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Tales of Faerun


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Caladus smiled slightly. An elf, eh? Well, the scroll was designed for use by Avariel and other elves, he supposed it made sense. He waved at Saerileth and her mother descending the stairs, and snickered as he saw Shaori and Tyra wanting to be in the same spotlight by sneaking behind them and descending after Saerileth. He cleared his throat.


"Now that we're all finally here, shall we get going to this ball? I would rather not put this off." He offered his arm to Shaori, who giggled and shook her head.


"I'm going with Tyra. She doesn't have a date." He sister playfully smacked Shaori on the arm, and gestured towards Rhaine.


"Why don't you walk her up? Heels are terrible to walk in, and I am certain either Rhaine, or Nawen would appreciate the hand. Or perhaps both?" Tyra gave a bawdy wink, earning herself a hit from Shaori.


Saerileth blushed at the compliment she'd been given.


"Give thy praised to my mother, she picked the dress, and to Rhaine and Nawen for picking these gloves and cloak. Caladus! I thank thee for thy gift, this mask is lovely."

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Rhaine grinned hugely at Xallistine, "That you are, my friend! You look charming, indeed."


The Doomguide nodded at Caladus, "Agreed. Let us be off."


With that, she began to leave the inn. As she stepped outside, she noticed that dusk had fallen over the city. The sky was tinted a dusky rose as the sun set, and the lamplighters were beginning to make their rounds up and down the streets. It would be a while yet before night - and probably even a bit longer before the ball officially started - but it never hurt to arrive early.


As she turned and began walking towards the designated estate, she felt a bit awkward. Her boots did not bother her, but her dress felt overly cumbersome. She was used to wearing tight fitting armors and straight robes, not flaring skirts. Rhaine also felt distinctly exposed, especially without her sword on her hip. The lack of weight on her left side actually made her feel a little off balance.


One of the lamplighters nearest her wolf-whistled at her, and she cast him a killing glare.

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Caladus stayed to offer an arm to Nawen, who looked the least comfortable in a dress.


Shaori and Tyra followed Rhaine, laughing and chatting amongst themselves. When the lamplighter wolf-whistled, Shaori sent an electrical spark to the seat of his pants, causing him to jump and hang onto the lamp as he got his stilts to cooperate again. She hurried past before the man could figure out what he had done.


Saerileth hitched her skirts up, and rushed after, eager to go to the ball. She had never been to anything as extravagant, and was eager to see what it was all about.


With a rattling and churning, the carriage spun around, and pulled up beside Rhaine. Byron, clad full in armor with a metal mask called out,


"Oy! LASS! Would ye like a lift up tae the palace? Ah had thought ye lot had already got there, but apparently ye hadnae even left yet!" Beside him, Dugmaren Brightmantle held onto the brake lever. His hair was brown and wild looking, as someone who had a Lightning bolt cast at them, with bushy eyebrows and a wild tangled beard. His voice sounded somewhere between a deep dwarven voice and mad alchemist, and his eyes were like gold stars, shining brightly in his head. He nodded at Rhaine, and called out


"Rhaine Alcinea! May I offer you and your friends a lift? It looks better for me if I arrive with an invited guest!" He chuckled.

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Alphonse followed behind a skipping Ianthe, smiling to himself. People admired how lovely their ragtag group looked tonight, and he felt lucky to be a part of it. This was going to be one of the most lavish and exciting things he'd ever seen in his life, and if he hadn't bumped into Ianthe in a crowd what seemed like ages ago, he would still be cleaning out horses' hooves and shoveling hay right now.


Alphonse glared at any man who too openly stared at Ianthe, and shook his head at the one who whistled at Rhaine. "You'd think none of these men had seen a woman before, honestly. They choose to whistle at all these women who can rip them to shreds. They have no idea what they're getting into."


Boota jumped out of Ianthe's pocket again, but she caught him this time, "Now, don't you go causing trouble, Boota. People have been waiting for this day for a long time, and it wouldn't be very nice if you kept jumping out of my pocket. Most noblewomen seem to be afraid of rodents."


But I like the dark-skinned lady! She's nice!


Ianthe mumbled to the little hamster, "Oh, that's Nawen. She's a ranger, like me, so she loves animals."


Suddenly, some sort of carriage squealed to a stop in front of them and a wild-haired dwarf popped his head out, asking if the group needed a ride. A ride would be quite nice, but Ianthe wasn't sure if there would be room for everyone.

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Ravenna walked through the hallway of the large home, sighing as her husband still hadn't arrived... she turned a croner and saw a door open, it was Arva's room. She popped her head inside, and saw him and the Tailor, she watched as Arva danced with an invisible partner, clearly new to the dance. She watched until he made his way over to the balcony. She slipped through the door, and walked towards the balcony, her golden heels click-clacking upon the marble floor "Feeling nervous Arva? Don't worry... i'm sure you will do just fine." She said with a smile.




Xallistine muttered to himself as he inspected his new body, and was surprised as the carriage screeched infont of them abruptly.




As Aricia walked, she too had quite a few wolf whistles, to which she responded by playfully posing for the men who sent them her way, her gown leaving little to the imagination. She looked up at the god and the dwarf, and rolled her eyes... they were too chaotic for her liking.

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"Normally this would not fit everybody. However, trust in my inventions!" The wild haired one said. Broadcasting into their minds directly he exclaimed telepathically, I am Dugmaren Brightmantle. and this is bigger on the inside because I say so! Dugmaren smiled manically. Byron hopped down, and opened the bronze back door, revealing a very roomy seating area that looked larger than it should be.


"Go on in!"

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Nawen glanced at Caladus. "It's okay. I don't need any help but thank you anyway." Even if she did feel uncomfortable wearing a dress at least she wore comfortable boots unlike the others who were shoes with heels.


She looked around one last time before heading outside. She wondered where Illius was but knowing him he was probably already in the castle. She also wondered if Sinn won't cause any problems in the inn. Even if most of the time the panther was behaving sometimes she liked to play and run around like a little kitten.

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Rhaine inclined her head, "A lift would not be amiss, milord. How could I refuse such a generous offer?"


She then lifted up her skirt and stepped into the strange carriage, not wanting to insult the deity.

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Saerileth was shocked when the weird carriage pulled up. When the voice entered her mind, she relaxed and hauled her way inside the carriage, and settled on a chair.


Caladus rushed outside when he heard the screeching sound, and was shocked to see Byron in full armor and metal mask outside a bronze carriage, and watched as Rhaine and Saerileth hopped inside. He walked over with his cane, and bonged him on the shoulder with his cane.


"Byron old friend! Back for the ball then?" He winced as the voice of Dugmaren introduced itself in his mind, and nods at him. He hopped into the carriage, and settled beside Rhaine.


Tyra and Shaori winced as the voice entered their minds, but they too hopped into the carriage, Shaori using the top of Byron's head to assist herself with balance. Byron grumbled at that, but acquiesced.

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Nawen was walking on foot to the castle. She didn't mind and she knew where the ball is going to be so she had no problems. And besides they all couldn't fit into a carriage. No one made carriages for ten or even more people.


No one whistled at her when she walked. The people who noticed her must have noticed that she's a Drow so instead they just stared at her fearfully or simply ignored her. The ranger didn't mind. She just kept walking to the castle enjoying the nice weather and beautiful evening.

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