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Tales of Faerun


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Upon Mahira’s arrival at Loudwater Prison, the guard who had injured Echo’s neck was nowhere to be seen. An unfamiliar man counted the coins she handed over to pay the required fines, then bade her relinquish her weapons. Another man escorted her into the prison, unlocked Echo’s cell door, and led the two of them back to the watchtower. Echo’s confiscated garments were restored to their rightful owner, who hurriedly changed out of her prison rags in a curtained alcove while Mahira waited just outside. Finally, both women retrieved their weapons from the watchtower guards, rearmed themselves, and followed the path toward the Green Tankard.


Along the way, Mahira wondered whether they might run into Mr. Colfen or the abusive guardsman. She put a gentle hand over her friend’s bruise and asked, “Does this hurt much?”


“Only when something touches it,” Echo replied. The Calishite jerked her hand away and apologized, but the halfling shook her head. “I’ll be fine, though I’d love something to eat ... prison fare was mostly stale bread, and I'm famished.”


Mahira grinned. “Luckily, we’re headed for a tavern.”

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Kurashi smiled and stumbled back drunkenly, the Orcs laid about him. He looked around to see a woman sitting astride a horse. He waved and smiled wider.


"Hello...fair lady.." He said as he tried to keep balance, his body swaying lithely.


She smelled sweet to him. He couldn't see her face but he could see her outline.


"Could you...hic could you tell me where I am..." He said with a heavy drunken slur and began singing to himself. "Oh sweet lady of Wayrest, o' sweet lady of mine.." He sang as he stumbled about, his foot came up from under him and he fell backwards into the horse water trough with a loud splash.


He laughed loudly to himself, he waved her over with a big smile. "Come in the waters fine! Haha!" He said as he splashed about and folded his arms behind his head and laid in the trough like it was a bathtub.


"No finer bath in..." He thought for a moment, trying to remember the name of the town he is in. "In...Loud..something or another...by Kords testicles what was the name...it seems so familiar like its right there in front of me." He said while laying in the water trough with a large smile on his face and wine colored cheeks.

Edited by Macman253
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Make that a drunken monk.


Rhaine dismounted with a chuckle and tethered her horse beside the trough, gesturing for the others to do the same. She looked down at the monk and offered him a hand, "You're in Loudwater, you're drunk, and you're lying in a horse trough. Now you might want to get out before my steed mistakes you for a salt lick."


The Doomguide's face bore an amused grin as she waited for the monk's response. At the same time, she was thoroughly impressed. To have defeated those orcs so soundly as drunk as he was...that was no small feat. She could only imagine his abilities when sober.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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He smiled as her destrier nudged him with his nose, trying to get him out of the water trough. Kurashi grabbed the ladies hand and pulled himself up.


"I thank you my lady...I am Kurashi Cho.." He said, his clothes clinging to his lithe and muscular body and dripping wet. The water helped sober him up and now he was standing somewhat straight. He ran a hand over his hair to straighten it out and then unwrapped the wraps on his arms, along his forearms were heavy amounts of scars from years of hand to hand training aswell as battle-scars from various drunken brawls.

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Rhaine's wings flexed as she placed one gauntleted hand on her hip, "I am Rhaine Alcinea, Chosen of Kelemvor, at your service." She gestured to her companions, "The hooded lady is Nawen, the nymph is Ianthe, the Moon Elf is Reona, and the Sun Elf is Arva. My Ulitharid friend here is Xallistine...mind him not - he will do you no harm. Now, something tells me you are not a native of Loudwater, Kurashi. What brings a wandering monk to this town? Have you heard anything out of the ordinary?"
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"Grettings... I am just a drifter...although I have heard some things...village attacks and vanishings at night.." he said, his body swaying with the wind.


He felt around in one of his pockets and pulled out a gleaming red apple, he smiled and spun the apple on a fingertip and ran it along the back of his hand and knocked it into the air and caught it.


"I've been trying to stay one step ahead of them..." He said and took a bite out of the apple.

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"Very nice to meet you." Nawen mumbled as she watched the drunken monk. Of all the things she was expecting to meet in Loudwater, the drunk monk was near the end of her list. She looked away from the monk as a robed elf walked past her. It was clear that he was looking for someone.


"Excuse me." The robed elf said and continued walking towards the stables. Nawen didn't say anything but kept her eyes on the elf. Whether he felt her eyes on him or was it something else but he suddenly stopped walking and turned his attention to the group. He watched them for a moment before walking away. The ranger shrugged it off and looked back at Kurashi.


Aedan got tired of sitting around and doing nothing. He rummaged through his bags until he found a parchment and some ink. He quickly scribbled a note and placed it on one of the seats in the carriage before walking back to his horse. The Fallen looked back at the fort wondering what was the point of going here before mounting the horse and riding deeper into the forest. The note he left in the carriage said:


Got tired of waiting. See you later.



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Xallistine looked at the Monk inquisitively, wondering why these surface dwellers got themselves into drunken stupors- There was no way anyone would ever want to be in a state like that, well, at least he didn't, having no sense at all was a huge weakness, and he thought that always being alert and of perfect mental state was required... He'd have to do more research into this poison the surface dwellers consumed.


Ravenna studied a map of the area, pinpointing locations of various caves and crypts to the Northwest, deeper in the forest. She went to the carriage and found a note from Aedan- Seems her planning had taken longer than anticipated.

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"As you, you seem like you've got a nice party. Mind if I join? I need something to do beside get hammered and beat up bad bar patrons..." He said with a smile, he felt himself sobering up.


One of the orcs groaned and sat up, he reached for his knife and stood.


"Excuse me..." Kurashi said to the woman and walked over, the orc thrusted the blade at him and Kurashi grabbed the blade and twisted his hand. The orc moaned in pain, Kurashi lifted his leg high and brought it down on the orcs arm. The arm shattered and bent at an awkward angle.


"You are a stain on the honor of real warriors!" He said before giving a powerful switch kick that took the orc to the jaw, the orc hit the dirt hard. His jaw broken and out of place.

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Rhaine watched the monk deliver a debilitating blow to the orc before replying, "I see no harm in it. We would welcome another friendly soul in our company. These are ever-darkening times, and we of good and order must band together...for our sake and others' as well."


With that, she made to enter the Green Tankard. She thought she saw a woman and her daughter strolling towards them; the half-elf offered them a polite smile and nod before ducking into the tavern.

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