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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen frowned as she heard that some ranger is abusing the animals. She knew one rather mean ranger but even he wasn't abusing animals.


"Yes. I am a ranger. My name is Nawen, a pleasure." She said to them both once they joined her on the bench. "There's a ranger that is abusing animals?" She just couldn't believe.


Then a hamster started to speak. She wasn't shocked or surprised as she knew that rangers as well as druids can speak with animals.


I will not turn treacherous, Boo. I'm not like most of my kind are and I have no desire to hurt your friends or anyone else.


She was about to say something more than William walked up to them. "The inn is right there" she said and pointed at the building "you're not that far as you might think William." She could not remember if she heard the name before.

Edited by Naktis
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Ravenna laughed as Arva came in, half naked.Sitting at her dressing table, a basin of water in front of her, she looked in the mirror as she wiped off her harsh eye-makeup with a cloth, it's damp surface going black as she started on her left eye, scrubbing off the makeup. She dipped the cloth in the water, and then started on her right eye, folding the cloth over to remove her makeup with the clean side. "He is a good boy... still learning all of this noble lark by the looks of things." Ravenna said with a smile. She rung the cloth out, and put it on the side of the table, finding another cloth to wipe her face over with. She placed it in the bowl, and then took it out, she scrubbed her face clean, getting off the light layer of makeup she wore on her skin. "Be careful once you reach anything black in there, my gown for the ball has a corset made of some sharp jewels on the outside." Ravenna warned, as she got up, and walked over to the bag that contained her jewelry, setting it down on the bed. She returned to the dressing table, and began unfastening her plait, her hair then flowing down her back, in waves.




Adelaide smiled "Well... you look absolutely gorgeous! Oh my daughter! i can't explain in words how divine you look!" She paused, walking around Reona, looking at the dress from all angles. She adjusted the way the bodice sat, and fixed a few ruffles in the skirt. She moved the peacock themed mask so it sat perfectly on Reona's face "There! And yes my dear, the theme is based on the circus, we want people to dress extravagantly, not just there usual boring dresses... but the circus theme is drawn on more heavily on the decor, than the outfits."

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"I see," Rhaine replied simply, her brow furrowing. Was it just her, or were his titles becoming more and more grandiose?


At that moment, Ianthe burst into the shop, dragging Alphonse with her. Etienne's face brightened, "Ah, more customers! How may I serve you two?"


The Doomguide then grabbed at Caladus, "Nawen! She still needs an outfit, and if she's going to get it in time for the ball, she needs it now!"


With that, she rushed back outside and made her way back to Nawen's bench. She found William the wizard standing nearby, twisting a map this way and that. Rhaine grinned, "Hello, William. Thank you for the flowers." Turning to the drow, she added, "You still need a dress. Ianthe and Alphonse are getting their raiments, now. Care to join them? Here, I'll take the hamster back for now."


She nodded to Minsc, "Have any luck looking for that ranger?"

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Nawen was enjoying a fresh air outside but then Caladus and Rhaine approached her. She frowned as soon as she heard about the clothes. True, she didn't have any formal clothes for that stupid ball but she was still hoping to avoid it somehow. "Do I have to?" The ranger asked. Her question sounded a lot like that of a child who was being forced to eat his or her vegetables.
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Following the teasingly childish way that Nawen had complained, and the way Rhaine had responded, Caladus decided do go the Fatherly approach, albeit jokingly, and replied in a voice that was firm, yet he still couldn't keep a broad grin off his face,


"Nawen Mithrilaxe! You will stop whining this instant, or I will give you something to whine about! A dress that is Frilly and PINK!" He waggles his eyebrows and continues,


"You will come along with us, you will be fitted for a dress that I will spare no expense on, and you will like it! Then we will go get lunch at the inn, and I had Better see a salad on your plate!" His grin went even wider, and he looked like he was trying to keep from laughing. He attempted to drag her to her feet.

