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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen arose from her seat and sighed heavily like she was about to do something really tiresome and unpleasant. "Let's get this over with." She said sounding rather sad. There was no way to avoid this now. Unless someone set the palace on fire but it won't happen, of that she was sure.


She frowned even more when she heard Minsc's words. "What does he mean by you and I!? What about me?" She inquired, from the tone of her voice it was quite obvious that she was offended. No laws or anything bind her to punish that evil ranger but as a ranger herself and one that truly cared for animals and nature she wanted to help too. And she will, no matter if that huge man wants her help or not.

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"Don't mind him too much, Nawen," Rhaine said, putting her hand on the drow's shoulder, "Now come on, let's get you outfitted."


She looked at Caladus, "Circus theme, eh? That is...unusual."

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Nawen sighed heavily and slowly made her way to the store while mumbling something under her breath.


She entered the store and looked around. So many beautiful and expensive clothing. She wanted to pick the closest outfit to herself and finish this but the closest one to her was for men. Nawen sighed again and kept looking around the store. "I still don't get it why all of us have to go." She said.

Edited by Naktis
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Rhaine cleared her throat and leaned close, whispering, "We need as many eyes and ears as we can get if we are to track the Cult, remember?"


With that, she began to peruse the store herself. She was lacking in a few accessories, namely a proper pair of gloves. She found a nice pair of black satin ones, elbow length, and to them she added a couple of silver hair pins so she could pull up her scarlet tresses.

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Lacey smiled, "Yes, but he is quite handsome. One can't help but wonder if he does things like that teasingly." She chuckled a little, and continued to hang the dresses, noticing the very dress Ravenna mentioned. "Oh, dear. Those are quite sharp." She picked the heavy dress up with extra care and found the sturdiest wooden hanger in the closet, then hung it up with only a bit of trouble. "I could never wear something so heavy as this. You must be much stronger than you look, my Lady."




"What?! It's tonight?" Arva exclaimed as he stepped into his room. He hadn't really bothered to wash that thoroughly, since he thought it was only rehearsals tonight.


"Yes, it is. You do remember sleeping for a full twenty-four hours two days ago, yes?" The tailor who was fixing the collar of Arva's sea green shirt asked, pulling out a trunk of clothes that were chosen for Arva to wear. "Hmm, yes, this was the one..." He muttered to himself as he sifted through the clothing.


"I did? Huh." Arva shrugged.


"Now, hold still..." The man pulled a cobalt blue vest out of the trunk and slid it over Arva's arms and onto his shoulders. A bright, sea green neckpiece with what had to be at least eight layers of ruffles was then fitted around his neck and tucked in the front of his vest so that the layers of ruffles hung out, but wouldn't move. He slid on brown trousers, as instructed, and then told to step into a pair of cobalt blue slippers. He stared at the way his long sleeves seemed to sag and then tightly cuff around his wrists and hands. Only his fingers peeked out from underneath the long cuffs, and there was ample arm room. Apparently, this was going to be a new fashion.


"I look ridiculous..."


"Oh, no," the tailor chuckled, "You don't look nearly as silly in this one as you will in the pink fur mantle, or the canary yellow jacket with pointed shoulder pads."


"This is going to be a long evening..."




Reona smiled as handmaids worked on her hair, discussing if they could make it appear wavy with magic. "I'm very excited, mother. Nobody will forget this day." Four maids then began to pull at her hair as one chanted here and there. Her scalp began to tingle, and the maids oohed and ahhed. She supposed their magic worked.




"Yes sir, mister Etienne!" Ianthe looked determined as she let go of Alphonse. "We're here for some of those!" She pointed to the dresses on one side of the shop.


"You're both here for dresses?" Etienne asked, raising an eyebrow.


"No!" Alphonse yelled, scurrying to the men's side of the shop as quickly as he could. He hid behind Caladus and whispered, "I know nothing of finery... How much could I get with this?" He pulled a handful of gold coins out of his pocket, positive this would be enough.


Ianthe followed him over, and noticed something odd about Rhaine. A little ball of fluff was on her shoulder. She peeked her head around Rhaine's shoulder and said rather loudly, "What's that?"

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Ravenna smiled, looking at Lacey in the mirror "He is rather handsome... but alas, too young for me!" She said teasingly. Pausing for a moment to brush out a knot, Ravenna replied to what Lacey said about how heavy the dress was "Oh indeed it is heavy, but after a while, you learn to drag around dresses that weigh more than you... my wedding dress was the worst, felt like my spine would snap... the corset literally put my liver in my forehead." She said jokingly. She reached for her jewelry bag, and picked out the set she would wear for the evening. A large black sapphire ring, a silver and diamond choker, and a pair of matching black sapphire earrings. "Do you have anything to wear for the ball my dear? If you are lacking in jewelry, all of my ruby, and pearl jewelry is simply going to waste... i dislike reds and whites."




Adelaide smiled "Oh this is going to be fantastic! You look simply stunning my dear!" She said, her diamond jewelry glinting in the light.

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Rhaine jumped when she heard Ianthe's voice behind her, though she really shouldn't have been surprised. She then turned and scooped the hamster from her shoulder, extending the little fuzzball to the nymph, "He's yours. I bought him for you, seeing as you don't have an animal companion. Call it a token of thanks, for all that you have done for us."
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Caladus walked calmly into Etienne's finery, new cloak flowing around him. He simply leaned against the wall, and started when he saw a set of dark green finery vanish. He smelled damp earth and leaves, and for a moment he thought he caught a glimpse of an older man wearing the finery with a mask that looked like a leaf before the man vanished. His senses told him that Rillifane had just been near him. Was this his way of indicating to go to the ball? If so, he was behind the times, as Caladus was going to head there anyway. He walked out of the shop into the sunlight, and decided to walk around, attracting a few stares, but no hostility. A guard walked past and merely smiled at him. He found himself walking towards a small cemetery, and sat on a bench under a statue of Kelemvor. He looked at the statue, and sighed. He was alone, and he was out of his god's influence at the moment.


"Kelemvor, although I am not one of your worshipers, point me on the right path and give me guidance, please? I want to know where I can be of most help to this group. That they value me is obvious, but I want to offer more back than just gifts and purchases."

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From behind one of the larger tombs stepped a panther, twice as large as a typical member of the species. Its neck bore a thick ruff, its eyes glowed pale green, and its claws and fangs were ivory white. The panther approached Caladus and sat on its haunches not three feet away, eyes meeting the drow's.
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Caladus saw the panther staring at him, and stared right at it. He blinked slowly, and concentrated. He sensed a god in the vicinity, and assumed it was Kelemvor in panther form. He rose and bowed deeply, honoring the god even though he served Rillifane.


"Lord Kelemvor, it is an honor to me that you chose to appear before me, although I serve Rillifane Ralathil, and not you."

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