk but all the noise in the tavern annoyed him a lot.


Nawen was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She was feeling worse than last night after all the healing. Everything ached. She thought it's because she was sleeping on the cold hard stone floor. The ranger was waiting patiently for Illius' return.


The sorcerer first went to the library. He wanted to get some books on the good deities but he decided against it. He felt responsible for what happened and instead of burdening the ranger with books he had decided to leave it up to her. He had faith that Nawen will find a deity to worship which will be close to her heart.


After the library he went into the wilds to look for Sinn. He spent three hours looking for the panther but he eventually found her sleeping under the tree. He used an invisibility spell on the panther and lead the animal to the inn. He had to run so that the spell wouldn't wear off while they were in the middle of the town.


Illius opened the door and led the invisible panther to their room. Nawen slowly sat up to see who entered because the sorcerer left the room unlocked in case her friends needed something. He undid the spell and the ranger smiled widely as she saw her panther. "Sinn!" She exclaimed as the panther ran excitedly and started to lick the drow's face.


Leaving the two reunited friends to their happiness, Illius walked up to the book which was lying on the table. He had an unexplainable urge to protect or hide the true content of the book even if they had no idea what is written there.

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William scrawled glossy black runes onto a blank page in a leatherbound journal, and gestured toward the shop's front door. Flowers bloomed near the entrance, then bundled themselves into a neat bouquet. A ribbon popped up from nowhere and tied itself around the bouquet. "Yes, these should do." He slammed the book closed, slung his beard over his shoulder, rolled up his glittering violet sleeves, and flung the bouquet at Rhaine with full strength, yelling, "Catch! Practice for the wedding! You should really attend more weddings than funerals, Lady Rhaine!"


And with that, he vanished into thin air, leaving behind a cloud of sparkling dust.


Alphonse tilted his head to the side, eyes squinted and lips slightly parted as he stared at the spot where William had stood.


Ianthe was unfazed and rushed toward Rhaine, arms outstretched for a hug as the bouquet flew past her head.




Caderyn made his way to the door and pulled it open himself, bowing as he did so, "Lady Everdawn, welcome. You look even more lovely in person than people say. I would have a servant open the door, but we're a bit understaffed with the wedding coming. It is hard to find help these days." He moved out of the way to allow her to step inside, then motioned to Arva. "This is Arva, he will be the groom. I was just teaching him how to behave. He's still a bit... young, regrettably."


Arva rolled his eyes and bowed gracefully, "Charmed to meet you, Lady Everdawn." This time, he did it perfectly, he could tell. He gazed up through his white eyelashes at Caderyn, who nodded his approval.


"Lacey!" Caderyn then called, curling his blued lips into a grin, "The poor girl. She was just preparing your room. She's quite beautiful, you know. I thought you would like to meet her."


The servant girl rushed out of the room, holding her skirts and panting. She was quite tired from cleaning, and strands of hair stuck out from her messy bun, but she still had an air of grace about herself, and walked with a confident stride. "Lady Everdawn. Your room is this way."




Reona stood with her arms outstretched and wrinkled up her face as a handmaid scrubbed her down with a soft-bristled brush.


"Oh my, dearie..." The wrinkled old woman said, her voice shaking with age, "You were so filthy, it's as if you've even been bathing in mud. Oh well, at least it's good for the skin." She rinsed Reona one more time and began drying her off with a plush towel. The handmaid then carefully dressed Reona in a white shift. "Now, go back to your mum, dear. She'll have all your clothing choices picked out, you'll see. What a lucky girl you are."


Reona smiled, "Thank you." Without another word, she pranced barefoot down the hallways, dancing with an invisible partner. She sang a little, with the feeling of butterflies in her stomach, as she glided into her room with a twirl and a final high note to her song.

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Rhaine was suddenly faced with two flying objects - one a bouquet and the other a nymph. She managed to catch the flowers with one hand just as Ianthe reached her, and she wrapped her arms around the nymph with a joyful smile, "There you are! I was worried something happened to you! Where have you been?" She pushed Ianthe back and squinted at her, "And why do you have jam all over your face?"
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Caladus smiled at the jam-covered nymph, pulling out his handkerchief as he walked towards her he starts wiping her face off. The baker cries out in dismay,


"What about my pastries? I won't have time to bake more before the ball, and someone's going to have to pay for this!" Caladus walks over, pulls out his endless bag of gold, and tips it upside down. He starts counting, and when he reaches twenty, he turns the bag upright again.