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"But I don't want to!" She continued. Nawen saw how amusing this was to both of her friends but she didn't find this amusing at all. The thought of her wearing some fancy dress and talking about ridiculous things with some snobs terrified her. She's nothing like that and she'd embarrass not only herself but her friends as well.


The only good thing was that she didn't have to pay for it but it just wasn't worth it.

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Rhaine winked, "If we have to put up with it, so do you." She playfully nudged Nawen in the ribs. Then, she suddenly had a thought, "Hey, you still have that appearance-changing scroll, right? I was thinking that it wasn't really fair to leave Xallistine out of all this...what if he were to use that for the night?"


At that moment, she glimpsed a pair of robed teenagers out of the corner of her eye. Looking over, she saw her own god's symbol emblazoned on their chests, and she realized that today was the Feast of the Moon - the holy Day of Remembrance. She cursed herself for having to miss the ceremony, but it couldn't be avoided. As she locked gazes with them, the young acolytes jumped backwards, squealing and giggling like maniacs, as if they were expecting lightning bolts to shoot from her eyes or something...


One of them poked the other, and the two nervously approached her. Rhaine saw that it was a boy and a girl, both human, and they were barely older than she had been when she first joined the church.


"T-tantam," the boy stuttered in greeting, typical of the people of the Sword Coast, "You are the Chosen, are you not?"


She looked down at them, "I am? What do you require, brother?"


The girl hesitated, "Today is the most holy of days for our fellowship...would you bless us, great Chosen?"


Rhaine sighed. There she was, standing in the middle of the street with a bouquet in one hand and a baby hamster in the other, and these two were asking her for a blessing. Placing the flowers and the animal into the children's hands, she then placed her own on their shoulders and cast a quick blessing. Reclaiming the items, she said, "There. Blessings upon you both. Now, if you will excuse me."


The two began chattering like magpies and walked away, happy that they had gotten their wish.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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"The ball is tonight!" Caladus looked momentarily shocked, then composed himself. Looks like he wouldn't get to make his outfit feel less... new. He frowned and wandered off to make other purchases before they had to be at the ball. Scooping a few thousand gold out of the endless bag of gold into his purse, he tossed the bag to Rhaine.


"Get her outfit! I have some things to take care of! Meet you at the inn!" He rushed off, hair flying around him, his normal clothes in his bag, and his green cloak over his arm. He made sure he avoided guards. He stopped at the shop where he got the green cloak,where the lady was closing her shop for the celebration. He waved at her and said,


"I need a cloak to go with this outfit!" The lady smiled, and seemed unfazed at his drow appearance.


"A drow? Shoulda figured! They got all sorts in town for this ball, going to have a Circus theme there! Well, I hear they may have the serving staff dress like circus workers, or something. It all seems very exciting! Now, I'd recommend either a red and black cloak, or red and gold. Which do you prefer?" Caladus looked at the cloaks in the colors she suggested, and picked out a red and black velvet cloak with a silk lining, and black silk trim. It had no hood, which irritated him, but if he was going under the Circus guise, he might as well not hide his appearance. He paid 1500 gold for the cloak, and rushed back to Rhaine, wearing the item.


"Right, Got what I needed. Heard a rumor about there being a circus theme to the ball. People say that the serving staff are going to be dressing like acrobats and whatnot, Nobody seems to mind my Drow appearance because of this rumor. Thought it was interesting."


Minsc remembers that he had been asked a question.


"Eh? Oh, you wish to know about the abusive ranger! Yes, I know where he is! He is southwest of here a short ways. I can show you where, and together butts will be liberally kicked in good measure!" He stood up, his quite tall, muscular form towering over anyone sitting, or some people standing as well. He clapped his hand on Rhaine's shoulder and finished with,


"Enjoy your party. Tomorrow, you and I will hunt this ranger down, and I will show him what it means to mess with the wild!" His speech changed to be normal and sane sounding, like he did when he was seriously angry, but not yet yelling. He cracked his joints which had stiffened from sitting, and went off to get a drink. Aerie shyly smiled and followed him, hoping to keep him out of trouble.

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