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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine put her own items with Nawen's and paid for them using Caladus's endless bag of gold. Etienne folded the items neatly and boxed Nawen's dress and mask.


"Thank you so much for your custom, ladies. Do keep me in mind for any future needs," he said.


The Doomguide took her parcel and nodded to the ranger, "I think I need one more stop at the apothecary, and then I'll be finished. Do you wish to come with me?"


She then took a couple of rogue stones from her money pouch and tossed them to Ianthe, "Here, those should pay for anything you and Alphonse choose."




The panther continued to watch as the boy hesitated, and then climbed onto the bear's back.

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Caladus released the log as it tasted bad anyway, and swam with the boy back to his father. Upon setting foot far enough onto land, he shifted back into his normal form, and placed the boy next to his father. Unfortunately, his hood fell down, revealing he was a drow. Most people would try to kill him. He hoped the fisherman would be able to see past that.


Saerileth was struggling with the gown, and hoped her mother or someone else could help her with the bloody thing.


Tyra and Shaori went to pick out simple, open backed dresses to accomodate their wings. Tyra settled on something in silvery gray silk, Shaori settled on white. They picked simple masks that went with the dresses, and went back to the inn to change.


Minsc and Aerie got their drinks and sat to relax for awhile, waiting on the group to go to their ball.


Radik grumbled in his shop. He had meant to tell Nawen something. He heard she was of the Mithrilaxe clan and knew a bit of how that clan was hurtin for mithril.

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Nawen felt relieved that this horrendous shopping for fancy clothing time was over. She hoped that the evening will end soon too so she could forget about this ball, move on and hopefully never wear anything like that again.


"Alright." She said to Rhaine. Walking would do some good for her. She liked walking too.

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Rhaine stopped by the apothecary just up the street, looking for only a couple more things. She carefully selected a few cosmetics and a very small vial of perfume before turning to Nawen, "Anything you need here, friend?"




The fisherman scooped up the boy, weeping in his gratitude, but upon seeing Caladus was a drow, he turned on his heels and fled. As he ran, the panther jumped from its perch and emitted a small throaty growl. With that, it turned and began running deeper into the woods...

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Xallistine sat, and opened up the tome, he began reading the first few pages quickly, then becoming absorbed as he went on, memorizing every word.


Aricia walked up the stairs of the inn with a sigh... the ball was this evening, and she needed to get changed. She pushed open the door to the room she was sharing with Saerileth, and laughed at the sight of Saerileth struggling to get herself dressed "Haha, my daughter, you really should have asked me to help you before you got into that mess!" She said in an amused tone, walking over to help sae get into her dress.

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Nawen looked around. She saw nothing interesting there. "No. I'm good." She said as she stared at the items that Rhaine bought for herself. Cosmetics and perfume? Why does she need cosmetics. She's going to wear mask anyway. "Have you ever been in a ball like this or some similar celebration?"


The ranger herself never been into any kind of celebration before. There used to be some festivities in the Mithrilaxe clanhold but she never went there. Saerileth's birthday earlier was the first and closest thing to celebration she's ever been to.

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Rhaine began to cross the street and head back towards the inn, "Not exactly a ball like this, but our church does have yearly celebrations. Much like this particular occasion, even we clergywomen are expected to look our best." She added this last part with an eyeroll, "It seems that, even if the gods know the true value of our souls, the appearance of our bodies still matters more to mortals."




The panther led Caladus on for a ways, reaching a small clearing, and then suddenly whirled around and roared.

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Caladus sat back on his haunches, and wondered what the panther was going to do next.


Saerileth giggled slightly as she accepted her mother's help with the gown.


Radik locked his shop and went towards the inn, and spotted Nawen walking across the courtyard.


"OY! Ye thare! Nawen! Ah needs tae talk te yeh!"


Tyra and Shaori went to the inn to change.

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Nawen listened to what Rhaine told with her brow slightly furrowed. That seemed really really strange. "It sounds really strange for something like that to be in a church." She replied and followed the Doomguide back to the inn. That's when she heard someone calling her name. She turned around and saw Radik. She stopped walking and waited for the dwarf. "Is everything alright?" She inquired.
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