"That ought to cover it. Come along, you lot. I hope we can track down Minsc before he leaves town. There are some things I need to ask him about. If you do not mind him and his witch tagging along with us for a bit? I heard a rumor he would be heading home to Rashemen soon. I want to look into this 'Abusive Ranger' he was going on about." Caladus smiles and is about to head out the door when it is slammed open. A gigantic, muscle-bound, armored form blocks the doorway. Caladus backs up nervously, hand on the hilt of his weapon in case it turns out to be an attacker. The form ducks and turns slightly sideways so as to enter the shop, and cheerfully exclaims,


"Ah, so this is the shop to which you sought pastries? It seems someone else has beaten you to them! I see 4 meat pies still over there. That is one for you, one for your girlfriend, and two for Minsc and Aerie!" Caladus relaxed and chuckled as he saw it was only Minsc and his witch. Turning to buy the pies himself, he finds that the baker has already hurried over with the four large, golden meat filled pastries, and handed one to each of them.


"No charge, since ye paid me for all the others, and extra. Just take that.. girl out of my shop!" The baker points to the door. Caladus smiles at his pastry, and heads toward the exit of the shop. Ahead of him, Aerie slips out, so as not to get stuck behind Minsc, who cheerfully forced his way back out, holding his pie.


"I suggest we get out while we can, in case the proprietor decides to call guards." Caladus smiles, and steps outside into the sunlight.

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"That would be advisable," Rhaine replied, now holding a bouquet in one hand and a meat pie in the other. They all must've looked a right sight to any passersby...


The Doomguide followed Caladus out of the shop, leaving Ianthe and Alphonse together. She figured they would go their own way, as they seemed quite attached to each other at this point. It was good to see that the nymph had made it safe and sound. Her thoughts then trailed to Nawen, and she hoped that the drow was recovering all right.


As they walked, she nibbled a bit on the warm pie. After a few minutes passed, she looked to Minsc and inquired, "So, I heard you say something about an abusive ranger?"

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Ravenna smiled at Caderyn as he opened the door, stepping inside with grace. She pulled down her hood, her hair in a low, loose plait, her fringe parted in the center. She brushed down her black fur gown, and listened to what the lord said "Oh you flatter me Lord! Please, the pleasure is all mine. I do understand the lack of staff... mine seem to just... disappear. Oh, i almost forgot, my husband will be along shortly." Ravenna then looked at Arva as he greeted her "Young, very handsome... There was i time i would have lost my heart to a face like yours... and no doubt, you would have broken it." She smiled a friendly grin, and then said "But you have certainly mastered that bow, well done."


Her gaze turned to the beautiful maiden as she entered the room. Ravenna looked at her with her green eyes. The witch slowly walked towards the servant, brushing the side of the girls face with her hand, her nails painted black "So very beautiful, so very young... you are certainly a jewel." Ravenna complimented, knowing it all she could do... she couldn't exactly steal the girls youth in this house. She followed the servant, as she led her to the room.




Adelaide beamed at Reona as she entered the room singing "Well, someone is happy... Ohh i can smell the money already... *Ahem*... I hope you like the selection i have for you, they are sublime, i must say." she said happily, the outfits setting her back... a very large sum of money.

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Illius picked up the book and went downstairs to look for Xallistine. The Ulitharid was unlike others of his kind and others trusted him, thus he was a perfect person he could talk to about protecting the book or its true content. He wanted to do this not only because Nawen was injured badly because she tried to retrieve but he felt strong and evil power somewhere in the town...


Sinn was sleeping under one of the beds, happy to be with the ranger again while Nawen was sitting on the bed bored out of her mind. There was nothing she could do in the state she was in but she hoped that others were having a much better time.


Aedan got tired of sitting around. He left the inn and went to the stables to retrieve his horse. Once he led out the horse from the stables the Fallen mounted the animal and slowly rode out of town.

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Xallistine finished up cleaning his circle from the ground, making sure the toxic residues were washed away. He made his way back into the common room, and took a seat at a lonely table, which was positioned in a darker corner of the inn. He looked at Illius as he walked, noting the man seemingly had a lot on his mind... and there was still the issue of the book that needed to be addressed... and the ball later on in the evening. "You look as though you have a great many things upon your mind." He said to Illius, as the sorcerer came down the stairs
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Minsc frowned at the mention of this abusive ranger.


"Minsc has heard tales of a ranger who harms animals and makes them do tricks. Minsc and Boo do not approve of this abuse of nature! We will find this man and I will apply liberal use of my boot to his backside!" Minsc stops as his hamster squeaks a few times at him. Caladus watched, and wondered if there really was more to this hamster than met the eye.


"Ah yes. Boo wants to know, why you want to know about this abusive ranger?" Caladus could not stop grinning at the behaviour of the large ranger who relied on his pet hamster to think for him.

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