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Tales of Faerun


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"Thank you." Illius said and smiled slightly at Xallistine. It was good to know that the faith others had placed in the Ulitharid was not misplaced.


Nawen was still sitting on her bed wondering what to do. The ranger decided that some fresh air would be good for her. With a few grunts she got out of the bed and slowly made her way outside.


The streets were bustling with people so walking around wasn't really an option for her anymore. Not in the streets anyway. After a bit of wandering she found a bench under a huge oak tree. "This should be a good place to sit." She sat quietly to herself and sat comfortably on the bench and watched the townsfolk.

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The Doomguide took the little brown ball of fuzz from Minsc and grinned. She was certain that Ianthe would be pleased. Stroking the baby hamster's back with one finger, she glanced around and glimpsed Nawen sitting at a bench under an oak tree. Carefully making her way through the crowd, she approached the drow's bench, "Nawen! Good to see you up and about. How are you feeling?"
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Lacey opened the doors to Ravenna's room, revealing the guest room with the most lavish furnishings and decorations. The room was very similar to Reona's bedroom, almost identical, if not for the touches of black here and there to the furniture, the doors that opened up to a private washroom to the right of the bed, and of course, the empty closet. Lacey curtsied and moved out of the doorway, "This has always been my favorite room, milady. The door to your washroom is over there, and there is a bowl of fruit and a plate of pastries inside the covered dish on the table, in case you feel like snacking."


Arva was still blushing at Ravenna's polite remarks about his looks as Caderyn led him into a washroom and closed the door behind Arva.


"Now wash up, Arva. The missus won't be happy if you aren't spotless this evening." Caderyn then walked down the hallway, making his way toward the other wing to his own bedroom. He was concerned with what he would be wearing for the event.




Reona ran her fingers along the first dress, simple, but elegant. Sleeveless and white, with a very ruffled skirt that reached the floor. The next few were variations on the first dress; one, a light blue, the next a soft yellow, a pale green, and so on. There were several more, but none catching her eye as the one on the farthest right. This last one was a gown of a slightly golden cream with lace-trimmed trumpet sleeves and a slight train to the skirt. There was an enormous wedding portrait of her mother holding a bouquet in this dress that hung in their foyer for all to see, her mother smiling and overflowing with the bubbly happiness of a young girl in love. It always hung above the staircase directly opposing the entrance, the only painting that was never moved.


"You already know which one I'll be choosing, mother." Reona smiled warmly, then continued in her lilting and proper tone, "Though perhaps a few of the others can be used for dancing, and the last one for the actual wedding. I would hate to not show off such lovely dresses." With a dainty grin, she clapped her hands together lightly, "Perhaps I can change before each dance."




Ianthe and Alphonse stayed behind in the sweets shop and helped the baker with making pastries. Ianthe found, to her surprise, that Alphonse already knew how to make pastries and fruit fillings as well, since his grandfather was a cook.


"You have to keep the dough for this one light, dear," he said, red-faced, as he took the dough Ianthe was mixing and gave her a bushel of apples to slice instead, as she seemed to be better at cutting things than cooking.


The old baker woman walked in, dragging two sacks containing sugar and flour, respectively, behind her.

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Ravenna smiled and looked around the room "This is beautiful, thank you very much for preparing it Lacey." Ravenna said kindly. Her cases of clothing, jewelry, and makeup were all brought in by her carriage driver. Ravenna looked at Lacey and said "Would you be a darling and hang my dresses in the wardrobe?" She asked, as she had to retain her appearance as lady everdawn for the duration of time she was with nobles.




Adelaide looked at Reona and smiled "I knew you would like them! And of course! that was the plan dear, you simply have to wear them all!"

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Nawen was staring at the ground when she suddenly heard a familiar voice. She looked up and saw Rhaine. "Not bad. Thank you." She replied and noticed the little fuzzy animal in her hands. "Who is that?" She inquired.
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Rhaine grinned at the little ball of fur, "This is Ianthe's new animal companion. According to the man I bought it from, it is a 'Miniature Giant Space Hamster.' Seems right up her alley, eh?" The Doomguide winked.
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Caladus wandered over to where Rhaine and Nawen were sitting, and bowed politely to Nawen.


"Good to see you back on your feet. I may not possess a spell that heals everything perfectly, but I am just as capable of healing as any cleric. Plus, I wanted to feel I was useful for something." He looked sad for a moment, then smiled.


"Rhaine, you said I would know why you stole my spare clothes today at about noon. Well, that is the current time of day. Time for you to show me where my clothes went." He gave her a mock-stern look.


Saerileth went down to the common room, still in her dress from the night before, and ordered herself a large breakfast. She carried the heavy tray to the darkest and quietest corner booth she could find, and started eating.


Shaori and Tyra woke up about the same time, and went to find the bath house.

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"Oh, I'm sure she'll love him!" Nawen exclaimed quite happily and smiled warmly to the adorable little hamster. She always loved animals no matter the size.


She was quite surprised to hear Caladus' words. Did he feel useless? "You are more useful than you think." The ranger replied and smiled again to Caladus this time hoping that her words didn't make things worse.

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Rhaine extended the little hamster to Nawen, "Would you mind taking care of him...or her, I don't know which...until I get back? I've got to give poor Caladus's clothes back to him."
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"I'll say!" Caladus exclaimed cheerfully. Turning to Nawen, he once again looked kinda sad.


"That really doesn't say much, Nawen. Thanks for the vote of confidence though. I mean, I can't heal everything at once. I am no good for humor or sticky situations. I can't fly and cast magic. I am not really stealthy, just a quiet walker. Basically what I am saying is that I really do not bring anything to this group that you lot don't already have. The only thing I have different is this." He holds up his Seer stone.


"The only thing I really bring to this group is that I am a Seer. I mean, I am a good friend, but what other than that do I offer? Nothing. Let's go, Rhaine." The last statement sounded bitter, and he went to turn away.

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